2:5 vs JUDDD

maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
Glad to have found this group and the other IF group.

Have quite a lot of weight to lose. I am choosing to fast to lose it.

I have tried the Up day down day and enjoyed it but am currently trying to be a bit more strict. I am having 5 'down' days and 2 'up' days a week. On my down days I am probably hitting 450 cals a day and on my up days I dont count at all, if I want it I eat it. I haven't chosen 2 specific days a week to be 'up' just as and when so I can be flexible around events and have them as 2 separate days or 2 together.

In addition I am eating my calories on both types of days between 11am and 7pm. Unless I am on night shifts which I do 2-3 days a week in which case it gets a bit skewy but I try going 2am-5pm food free. Does anyone have any advice on how this sounds as a longish term plan or any tweaks that would help?

I keep getting told I will lower my metabolism and put all the weight back on but I was under the impression thats the point of the up days, I have lost 9lb my 1st week and 5lb my second week plus I am probably eating more veg, seeds and fruit than I was previously. (am having veg boxes delivered and using them tomake meals for me and meals for family with obv more cals forthem plushave discovered miracle rice and chia seeds) plus a bowl of jelly a night and a nicotine free flavoured e-cig to help keep sweet cravings at bay (not that I have them often atm which is odd as I was a huge overeater/chocolate binger).

If and when 2:5 becomes too tiresome I am planning to switch to JUDDD and as I get closer to target increase my down day intake but for now am finding it very manageable but was just looking for some thoughts and advice


  • dippsydoodle

    I also have been on the alternate day fast diet for the past two weeks. I am surprised how easy it is to follow. I think knowing that the next day you can eat what ever you want, makes a hugh psychological difference. I fast two days per week. I try to eat nothing, but herbal tea or black coffee. Not too hard until the evenings, so I go to bed early . So far I have been loosing about one pound per fast day.
    I usually find normal diets very difficult. I know that intermittent fasting is very good for control of risk factors for heart disease, stroke, cancer and dementia. So, I think this helps me stay focused on the bigger picture. I also read that fasting can lchange brain chemistry and boost mood.
    Looking forward to seeing how my attitudes change over the next month regarding this new lifestyle. Curious to know if there are others out there who have been on the Fast Diet for longer periods, and what their experiences are.
  • qtrhrse1
    qtrhrse1 Posts: 19 Member
    I was wondering if you ate your excercise calories. He stated in book it was okay just make sure that you are honest about calories. Is this during the induction period as well? Thank you

  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I was wondering if you ate your excercise calories. He stated in book it was okay just make sure that you are honest about calories. Is this during the induction period as well? Thank you


    I don't eat back exercise calories. I like to think of having a weekly goal calories instead of day by day. If one of my low calorie days falls out on a workout day and I eat back those calories, I'm over my calorie goal for the week.
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    Every other day rotations (JUDDD) works perfectly well. I don't understand why you'd risk the slow down of your metabolism with too many down days. I think the magic with JUDDD is in the wide swing of calories between the two days, though I wouldn't presume to know your personal metabolism and if the tweak you're doing is safe or not. I just want to put it out there, that I lost over 100 pounds in thirteen months simply following every other day fasting. Good luck!