Paleo/primal friends and starting lifting...

craudi Posts: 126 Member
Hi everyone!

I've been lucky to add a lot of motivational and supportive people since getting back into MFP recently, but I've started eating more paleo/primal and hope to find some more friends that do the same!

I'm also getting interested in lifting, and wondering if anyone has recommendations on where to start! I've been looking into Nia Shanks Beautiful Badass and Lift Like a Girl programs, but I haven't bit the bullet yet. I have access to a gym with a fair set of dumbells and maybe one olympic bar (which I'm nervous to try out until I feel I know what I'm doing!) Any recommendations would be much appreciated!! :)


  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I :heart: Nia Shanks. :) Though, I haven't tried her program. I'm also curious what people here recommend/have tried. I reserved the book Starting Strength at the library, so I'm waiting for it. I'm also looking into the Stronglifts.
  • carissar7
    carissar7 Posts: 183 Member
    Definitely look into Stronglifts. It's almost exactly the same as Starting Strength actually and they are both very good beginner programs that use all the compound lifts.
  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    When I had access to a gym at work I did Stronglifts, and loved it! I hope to get back to it very soon.
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    Definitely feel free to add me. I'm not a girl, but I do lift. And I've been Paleo for 3 years now - just finished the Whole30 Tuesday (so I wasn't tracking and I do have a couple cheats from the past couple days to make up for lost cheating, lol - so no judging my dary :P. But I'm back on the wagon as of this moment!)

    Had been following StrongLifts 5x5, but have switched it up a bit. Our routine does revolve around the big 3 lifts though (squat, deadlift, and bench).

    Not an expert lifter or anything, but I can provide some guidance. Your best bet would be to try and find a friend willing to do it with you (so much easier to maintain motivation with a workout buddy), so you guys can spot eachother and comment on form.

    Another more expensive option is to hire a personal trainer for a few sessions to show you proper form. Start very light and work your way up. Form is key.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    StrongLifts is great! Also the Jamie Eason LiveFit Trainer on - good for learning about lifts other than the main compound ones.
  • jenfitz
    jenfitz Posts: 66 Member
    Crossfit Crossfit Crossfit!!! SO hard and yet so good! Google it to find a box (gym) near you and ask if you can check it out for a session or two!
  • craudi
    craudi Posts: 126 Member
    Crossfit Crossfit Crossfit!!! SO hard and yet so good! Google it to find a box (gym) near you and ask if you can check it out for a session or two!

    They are opening a crossfit box in my city (the first one in the area), but I cannot justify the cost right now... It is SO expensive. I work at a university, so I've got free access to the gym and pools I'm hoping to get into lifting and save moolah!!