Help a sister out?

AbbyPDX Posts: 64 Member
I sent some notes to Sara a while back but didn't get a solid response so I figured I'd try here for a different route to access :-)

I was eating 'normally' for quite a while (years) and my weight crept up from 120 (my lowest as an adult was around 118) to 130. I then moved in with the BF, surely ate more and went up to 135. January 1st decided to make some changes. Tried cutting out alcohol for the month. I also greatly minimized bread and grains. The difference I saw was much less bloat (there were times my belly would distend over my jeans - could never figure it out - must have been the bread since that doesn't happen anymore very often). No weight drop though, no BF drop. Started MFP and tracking everything. Began weighing. Cut to lower calorie (maybe around my BMR), no effect. Started chatting with Dan re: IPOARM. He had me 'reset' for a month eating at my TDEE (2100). No change in anything which he said was good. Started me on 1700 (-15% cut). Did that around two weeks. No change weight or measurement wise/clothing fit wise that I could see. Still going forward (it was only 2 weeks) but figured I'd check in with you and see if you have a different approach.

My diary is open. I will say this past weekend I had family in town and did not track my dinners since they were out and it was impossible to do so. But all of this info is coming from before the weekend (ie no change) it was still about 2.5 weeks before that of eating at 1700.

Things you should try to provide for specific intake questions:

Provide your stats (height/weight/age/bodyfat% if you know it/etc)
5'2"/waver between 132-134 (and have wavered those two pounds since January when I started monitoring regularly)
BF: calipers per my coach at the gym - 24%. Online calculators more like an average of 26%

What's your current gross intake of calories, on average?

What's your current average intake of protein, carbs, and fats, in grams? (GRAMS, not percent!)
Protein: 100 average
Fat: 90 average (very low day would be around 80, high day around 120)
Carbs: 150 average

Do you use a food scale and measure everything?
Just about

Do you track all of your intake, daily? (Everything?)

Do you take cheat days or days off?
I wouldn't do a DAY off but I might do a meal out which would be tough to track. Aside from this past weekend that's only happened once over the past 2.5 weeks I believe.

How much weight have you lost so far and over what time period?
From this process, I got on the scale December 31 at 135. I now vary between 132-134, so not much.

Describe your activity (exercise and non exercise) and did you change that activity withing the last couple of months?
I work out 5-6X/week
Generally I go to a bootcamp class which is broken down into classes:
Pull conditioning
Push conditioning
Pull strength
Push strength
Low conditioning
Low strength

Obviously the conditioning days are lower weight/higher rep. Strength days are higher weight/lower rep. All are quick moving without much break, like a circuit training. I use kettle bells, dumb bells, ropes, sand bells, trx, and a lot of body weight exercises. In addition, I'll sometimes tack on a 1-2 mile run before or after class, especially strength classes which are less cardio. Sometimes I'll just do a 3-4 mile run on a rest day. i always rest at least once a week, sometimes twice.

How long have you been stalled and if it is not a complete stall please be very specific as to how much you have lost over the stalled period.

I didn't check weight much between last summer and December but imagine I crept up from 130-135. I dropped about a lb in January per above and haven't lost since. I do believe I've gained some muscle (I've made a point to lift heavier) but don't see much difference in body composition/clothing fit/BF/appearance.

Are you breastfeeding?

Do you have thyroid issues/risks or PCOS?
No but I'm in early menopause (started at age 33).

Also, please ensure that you have your diary open.

Dan recommended after those couple of weeks with no results that I only work out 4 days a week. I really love working out so that made me a bit sad but would try it if you also agreed that was a way to go. Thoughts?

Thank you!!


  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
  • AbbyPDX
    AbbyPDX Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks! I don't know how to edit but I did NOT mean my fat is average of 90. It's probably usually around 65 or so sometimes going up as high as 80s. Sorry 'bout that.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    *looks sheepish* and tagging.
  • AbbyPDX
    AbbyPDX Posts: 64 Member
    You folks are busy saving the world one lb at a time... you'll get no s**t from me :-)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Have you been doing the same workout routines since January?
  • AbbyPDX
    AbbyPDX Posts: 64 Member
    Last summer I was running a bit more in addition to the classes. During the time I gained the 5lbs (Sept-Dec) I'd say I was just doing the classes for the most part (winter) but also eating differently an was maybe going only 3-4 times per week. As of January I'm doing the classes still but more like 5-6x/week and around Feb or so I started adding back in a longer run (3-4 miles) once a week, maybe every other week and the 1-2 mile runs before or after class once or twice a week. Since being on MFP I've also been making more of an effort to get to the strength classes and kicking up my weights used as opposed to doing more conditioning classes.
  • AbbyPDX
    AbbyPDX Posts: 64 Member
    No thoughts still, huh... Perhaps I am just a snowflake. One more week at 1700 cals. Dropped down to 4 days work out instead of 5-6 to allow body recovery. No change as of this morning. I'm amazing anyone's weight/measurements can stay as steady as mine for this long with as many changes as I've made. Like a fortress. Nothing gets in or out.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Hi! Sorry for the delay.

    I would actually drop down to 1,550 calories (no eating of exercise calories back) and set your macros as follows:

    Protein: 100g
    Fats: 50g

    as minimums with the balance wherever you wish based on preference and energy levels.

    Your TDEE may be lower than the online calculators predict because of early menopause (as well as the usual decrease due to dieting).

    Please could you follow up with us in 2 weeks with how you are doing, or earlier if you have any questions or start having energy of adherence issues.
  • AbbyPDX
    AbbyPDX Posts: 64 Member
    Hm, the opposite of what dan says (eat a bit more or work out less). I love a conflicting result. Perhaps I will spend one more week doing as he says and if nothing changes, I'll swap over to your plan and see if that has an effect. I'm not big on the 'less exercise' because I do really enjoy it. But more exercise generally means I'm hungry more so... more exercise, less eating is obviously the harder equation. I think I could do 1550 for most of the days of the week but it might be tough for 7. I'll give it a shot and keep you posted!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Hm, the opposite of what dan says (eat a bit more or work out less). I love a conflicting result.

    Has Dan's advice worked so far?

    I'm not saying the above to be rude, just so you know.

    You've averaged around the 1700 (and change) mark for well over 2 months according to your data. Doing it for another week seems futile.
  • AbbyPDX
    AbbyPDX Posts: 64 Member
    Fair point :-) The higher numbers (upwards of 2100) were a 'reset' I believe. The 1700 was supposed to be the cut. To be equally fair, I went running with a friend today who said although my measurements may be the same, I definitely look 'firmer'. I do think that may be true in the belly area although I never hear anyone talking about that kind of improvement on MFP - it's always a 'loss' (of lbs or inches). I wonder about the conversion of fat to muscle on the under layers of your body and how that converts to inches and whether that's possible or if I'm just fooling myself ;-). Anyway, just some thoughts.
    I'm up for trying 1550 starting now, I just thought I'd heard you need to give something 4 weeks before knowing if it works or not so I guess I wanted to be able to say with certainty that it hadn't before abandoning ship. I'll keep you both posted. Thanks for considering it! :-)
  • AbbyPDX
    AbbyPDX Posts: 64 Member
    While we're here, as another option, any thoughts on 5:2 IF? My mother has been doing it and swears by it. I've been reading a lot about it on the forums here and all around the interwebs. From what I understand in terms of exercise (which I am not willing to give up) that if you can do your heavy workouts on feed days, it shouldn't prevent one from getting some good burn. I've never read any posts from either of you about your take on it, but would be interested to hear.
    BTW, going to just hit 1550 today ;-)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    While we're here, as another option, any thoughts on 5:2 IF? My mother has been doing it and swears by it. I've been reading a lot about it on the forums here and all around the interwebs. From what I understand in terms of exercise (which I am not willing to give up) that if you can do your heavy workouts on feed days, it shouldn't prevent one from getting some good burn. I've never read any posts from either of you about your take on it, but would be interested to hear.
    BTW, going to just hit 1550 today ;-)

    The only real benefit that has really been shown, especially with relation to weight loss, is that is easier for some with regard to adherence. It is really dependent on the individual. It is just a more extreme version of calorie cycling.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    While we're here, as another option, any thoughts on 5:2 IF? My mother has been doing it and swears by it. I've been reading a lot about it on the forums here and all around the interwebs. From what I understand in terms of exercise (which I am not willing to give up) that if you can do your heavy workouts on feed days, it shouldn't prevent one from getting some good burn. I've never read any posts from either of you about your take on it, but would be interested to hear.
    BTW, going to just hit 1550 today ;-)

    I think that with very few exceptions, people should structure their meal timing and frequency according to personal preference, performance, and adherence.
  • AbbyPDX
    AbbyPDX Posts: 64 Member
    So it sounds like it's a matter of preference, so long as your numbers come to the same point and you're getting all your nutrients in. Good to know as a potential alternative. But I'll stick with one thing at a time. Thanks.
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