My pof profile: Suggestions?



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I think you need to add in...

    I have a psycho kitty
    I like to play naughty jenga
    and often bras are hanging from my ceiling fan. :)

    Wait... is that revealing too much?

    naughty jenga like kicking the barstool out from under someone?
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    I think you need to add in...

    I have a psycho kitty
    I like to play naughty jenga
    and often bras are hanging from my ceiling fan. :)

    Wait... is that revealing too much?

    naughty jenga like kicking the barstool out from under someone?

    Thanks for that Shannon. :flowerforyou:

    Ha! No not like that but now I kinda want to try that too.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I think you need to add in...

    I have a psycho kitty
    I like to play naughty jenga
    and often bras are hanging from my ceiling fan. :)

    Wait... is that revealing too much?

    naughty jenga like kicking the barstool out from under someone?

    *adds to my to-do list*
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    It is too long, sorry. Keep it a few short and sweet sentences. Also be careful about what you post about your job. If a vindictive coworkers comes across your profile, they could very well show your boss. Or alternatively say "I love my job...the best part is clocking out at five." Or whatever.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    MINE'S A NOVEL! Check this out:

    About Me:
    Im sorry it looks as though Im always online, its because I have this app on my phone. Even when I tell it to exit after I read whatever message I got - apparently it looks like Im on here 24/7. Im not. I check my mails on the first of the month.

    Update: Actually, I am not up for meeting anyone right now. Good luck beauties and beasts.

    In the words of the great Barney Stinson...
    "I'm tired of the whole bar scene, the one-night hookups, I'm looking for a soulmate, someone who I can love and cuddle... "
    "or so it says in my profile."

    I love being single, but I guess I just wanted to have someone's back again, to have someone in my corner. You and me against the world, babe, or with it. You work on reaching for your stars and I'll be over here on my stepladder trying to reach my own and at the end of the day, we can talk about how sore we are and share a six pack. I will be proud of your hard work, and you will tell me you believe in me and then we'll end up having wicked good sex on the livingroom couch and neither of us would kick the other one out immediately afterwards.

    But, alas, in this city of most awesome cities, that seems to be somewhat unattainable. Because you all seem to want to drink alone and pat your own selves on the back and do your own... thing on your livingroom couch.

    But that's ok, cause I'm over here on my stepladder, reaching for the stars, anyway.

    -but if you tickle me, I will murder you in cold blood. Or throw up. Or punch you. I have 0 tolerance for this.

    Im here because I dont want to date inside of my social circle, Im entirely too shy and occasionally lonely for a partner to adventure with.

    I have enemies. Good! That means I've stood up for something, sometime in my life.

    I've had troubles, sure, like everyone, some of them real trials with my health and losing my family, but mine, I think, have helped me in becoming someone who can, at my best, deflect travail and help others see ways through their own. I take too much on my shoulders, in truth, and sometimes just need to quit thinking and breathe and be. But since I am, I'm told, Alpha girl and preternaturally over-scheduled, my choices of vice serve as not infrequent spiritual rest-stops.

    I am the world's biggest fan of making out, out-making, whatever.
    I came to Gotham from Bon Temps*, Louisiana.
    I fight crime occasionally.
    I ride around in metal boxes underneath the ground that are packed with bums, foreigners, and puking drunks.
    I stole that.
    I walk/run approximately 35 miles a week because I feel cheated when I buy an unlimited MetroCard.
    The sidewalks are my runways.

    *town name has been changed to protect the best kept secret of the third coast, deepest part of the Cajun Heartland and home to Mulates (not Merlotte's) and all kinds of eerie supernaturalness.

    I am a life-aholic, adventure-fiend, and possibly a superhero

    What I’m doing with my life
    I'm a staff photographer, buyer's consultant, fitting model and social media manager for a fashion label based here in NYC - I ♥ America.
    I also shoot rock and metal bands on the LES for the pure fun of it and my skills love the challenge. I ♥ rocknroll.
    I'm also obsessed with fitness and changing my body and pushing myself to level up. I ♥ Science.

    I’m really good at
    Guessing movie plots.
    Inspiring momentum.
    Directing the weather.
    Studying human behavior.
    Laughing at pranks.
    Airports and travel.
    Public speaking.
    Getting dirty outside.
    Last minute logic.
    Brief Dummery.
    Wario Stadium in the Star Cup in MarioKart64.
    also DK Jungle Parkway & Yoshi's Island.

    First Date
    Am I supposed to give you the plot of a rom-com here or be totally honest?

    Apparently, (most of) the other girls on this site are in quite a redbull rush to yank off their panties on a first date because it seems like each time I meet someone from this site, they want to know when we get to the sex part of the date... who raised you guys? pimps? I love sex far too much to just give it away for free or let a strange man have the right to put his hands all over my body within an hour or two of meeting. Sorry, but you gotta earn the right to enjoy my body, I put too much work into it on a daily basis.

    First date? let's eat a burrito the size of our face and abuse some alcohol in my backyard and see if we cant make a connection with someone we're a little too attracted to.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    as a side note for my too long profile, I manage to get at least 500 hits a month (almost double that in summer time) and almost as many messages - im not bragging - im sharing statistics from a dating profile that says she doesnt want to meet anyone right now, has a body type listed as all used up and straight up says No sex on the first date.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    that's a long but awesome profile lol.

    ETA. do u really only check msgs once a month?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Yeah, otherwise it will show me as a frequent user and ill just get a lot of crap from guys who only message the most recent girls who logged in, straight from the home page, looking for an easy chat withoit reading my profile.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    as a side note for my too long profile, I manage to get at least 500 hits a month (almost double that in summer time) and almost as many messages - im not bragging - im sharing statistics from a dating profile that says she doesnt want to meet anyone right now, has a body type listed as all used up and straight up says No sex on the first date.
    Well when you get hits it's based mainly on your picture, and you are good looking and blond and any guy with half a ball is going to click on that. Don't you also live in NYC? I hear there are a few other people that live there. And yes your profile is long but it's also pretty well written and you give guys plenty of things to strike up a conversation about. And most guys probably won't read the whole thing anyway. I skimmed it and saw Barney Stinson...six pack...wicked good sex....and Mariokart64. That's plenty to talk about right there.

    But I'm curious as to why you need to note that you're not looking to meet anyone, why not just hide your profile?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I was one of the original members of OKCupid back when they had lively forums and blog posts that scrolled on a feed like MFP and I made tons of friends, especially girlfriends in the UK. I like keeping in touch there and I also am not sure if OKC has a hide profile feature like POF. Eh, I figured saying that at the beginning counts just as well. I think it's ok as long as Im not leading guys on and dragging out long conversations and letting them think they are changing my mind about meeting people :P
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Here was my profile when I dated online a couple years ago... Don't anymore. FYI, this message will self-destruct.


    It self destructed :)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    this is awesome.
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    Here was my profile when I dated online a couple years ago... Don't anymore. FYI, this message will self-destruct.

    Shoes are my kryptonite and I’m absolutely petrified of spiders. It’s entirely possible for me to get whiplash if I see something shiny. Women that say, “Flowers just die,” should be kicked in the shins. I love flowers, and although I’m independent I respect a chivalrous man.

    That being said, I love brats, beer and baseball hats. My fear of spiders irrationally disappears when I’m camping. Volleyball, rafting and kayaking are a blast. The closest I get to meditation is pairing socks.

    I have a four year old boy that rocks my socks off. I know more about comic book superheros than I ever dreamt I would.

    I don’t wear boxers or briefs.

    I love cooking… and don’t mean Helper or Roni.

    What I would like is someone that can grill a burger, laugh with me, be honest and open, and hold my hand when I need it...

    I'm not willing to settle, but I am eventually hoping to find the right person to wake up to, sip coffee with, and read the paper… And it’s nearly impossible to define who that may be.

    Pretty solid... how did it work out?
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    as a side note for my too long profile, I manage to get at least 500 hits a month (almost double that in summer time) and almost as many messages - im not bragging - im sharing statistics from a dating profile that says she doesnt want to meet anyone right now, has a body type listed as all used up and straight up says No sex on the first date.
    Well when you get hits it's based mainly on your picture, and you are good looking and blond and any guy with half a ball is going to click on that. Don't you also live in NYC? I hear there are a few other people that live there. And yes your profile is long but it's also pretty well written and you give guys plenty of things to strike up a conversation about. And most guys probably won't read the whole thing anyway. I skimmed it and saw Barney Stinson...six pack...wicked good sex....and Mariokart64. That's plenty to talk about right there.

    But I'm curious as to why you need to note that you're not looking to meet anyone, why not just hide your profile?

    Mariokart64..... how I miss the days of 4 player N64.... Golden Eye, NFL Blitz
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member

    Pretty solid... how did it work out?

    Honestly, I met some GREAT people. I never had a "bad" experience of someone stalking me or trying to decapitate me or something. I didn't find "the one," but I'm still really good friends with a handful of guys I met. In hindsight, I just wasn't ready to be dating at all.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Here was my profile when I dated online a couple years ago... Don't anymore. FYI, this message will self-destruct.

    Shoes are my kryptonite and I’m absolutely petrified of spiders. It’s entirely possible for me to get whiplash if I see something shiny. Women that say, “Flowers just die,” should be kicked in the shins. I love flowers, and although I’m independent I respect a chivalrous man.

    That being said, I love brats, beer and baseball hats. My fear of spiders irrationally disappears when I’m camping. Volleyball, rafting and kayaking are a blast. The closest I get to meditation is pairing socks.

    I have a four year old boy that rocks my socks off. I know more about comic book superheros than I ever dreamt I would.

    I don’t wear boxers or briefs.

    I love cooking… and don’t mean Helper or Roni.

    What I would like is someone that can grill a burger, laugh with me, be honest and open, and hold my hand when I need it...

    I'm not willing to settle, but I am eventually hoping to find the right person to wake up to, sip coffee with, and read the paper… And it’s nearly impossible to define who that may be.

    Pretty solid... how did it work out?

    that is a pretty awesome profile!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Here was my profile when I dated online a couple years ago... Don't anymore. FYI, this message will self-destruct.

    Shoes are my kryptonite and I’m absolutely petrified of spiders. It’s entirely possible for me to get whiplash if I see something shiny. Women that say, “Flowers just die,” should be kicked in the shins. I love flowers, and although I’m independent I respect a chivalrous man.

    That being said, I love brats, beer and baseball hats. My fear of spiders irrationally disappears when I’m camping. Volleyball, rafting and kayaking are a blast. The closest I get to meditation is pairing socks.

    I have a four year old boy that rocks my socks off. I know more about comic book superheros than I ever dreamt I would.

    I don’t wear boxers or briefs.

    I love cooking… and don’t mean Helper or Roni.

    What I would like is someone that can grill a burger, laugh with me, be honest and open, and hold my hand when I need it...

    I'm not willing to settle, but I am eventually hoping to find the right person to wake up to, sip coffee with, and read the paper… And it’s nearly impossible to define who that may be.

    Pretty solid... how did it work out?

    that is a pretty awesome profile!

    Merci ;)
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    People read online profiles?

    Let us be honest, it really boils down to the pictures you upload.

    You can be someone who isn't attractive and have the most elaborate, descriptive profile on the planet, and have no responses.

    You can also be someone very attractive with a one line sentence "Theres so much to know LOL" and get a million messages.

    I mean, they call PoF the site "make for hook ups" for a reason, right?

    I get it, being honest in an online dating scene is good, but I seriously wouldn't dump much time into a real descriptive profile, besides if you tell them everything about you, what are you going to talk about when you actually meet up?
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    People read online profiles?

    Let us be honest, it really boils down to the pictures you upload.

    You can be someone who isn't attractive and have the most elaborate, descriptive profile on the planet, and have no responses.

    You can also be someone very attractive with a one line sentence "Theres so much to know LOL" and get a million messages.

    I mean, they call PoF the site "make for hook ups" for a reason, right?

    I get it, being honest in an online dating scene is good, but I seriously wouldn't dump much time into a real descriptive profile, besides if you tell them everything about you, what are you going to talk about when you actually meet up?

    Hopefully shoes....
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    People read online profiles?

    Let us be honest, it really boils down to the pictures you upload.

    You can be someone who isn't attractive and have the most elaborate, descriptive profile on the planet, and have no responses.

    You can also be someone very attractive with a one line sentence "Theres so much to know LOL" and get a million messages.

    I mean, they call PoF the site "make for hook ups" for a reason, right?

    I get it, being honest in an online dating scene is good, but I seriously wouldn't dump much time into a real descriptive profile, besides if you tell them everything about you, what are you going to talk about when you actually meet up?

    that's your chance to prove everything in your profile is legit and didnt just sound good on paper. plus youre eating a burrito the size of your face, getting a little wasted and hopefully eventually making out.

    well not EVERYONE, as some people find this repulsive, but if I meet someone and there is some kind of instant insane chemistry - i might make out with them, because I honestly dont think this would hurt my chances of him taking me seriously, or stop him from liking me as a person. This goes for dates that originate online or organically.

    I prefer relationships that start out organically. because I have actually had the 'meet eyes across a crowded bar and the heavens opened up and angels sang and all that jazz' Im still a sucker for chemistry and love. I think you can happen upon it anywhere and if it's legit, it wont matter when you first kiss or bang. Real love wont judge you for kissing him.