Any young peri-menopausers out there?



  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
    I am 42 and having intermittent hot flashes (particularly when agitated) mood swings and some depression. I cannot get rid of my belly which I never had up until this past fall. now +20lbs later and I feel horrid. I just can't seem to drop the weight or the "front bum".
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
    Me48Plus2 - what is the supplement you are taking? we would all like to know!!! sounds like what we all need....
  • hrubyk1804
    I'm so glad I ran across this group! I'm turning 43 next month and my periods have been irregular for about a year. My worst symptoms are sleeplessness and mood swings something awful! I don't really have hot flashes, thank God...but have had night sweats a couple of times. I thought I was losing my mind! Everyone keeps telling me..."you're too young!" But, my Mom went thru this about my age... I found Remifemin at Walgreen's that seems to be helping with my mood swings and I take a Melatonin at night to help me sleep. So far, so good.

    Does anyone else experience dizziness or get lightheaded?
  • joolson45
    joolson45 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi 45 here... this past year has been crazy with the hormonal changes... weight gain, night sweats, hot flashes, irregular periods,migraines and anxiety....oh and an added bonus last period lasted 13 days....Hoping to get through this stage quickly!!!!! Its miserable...!!!!!!
  • Marcia661
    Marcia661 Posts: 183 Member
    Hi there :)

    42 and having HEAVY periods every 2 weeks like clockwork. I went to my Doctor who confirmed Peri-menopause and get this he wants me to go on Birth Control to control the periods.
    When I was 35 I had my tubes tied because I had been on Birth Control for 21 years at that point and was tired of putting the chemicals in my system.
    How is that for irony?
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,452 Member
    Yep, me too.

    I've experienced every symptom listed in every above post, plus the face flushes so bad that my coworkers stop, look, and always have to ask why my face is so red! Ah, to be 25 yrs old again and CLUELESS ....
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Hello ladies. I'm 46 and dr. confirmed that I'm in peri-menopause. I have been getting hot flashes since I was 42 and irregular periods. I used to miss a month then get it regular again then miss again. Now I'm having phantom periods. For 2 to 3 weeks I'm bloated and cramping and feeling like any minute I'll get it but nothing happens. It was easier when I just got my period and got it over with. These phantom periods last much longer and are worse than if I just got my period. Anyone getting phantom periods?
  • cricketdc
    cricketdc Posts: 60 Member
    My gyn believes that I haven't start my pre-menopausal stage. I am 48 and still very regular. Although I have noticed that my periods are very heavy even after having a hydrothermal ablasion. Because I have the essure implants to prevent pregnancy I could not have the other more modern procedure. I have noticed that I have started hot flashes. Either than that I am okay.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I started peri-menopause right before I got pg with my daughter when I was 36.
    I think it was my irregular cycle that got me pg in the first place.
    Anywho, after I had her, that seemed to re-set my body and I was back to normal for a few years.
    But between 40 & 42, I went back into peri-menopause and am definitely moving towards full menopause.
    I've gone as long as six months without a period and then it comes on like gangbusters and trickles out for weeks afterwards.
    The hot flashes come and go with zero predictability as well.
    Don't even as about mood swings.:grumble:
    I used to be a 28 day cycle with the same flow pattern every month.
    I've heard this whole peri thing can drag on for 10 years.... :sad:
  • AbbyPDX
    AbbyPDX Posts: 64 Member
    Looks like I'm the 'winner' (winner winner chicken dinner!). I stopped getting my period abruptly at around 33. Asked my gyn about it... he told me I was 'stressed'. I told him actually, no, I'm pretty non stressed. This went on for about a year until I finally convinced him to test me. Levels were down to the ground and I had premature ovarian failure. I have no kids and that's ok (I didn't want them to begin with). But it was still quite a shock to have that taken away. My only real 'symptom' was night sweats. I would also wake up at 4:23am like clockwork, wide awake. Once I was diagnosed they started me on BC right away because I needed the hormones to avoid bone loss and other health issues that go along with menopause. Weight is next to impossible to drop now. Will have to be on the pill or HRT for the rest of my life most likely. Good times!
  • tlrcwr
    tlrcwr Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! Just joined this group. I turned 39 in April and it feels like a switch has been flipped. I've gained 4 lbs in a month - it's ridiculous, and my period is coming every 23 days for the last several months. Nothing I do affects it, and it's getting depressing. I am due for a visit to the obgyn in August, and I'm going to pursue the testing to see what's going on, but I'm pretty dang sure based on all of the symptoms and the fact I've been noticing changes over the last 2 years that perimenopause is here.

    I have got to figure out how to get this weight off - strength training seems to be part of the key, as is dropping all the carbs. :/
  • KentWhiteRabbit
    KentWhiteRabbit Posts: 92 Member
    Hi there, I just found this group. I'm 42 and my partner and I have been trying for a baby for 4 years now. Drs can't find anything wrong and as I have kids already (from previous marriage) they aren't too bothered about looking to hard, but with my periods being unpredictable and suddenly very heavy over the last year I'm guessing it's peri menopause. Mood swings are my main worry as they can make me hell to be around! I've been waking suddenly in the night too but no hot flushes (yet).

    My Mum, Aunt and Grandmother all had problems and ended up having hysterectomys in their 40s, so I was sort of expecting problems. Luckily Drs aren't so quick to offer that as a solution these days.
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    45 over here and started having all the lovely symptoms about 3 years ago. Last year I finally started missing periods (which at first I thought was awesome), but now it's quite annoying never knowing when Aunt Flo will make her appearance! My Mom started into this late in her 50's so I'm not sure why I'm the lucky one, but I look at the bright side, we'll be done with this whole mess long before some even start into it! :drinker:

    Hang in there! You're amongst great company!! :bigsmile:
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    I'm 37. I believe mine was brought on by my tubal ligation I had after my daughter was born. My anxiety is awful as well as hot flashes/flushes, muscle cramping, headaches. You name it I've got it. I can't believe it's happening this early either. Did I mention it's like pulling my own teeth to lose weight also. I have tried everything.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I'm 37. I believe mine was brought on by my tubal ligation I had after my daughter was born. My anxiety is awful as well as hot flashes/flushes, muscle cramping, headaches. You name it I've got it. I can't believe it's happening this early either. Did I mention it's like pulling my own teeth to lose weight also. I have tried everything.

    For some more info about your weight read the "Hormone changes and weight gain" thread in this group :smile:
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    I'm 48 and have some of the symptoms now for a few years. Still have the period though :(
    It's very hard to adapt to getting old, but my husband is dealing with low-testosterone issues, so I don't feel as bad.
    The hard part is still wanting sex, and he doesn't :(. Well, he does, but he doesn't get the desire because of the low-T, and that's hard to take as a woman too because we want be be desireable.
    It's a matter of telling yourself that it's life, and we have to find a balance to our self-worth, rather than age.
    Taking vitamin supplements definitely helps with the night sweats !! I take a good green powder vitamin supplement every morning and the difference is huge ! I never had hot flashes, although I do feel warm overall most of the time.
    I can't stress enough that vitamin supplements are huge in squelching alot of the symptoms.
    Yes, what supplements are you speaking of?
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Menopause hit me shortly after I had a miscarriage at 43.
  • Jubjub99
    Jubjub99 Posts: 3
    I hadn't checked this thread for a while, and it makes me feel so much better that there are many of you sharing this same experience!

    For a great article that gets at the painful, sometimes humorous truth of menopause, see Sandra Tsing-Loh's article from The Atlantic in 2011, "The ***** is Back":*****-is-back/308642/ I re-read it whenever I need some empathy!

    On another note, are there young peri-menopausers taking oral contraceptives for menopause symptoms? My doctor suggested that or the estrogen patch, and I am leaning toward the pill. How long does one stay on the pill for menopause?
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I hadn't checked this thread for a while, and it makes me feel so much better that there are many of you sharing this same experience!

    For a great article that gets at the painful, sometimes humorous truth of menopause, see Sandra Tsing-Loh's article from The Atlantic in 2011, "The ***** is Back":*****-is-back/308642/ I re-read it whenever I need some empathy!

    On another note, are there young peri-menopausers taking oral contraceptives for menopause symptoms? My doctor suggested that or the estrogen patch, and I am leaning toward the pill. How long does one stay on the pill for menopause?

    BC artificially delays menopause and your doctor needs to take you off every once in awhile to see if you are in menopause or not.
    I would speak to your doctor and fully research all the side effects and potential long term effects synthetic, chemical estrogen can have on your body.
  • Jubjub99
    Jubjub99 Posts: 3
    Anyone doing HRT? I'd love to hear what others have tried, whether synthetic hormones, bio-identicals, vitamins, or other supplements. Thanks for sharing!