May 15, 2013

PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member


  • Hurdisnie1
    Hurdisnie1 Posts: 218 Member
    Good morning all, just bumping my morning check in keep my workout on my mind. Till later HAPPY HUMP DAY :-)
  • PamHealthMission
    PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member
    Happy Hump Day Toni and team!

    Speaking of Yoga, I just cannot get "into" that form of fitness. Those of you that do it what type of Yoga? Have you always liked it or it grew on you?:laugh:

    Another “OMGoodness!” morning…lol. Did the Burn Circuit 2 (hitting legs/hamstrings, arms, back, chest) using dumbbells sets from 8.75 up to 20 lbs. Cardio effect started hitting me by the second exercise. I was able to do 1 set of Triple-Threat Push-Ups (triceps, standard, wide) from toes followed by 3 sets from my knees. This circuit alone should push anyone’s metabolism in high gear especially using weights where you reach failure by 12 reps!

    Make it a wonderful Wednesday!!
  • ctpeace
    ctpeace Posts: 327 Member
    Have had a couple of late nights and it's been messing with me, but my eating is much better. Will do some walking today and run tomorrow.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Happy Hump Day Toni and team!

    Speaking of Yoga, I just cannot get "into" that form of fitness. Those of you that do it what type of Yoga? Have you always liked it or it grew on you?:laugh:

    Another “OMGoodness!” morning…lol. Did the Burn Circuit 2 (hitting legs/hamstrings, arms, back, chest) using dumbbells sets from 8.75 up to 20 lbs. Cardio effect started hitting me by the second exercise. I was able to do 1 set of Triple-Threat Push-Ups (triceps, standard, wide) from toes followed by 3 sets from my knees. This circuit alone should push anyone’s metabolism in high gear especially using weights where you reach failure by 12 reps!

    Make it a wonderful Wednesday!!

    ^This post just has to be quoted!! WOW! Look at YOU!!!! I'm in awe. Seriously in awe!! I want to be doing all that fit, strong stuff! I know I just need to get my rear into gear and get there! Really WOW! Good for you!!!!!:smile:

    Okay, today, I gave running another shot now that my throat is a little better. I made 18minutes before the ear-popping started driving me crazy (every inhale I'd go partially deaf & "pop" when I swallow..ugh!). I tried gum, but it didn't help. Anyway, followed it by some walking...then sent my hubby & kids on their way, and walked all the way home--which is a great walk and I might start doing that more often IF I can get my husband's cooperation (I might even get brave enough to jog it someday...if I can map a route that will be least likely to get me run over!). Tonight: Hunger Games exercises.

    Happy Hump Day Everybody!
  • JulesX1982
    JulesX1982 Posts: 151 Member
    Well I got in a run yesterday it was beautiful outside I went 4.8 miles instead of 3.5 miles which was really good. I might be MIA for the next couple days because I am traveling for a family funeral and I don't really want to stress about logging each day. I will try to keep track of what I eat at least and I am planning on getting a couple of runs in! I will be back Sunday night and give everyone an update.

    Hope everyone has a safe and fun Victoria Day weekend!!
  • LizardQueen4PointOh
    LizardQueen4PointOh Posts: 245 Member
    Did my C25K W2D2 today without the kiddos, so no jogging stroller - YAY! My app kinda messed up on my previous workout so I ended up doing it for 35 mins instead of 31 mins. Today, I went further in 31 mins than I did in 35 mins, which I contribute entirely to not pushing the jogging stroller. The youngest was sick for the morning, but the bug passed, thank goodness.
  • Hurdisnie1
    Hurdisnie1 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi guys...not sure what the problem is but i am unable it consume needed calories everything bothers my stomach so I am going to do some yoga/stretching with FB.for those of you who can and use videos for workouts check out