Hello Duken Dieters !

I am just starting this diet ! Not for the first time i have to say this is the second time i will be doing the diet and am hoping to really stablize my weight this time !

I would like anyone and everyone who is just starting the Dukan diet to join this group so we can all motivate eachother and track what we are loosing, we will encourage and help eachother reach our goals and get those bodies we have always wanted ......

Look forward to hearing from you :)


  • vyakopian
    vyakopian Posts: 14
    count me in.. today is my attack day 1.. kinda messed up yesterday so back to day 1 today..

    where do i go to get in the group...
  • hope25
    hope25 Posts: 188 Member
    I just started Monday. Last fall I did dukan for about 2 weeks then gave in. I am determined this time will be different.
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Wow! Just found this group dedicated to Dukaners on MFP, happy to meet you all. I can say that Dukan definitely works and can be as boring or exciting as you want it to be. This is my second time around, first time I lost on cruise and then didn't continue the recommended phases ......EPIC FAIL !

    Started again less than. 2 weeks ago and managed to lose some during attack, let's see what today's weigh in brings after my first week on cruise. I am in 2 minds as to what my results may be simply because I had to fly over the past couple of days which made things a little tricky. Also when I am tired I do nothing but EAT !!!! I will let you know what happens........

    My top 5 tips for Dukan:

    - Drink lots of water all the time ( believe me, this will keep you up at night during the first week or so but your body does adjust...so does your poor bladder ! )
    - don't feel the need to over exercise during the attack phase......recommended 20 mins per day is fine ( I find over exercising makes me really tired which leads to skipping sessions too )
    - watching cooking programmes on tv should be avoided ( myself an avid fan of master chef and similar just contributed to my food daydreams aka food porn!!!)
    - prepare Scooby snacks in advance, always have them handy in the fridge or for 'on the go' moments. ( I invest in throw away plastic tubs for travelling etc....less likely to make the wrong choices)
    - if you have to compromise, cheat or give in ( not recommended) then do so but simply return to where you were before.......don't give up or try to starve yourself

    Hope this helps
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member

    We started round the same time, how is it going for you ?
  • literarykate
    literarykate Posts: 9 Member
    I just bought the book and plan on starting tomorrow. I have tried so many diets over the years and really hope this works.
  • mats613
    mats613 Posts: 47 Member
    starting the 2nd time around too :) i did it last year and lost 30lb, but i got soooo bored of meat and fish. its hard that you can't have vegies every day on dukans :(

    do you think it will be harder to lose 2nd time around?

    i'm just so sick of drowning in my own fat lol.

    i signed up also at dukaners.com
    and i started a blog kosherdukan.blogspot.com

    i'm hoping the extra accountability a community brings on will help me, you know?
    it would really suck to fail a second time, cuz then i think id give up on this.

    calorie counting DOES NOT work for me :( onlhy thing thats ever worked for me is
    a) starvation
    b) low carb
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member

    Just started the Dukan Diet last Saturday. I had never heard of it until I dowloaded the ebook from my library a week ago. It sounds perfect for me. I lost 98 lbs a couple of years ago doing Atkins but 50 are back. I fasted last year for 30 days and lost 37 lbs but that was very boring and the weight is back again.

    I have very severe water retention and need a plan that will combat it. I think this is really going to work for me. I especially appreciate the plan for a lifetime of eating that I can live with.

    I know we are not supposed to count calories but I am concerned about going into starvation mode. I am eating between 400-800 and I believe I should be eating more. I am not hungry - well, I eat whenever I am and do not feel deprived but I like to eat at least 1000 per day.

    How do I add the cool weight line at the bottom? I have lost 6.6 lbs since Saturday - woo hoo!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member

    Just started the Dukan Diet last Saturday. I had never heard of it until I dowloaded the ebook from my library a week ago. It sounds perfect for me. I lost 98 lbs a couple of years ago doing Atkins but 50 are back. I fasted last year for 30 days and lost 37 lbs but that was very boring and the weight is back again.

    I have very severe water retention and need a plan that will combat it. I think this is really going to work for me. I especially appreciate the plan for a lifetime of eating that I can live with.

    I know we are not supposed to count calories but I am concerned about going into starvation mode. I am eating between 400-800 and I believe I should be eating more. I am not hungry - well, I eat whenever I am and do not feel deprived but I like to eat at least 1000 per day.

    How do I add the cool weight line at the bottom? I have lost 6.6 lbs since Saturday - woo hoo!

    I logged every calorie since I became a Dukanite on 12/31/11. I used another program, and joined MFP some time mid 2012. I will say that I went for the at least 1200 per day and to this day, when I have a PP day, I don't get hungry. The cruise phase is the easiest eating plan I have ever followed. Today and tomorrow I am traveling on business and it is super easy to stick to cruise.

    I lost 46 pounds in 2012 and have maintained within 3 pounds of the loss up or down. I have done the minimum exercise / activity every day since joining the dukan plan (I did the on line coaching)... I am focused on training now in addition to getting my activity to always be at least 3000 Nike Fuels ( roughly the 10000 steps thing).

    Somwhere in your personal settings / goals is where you add the cool thing at the bottom. See the Help thing on the website.

    Best wishes on your new healthy lifestyle!
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 970 Member
    Hello. I'm starting this today. I usually struggle when restricting the foods I can eat, but I need to clean up my habits and force myself to eat better.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Thank you for your support and information pkw58. As you see, I found the ticker. I have been able to increase my caloric intake, but I find myself getting hungry late at night. I used to stop eating by 1900. Maybe I should just go to bed earlier. I exceeded 1200 calories last night and still lost 1/2 lb.

    So far so good.

    Welcome, angieroo2. I do not think this regimen is too restrictive but I like eating lots of protein. I think it will be easier for you once you start adding vegetables.
  • fmouco
    fmouco Posts: 100 Member
    Attack phase day 1 ! I have 16 pounds to lose. That is my second time on this diet, first time it wass effective but I didn't stick to it enough to complete all the phases (I did only 1 and 2). This time I know, from my own personal experience, that it doesn't work. So I will stick to each one of the phases as prescribed. To be honest, cutting carbs is the only way to lose weight for me and I've tried it all.

    It was great to find this support group!
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Welcome back fmouco. Cutting carbs is all that has worked for me too. I did Atkins a couple of years ago, but this seems more my style and healthier. How many days are you in Attack? Come join us is the cruisin' thread when you are ready. Then we can follow you to Consolidation as I suspect you will get there first :smile:
  • fmouco
    fmouco Posts: 100 Member
    Welcome back fmouco. Cutting carbs is all that has worked for me too. I did Atkins a couple of years ago, but this seems more my style and healthier. How many days are you in Attack? Come join us is the cruisin' thread when you are ready. Then we can follow you to Consolidation as I suspect you will get there first :smile:

    I did Atkins also, but lots of years ago, and I agree with you, Dukin is much healthier. I will keep attack phase for 5 days and then I'll start following the cruisin' thread, thanks!

    Let's go!
  • keshiabug1
    keshiabug1 Posts: 150
    Starting the Dukan Diet tomorrow for the first time! Can't wait to join you all in this! :)
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Welcome ladies, see you on the cruise and good luck on attack :)
  • fmouco
    fmouco Posts: 100 Member
    I am in shock:

    Third day of Dukan diet, 5lb lost :)
    What is that??? AMAZING!!!!!
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Well done to that, great result thus far!!

    How long left on attack ? Don't forget to join our cruising thread once you glide through your attack ;).
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    on day 2 here, really having a rough time. I've been logging what I ate just to keepa record to look back on. yesterday wasn't so bad, I managed a little over 1,000 calories. today unfortunately I've only managed a little over 700. I've had the worst stomach ache off and on all day. I don't know if that's normal. hoping to eat more tomorrow.
  • vaidajurgaityte
    vaidajurgaityte Posts: 51 Member
    Hi djthom!

    Welcome to Dukan.

    I sometimes have a problem of stomach acke as well. For me it is mostly because I am slightly intolerant to cow's milk, however, if I eat it in small portions, I feel fine. Normally breakfast is an important kick to a day. Oatbran porridge is a good meal to calm your stomack ( I use lacto free skimmed milk, just to make sure no lactose for breakfast), I noticed that dairy for my breakfast gives me weakness and sometimes stomach acke too. Also, maybe avoiding spicy sauces and fried food would help?

    Good luck, let us know how you get on with it ;-)
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Welcome djthom,

    I second what vaida has written and wanted to add that you should make sure to drink plenty of water all day long. I find I feel better when I exceed the recommended daily allotment. Also, I would not worry about calorie counting. I am going to be starting the Attack phase again Monday but during my first time around beginning in late May, I only met or exceeded my goal of 1,000 calories a couple of times and lost 15 lbs in 10 day without any hunger. This time, I am sticking to the website recommendation of 4 days. I track what I eat more to keep the carbs and fats low than to count the calories. I too was concerned that I was not eating enough when I first started.

    Also, I recommend doing but not overdoing the daily exercise regimen even if your tummy is not cooperating. It may just be gas that the exercises could help expel.

    How many more days of Attack do you have?
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I decided to risk rotting vegetables and began the Attack phase again today instead of proscrastinating. I feel better already. I am doing 4 days and then will resume the cruise.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Hi Guys,

    After a couple of hiccups (major binges earlier this week), I am back in Attack and feeling so much in better control. I am on day three of four and will rejoin the cruise on Sunday. I am still retaining water and suffering from painful inflammation but I am hopeful it will subside after TOM and elimination of red meat after this weekend. I plan to do a combination of anti-inflammatory and Dukan and boost my thyroid through diet rather than medication. I have also started a probiotic.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I am so glad I am listening to my body instead of doctors who practice with it. Today is my last day of Attack. I am going to try the Cruise stage a little differently once I begin tomorrow by eating less raw and more cooked veggies to keep my thyroid happy and I will no longer force myself to keep strict ratios of one-to-one PP and PV days. I really do not care if I never eat a vegetable ever again but I will have some tomorrow if they are still edible and see how it goes. A likely scenario is just a couple of PV days per week. I am allowed one egg per week because of food sensitivities and I ate that today . I want to see if it makes any difference separate from the veggies I plan to eat tomorrow.

    I lost 7.6 lbs during my four days of Attack!
  • mcarter1015
    mcarter1015 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm starting dukan after both my parents did it and have kept it off successfully for two years! So I'm super motivted I have three more days of the attack phase and I've already lost 9.8 lbs! I am trying to get ride of the baby weight I've gained and back to normal! So far I'm loving the diet and the results!!
  • ladyjay71
    ladyjay71 Posts: 28 Member
    I started Dukan over three weeks ago and after the first week of cruise I realized that I missed my fruits and veggies too much so I'm doing sort of a modified version. I eliminated all refined carbs and sugar and feel much better, I don't even crave it so much anymore. I'm down 4.5 pounds and plan to continue high protein low carb but I will be eating my veggies and limited fruit. I drink about 9 to 10 glasses of water a day and it helps with the hunger, oh yes, I still have the Oat Bran everyday, I swear it does make you feel full throughout the day.

    Good luck with your journey and just remember to eat healthy and drink your water, be consistent and don't beat yourself up if you slip, it's a life style change not a "diet".
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I started Dukan over three weeks ago and after the first week of cruise I realized that I missed my fruits and veggies too much so I'm doing sort of a modified version. I eliminated all refined carbs and sugar and feel much better, I don't even crave it so much anymore. I'm down 4.5 pounds and plan to continue high protein low carb but I will be eating my veggies and limited fruit. I drink about 9 to 10 glasses of water a day and it helps with the hunger, oh yes, I still have the Oat Bran everyday, I swear it does make you feel full throughout the day.

    Good luck with your journey and just remember to eat healthy and drink your water, be consistent and don't beat yourself up if you slip, it's a life style change not a "diet".

    Hey Ladyjay71... if you look at the third phase of dukan,(consolidation) you can see the recommended fruit levels. I lost ten pounds while on consolidation! I did the on line help with Dukan, and I never added back potatos, rice, pasta or bread . They had me substitue an apple or avocado instead while on consolidation.
  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Love this post !
    I started Dukan over three weeks ago and after the first week of cruise I realized that I missed my fruits and veggies too much so I'm doing sort of a modified version. I eliminated all refined carbs and sugar and feel much better, I don't even crave it so much anymore. I'm down 4.5 pounds and plan to continue high protein low carb but I will be eating my veggies and limited fruit. I drink about 9 to 10 glasses of water a day and it helps with the hunger, oh yes, I still have the Oat Bran everyday, I swear it does make you feel full throughout the day.

    Good luck with your journey and just remember to eat healthy and drink your water, be consistent and don't beat yourself up if you slip, it's a life style change not a "diet".
  • auka2001
    auka2001 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, a new Dukanaute here!.
    I did it last year with good results, but I did notstick to the phase 3 beacuse I had too much stress at work. So I'm starting again today. I plan to loose around 15 kg.I will do 4 days attack and then I'll into cruise.
    I am from Spain and 40 yo.
    If you wish to add me as friend, please feel free to do it!
    I use MFP mainly for keeping track of the amounts of protein, carbs and fat that I eat and also to track exercise (I'm using a fitbit steps tracker everyday to motivate myself to increase to 10000 steps, still doing 5000...)