Day 8, Level 1 Roll Call

DanaLynnMN Posts: 192 Member
Day 8 - Done!! I really want to slap those girls for smiling through the entire work out!!! Who on earth does that!!!
And, I'm still having a hard time with the cardio in set one. My feet and legs just do not like an entire 2 minutes of jumping/impact.


  • meli829
    meli829 Posts: 19 Member
    Day 8 done yesterday and Day 9 done tonight! I totally was thinking the same thing about the girls smiling during the workout! That must be difficult! My shins especially on the sides have really been hurting after the last two workouts and because I've been attempting the harder moves, my thighs are quite shot as well. I had to ice my shins both days and it really helped. Tomorrow is day 10 for me and I will probably take a rest day before starting level 2. I'm happy to almost be done level 1 but sooo scared for level 2 as everyone says its the hardest level! Good job to everyone and keep up the good work!! We are doing it!
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    I absolute hate the arm lift strength in circuit 3 (level 1). The pain! I am done with Day 8 though, w00!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Day 8 Done yesterday! I think the jumping jacks are my least favorite part of the whole thing.

    Day 9 will be today and Day 10 on Friday is the plan. Then can start Level 2 on either Sunday or Monday haven't decided yet.
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    I will attempt day 8 and 9 today! I know I will get at least one done.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Done with Day 8! With just two days to go, I wish I could feel like I mastered Level 1 before moving on to Level 2, but I still can't do all the anterior lifts in set 3--I stop and rest for a few seconds once or twice the second time through. And I'm still doing knee push ups in the first set. I've been considering starting over once I finish the whole 30 days, but maybe doing it only 3 times a week as a supplemental exercise, and seeing if I'm stronger then.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Done with Day 8! With just two days to go, I wish I could feel like I mastered Level 1 before moving on to Level 2, but I still can't do all the anterior lifts in set 3--I stop and rest for a few seconds once or twice the second time through. And I'm still doing knee push ups in the first set. I've been considering starting over once I finish the whole 30 days, but maybe doing it only 3 times a week as a supplemental exercise, and seeing if I'm stronger then.

    I'm definitely going to start over once I make it through, hopefully by then I can up my weights and keep improving.
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    Did level one twice to make up for yesterday. I was extremely tired during the chest flies. Still squatting during most of the warm-up.
  • Hellaine
    Hellaine Posts: 79 Member
    Day 8, Level 1 done. I'm sweating like crazy today. I can feel my shin splints want to start up, so I've been substituting the butt kicks with high leg/arm marching. I'd rather lose a little extra burn than have that shin pain. I still have to take a break during the side lunges and the end of those forward squats with weights. Still can't do a push up but I can do some pathetic-looking knee push ups throughout the time haha.
  • kgem4u2
    kgem4u2 Posts: 69
    Day 8- Completed. I really was sweating this morning. Maybe I kicked it up a notch because the other days I was sweating maybe a little bit but definitely not like today. Keep it pushing......