May 19, 2013

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Happy Sunday!

    Rest day here. Went to the kids' greatgrandmother's for lunch.
    Will be eagerly awaiting this week's Hunger Games challenge.

    That is all.:smile:
  • ashsmile78
    ashsmile78 Posts: 3,528 Member
    Today is a rest day for me too. I am excited about this upcoming week. I feel like I am gaining momentum and motivation when it comes to my diet and exercise. I am going to have a terrific week!

    Sherry: I really like the inspirational image for today. The emphasis should be that way so thanks for the reframe! You might have explained this already. If you did i missed it but what is the hunger games challenge?

    Mycrazy8s: goat chasing def counts as running. Did you look it up in the exercise database? :laugh: you probably burned a lot of cals in 10 minutes.

    Hi to everyone that follows!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member

    Sherry: I really like the inspirational image for today. The emphasis should be that way so thanks for the reframe! You might have explained this already. If you did i missed it but what is the hunger games challenge?

    Hey Ashley!! I joined an MFP challenge (my first) and it's based on The Hunger Games. It started about 4 weeks ago and it's a closed group with limited participation, so I feel fortunate just to have made it in. Each week we must meet certain goals (8 glasses of water per day, meet calorie goals every day, meet cardio exercise minutes per week, complete certain number of reps of weekly exercises such as pushups or squats, etc). It's awesome because they really put you into the world of The Hunger Games, because if our team doesn't beat the Capitol team, we must send tributes to the games and those tributes may or may not come back (might become absorbed by the Capitol team). Every Sunday, the results of the previous week's challenge are announced (to see which teams came out on top), plus the new weekly requirements are announced....but it's done as a narrative about how you're being chased by some other team and they throw a knife and you "duck" to not get hit and then you fall down and must push yourself back up off the ground again (so the challenge for the week is squats and chair dips to re-enact the storyline). It's very engaging and loads of fun and motivation. Besides the weekly cardio minutes, it's very compelling to keep all "exercises" strictly to the assigned ones, so that you can help your team score the most. That's why I've mostly only been doing the HG exercises, plus my afternoon jog/walks at the park to help with cardio minute requirements. Anyway, long explanation, but it's tons of fun.

    Also, to answer you from yesterday, I've been here about 6 1/2 yrs & it's great living in Greece! It's been tough these past couple of years due to the crisis, but we're "hanging in there". We originally moved here because it made the most sense for our family. My husband (he's Greek) could come here and work in the family business and be available to take his son to and from school everyday (& I could be a SAHM)....whereas living in America, he was working from home and I was working & commuting such long hours that there were days that I didn't even get to see my little boy awake (only peaking at him sleeping in the a.m. before work and again at night when I got home). Of course, now we had a little girl since being here too and so I am happily occupied with the kids (& now, with taking care of my body and fitness).
  • PamHealthMission
    PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member
    Good Day Sunday...and I am joining the official "rest day club" even though I did work at least 30 minutes in the veggie garden harvesting a few red skin potatoes (about a pound). My upcoming week of fitness is already designed since it is week 2 of CLX..:wink:

    Sherry: I like today's "fitness image" above...and the words are always true. Health encompasses so many factors besides "what one weighs".:smile: Oh wow...that up and down hill run that you shared with your son on yesterday was fun and healthy!! Good for you getting that HG Challenge exercise done, too!

    Mycrazy8s: I say chasing goats were doing some athletic type of drills:laugh:

    Ashley: good for you getting back to logging. I have kept a fitness journal for the last few years but not as dedicated with food logging. This MFP app makes logging food intake simple now. Let's have a really great week!

    Sam: I will do planks, pushups (yes they work the core when you hold in the abs and glutes to do them), and some standing abs work like side bends while holding weights.

    Liz: so the "stroller" is back in your runs...heehee.

    Have a super Sunday everyone!!
  • PamHealthMission
    PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member
    bumping up the list...hope all having a good day:smile: Oh...our youngest grand son turned 2 months old today!!:bigsmile: We should be able to see him and the rest of the family the week after Memorial Day weekend, too.
  • ashsmile78
    ashsmile78 Posts: 3,528 Member
    Wow, Sherry! Thank you for that very thorough explanation. I like long explanations! That hunger games challenge sounds super fun! How much time do you spend on it usually? Sounds like a good challenge to keep people motivated. I like how you said they work in the narrative into it. That is cool. And thank you for sharing about Greece. It sounds like it has been the best thing for you and your family. :-) That must have been real hard to not see your son very much. Now you guys can climb mountains together. :-)

    Pam: Yes! Let's have a real great week!

    Watching fringe with my hubby. We are winding down on season 3. Making it a true rest day so I can really kick some butt this week. Monday I am working out with my exercise buddy. Wednesday and Friday I will workout on my own. That's the bare minimum. I want to make this schedule a habit. I might do more. We will see!

  • auntsammy88
    auntsammy88 Posts: 401 Member
    Took pupper for a walk today, but otherwise a rest day. Lots of tornadoes around here today and probably more tomorrow. If you are a prayerful person, we would appreciate your prayers in Oklahoma this week. =)
  • LizardQueen4PointOh
    LizardQueen4PointOh Posts: 245 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing good. I also took a rest day today.

    Yesterday I managed to convince myself to get up at 6:00 am to do my weight lifting so that I could have more calorie allowance for my birthday bash! I spent six hours at the baseball park for a tournament my son was in and then closing ceremonies. Then, my two high school buds and I drove to the casino and enjoyed a dinner, free drinks, and the penny slots. We stayed up watching a movie and laughing and cutting up like we were high school kids again. Got maybe 3-4 hours of sleep and got up because of a barking dog in the room nextdoor - yay... We decided to go for a leisurely swim before heading back home. Got home and did birthday cake and presents with my daughter who shares my birthday and turned five years old today. The rest of the evening was just relaxing and I am about to hit the sack and hope for a fantastic week starting tomorrow! :smile:
  • Hurdisnie1
    Hurdisnie1 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi it's late but I'm here.busy and didn't workout feeling better so I will be doing me cardio tomorrow i have to try .....this waiting game is killing me. I have stayed busy so no sitting on me bum. I think I am going to try 4 days of strength and 2 days cardio. The jumping is not good for my stomach. Found out its herinated , and i will have it the rest of my life surgery is risky. (Internet news whole risky surgery) i go in Next week to go over options. I keep thinking it should be like gastric bypass, but I don't need that nor do I want to be put under well goodnight..