10 lbs gotta lose them now. whos with me?



  • tressieazbill
    tressieazbill Posts: 59 Member
    I started a 3 day cleanse..Hoping to get myself on a good eating track after the three days are up!
  • lorrm
    lorrm Posts: 9 Member
    @nyclove81 - why are you waiting til you've lost the last kilos to lift weights. You should start to incorporate weight training into your regime now. It's not going to make you big & bulky, you will be tighter and more 'toned' (I hate using that word :) )

    I do very little cardio, when I do it's HIIT & modified strongman training (MST). The majority of my gym time is spent in the free weights area. Get yourself a program and start.

    How is everyone getting on? For me sticking to eating well has been ok - one minor blip last night, was home so late from work I resorted to oat cakes & peanut butter for dinner as I didn't want a meal when I was going to bed 30mins later. And I had a major battle with my lazy devil in my head this morning to get up for MST @ 5.30am! Thankfully I managed to drag myself out of bed & feel fantastic for it now!
  • noo1981
    noo1981 Posts: 18
    me! i have lost my way recently and need to get on track
  • poe510
    poe510 Posts: 35 Member
    Hey the original posters account was deactivated.
  • Cherrisherry
    I've been trying to lose 10 lbs for the past 5 years, currently doing Dr. Sara Goldfred's 21 day cleanse, hoping that this will help. I'm 5.5 and 130 lbs. I want to cut out grains, suger and caffeine, but it's really hard to stay away from all the foods i love. Also, not very sure how much workout i need to do, since people say that 80% of success is coming form diet.
  • 22workout
    22workout Posts: 36
    Im gonna do this by using the elliptical
    I lost 6 pounds in 1 month doing that
  • hkoopman
    hkoopman Posts: 3 Member
    me! wedding at the end of august. 10 pound loss here we come!
  • Garlicmash
    Garlicmash Posts: 208
    I've got rid of my lingering baby weight and now I have 14lbs I want to shed to find my self at the weight i was 13 years ago before 6 years of depo and 2nd baby in 2010