all day 300-500calories

Meals three-four a day and I'm only consuming up to 500calories daily.

Breakfast is plain white or wheat toast. Strawberry jelly is occasionally added (53-105calories)
Lunch is a salad plain, sometimes a small amount of Italian dressing,fat free (70calories)
Dinner is a small Apple(50 calories)
Snack if I have one is a peanut butter sandwich, one slice of bread with a tbsp of peanut butter(118)
I only drink water which is obviously good (0calories)- about 8-12glasses a day.
Orange juice is to rare of an occasional, when i do have it, I only drink one hundred percent with no mixtures......unsure of the calories.
I am unable to have dairy products, so when I do it is in the smallest portions.


  • Skinny_Issy
    Skinny_Issy Posts: 61
    What brand of bread are you having for breakfast?

    I love white bread, but the one I buy is like 100 calories per slice.
  • bdkglk
    bdkglk Posts: 67 Member
    I like white bread also and it can be hard to switch to whole wheat. I have seen lite white bread in some stores that have reduced calories. If you are like me, you have a particular brand that you prefer. I think I will try the lite white and see if I like it. I am eating double fiber wheat with 50 cal per slice now. It tastes good.
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523 Member
    Eating disorder?

    Is this EVERY day?
  • jenniferfiedler
    jenniferfiedler Posts: 86 Member
    You will lose more weight if you keep your metabolism going. 500 calories is too low. Try to aim for 1200.

    Don't you feel hungry all the time with eating so little?