natural body products.



  • Snapdragons3
    Snapdragons3 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm sorry for your loss Deanna.

    I like Primal Life Organics. I've been having some really good results with their Banished and Beyond package for acne.
  • cali_kid88
    cali_kid88 Posts: 19 Member
    I lost twins last month at 17 weeks so I need time emotionally and physically to heal. I think right now, especially since going paleo and trying to get healthier inside and out, the copper IUD is the best choice besides natural family planning.

    Please make sure after that you get checked out after a miscarriage it's a big deal, I know it's hard to deal with it because of the hormonal imbalance but it's so important. Having a doctor who truly cares makes the difference, I had to be dragged to the doctor after I misscarried at 23. My best friend who has endo took me to her specialist and honestly I found that there were bigger nastier issues going on for me than just a miscarriage. But having a doctor who doesn't have a huge ego and is concerned about you as a person is so refreshing, but honestly make sure your ok.
  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    justaspoonfulofsugar Posts: 587 Member
    Thanks for all the replies! I bought some Braggs acv last night and am going to start my no poo adventure today, I found some mineral makeup for super cheap and bought that as well, I know makeup is not necessary but for now I am not giving it up! I used coconut oil yesterday for deodorant and it worked well, even with it 80 degrees so I am sticking with that. I still used toothpaste today and body wash but will switch soon to natural.
    As far as cleaning is concerned does anyone know anything about babyganics? I have been buying their cleaning products since I have a 8 month old, I want to expose him to as little as possible and they claim to be all natural. I have a lot of their products for both cleaning and for use on his body.
    Also a question for the females, what are your feelings on hormone based contraceptives? I have been on the pill for a month and feel like its making me feeling crappy. I am getting a hormone free IUD next month but until then I am been considering stopping the pill.

    I have an IUD and it's been almost 7 years now.I got it after the birth of my child.
    I am now trying to get it out.
    It increased my period 10 fold and the first year it was very bad with weird pains and cramps.
    I had a friend that had hers for 6 months and needed to get rid of it because of the bleeding reason..too heavy,wiped her out.
    I never had pms/omt in my life until I got the iud and now it's quite bad.I do not have a hormonal based iud.
    It is very easy,nothing to think about an from what I remember,the one I have is good for 10 years.
    I have never heard of anyone losing one but,changes in weight can dislodge the iud.
    I know there is a natural method of birth control where you chart your ovulation but that's the only other "natural"method I have heard of.
  • deanna198888
    I lost twins last month at 17 weeks so I need time emotionally and physically to heal. I think right now, especially since going paleo and trying to get healthier inside and out, the copper IUD is the best choice besides natural family planning.

    Please make sure after that you get checked out after a miscarriage it's a big deal, I know it's hard to deal with it because of the hormonal imbalance but it's so important. Having a doctor who truly cares makes the difference, I had to be dragged to the doctor after I misscarried at 23. My best friend who has endo took me to her specialist and honestly I found that there were bigger nastier issues going on for me than just a miscarriage. But having a doctor who doesn't have a huge ego and is concerned about you as a person is so refreshing, but honestly make sure your ok.

    We know what was wrong. There was a chromosomal issue with one of them. It caused my body to go into preterm labor, they were both alive at birth but there was nothing that could be done to stop it from happening, my water broke. I do thankfully have a really good OB, but I do not plan on getting pregnant until I lose weight and am healthy. I had GD with both my pregnancies and high BP. My fasting was still in the prediabetic zone until starting Paleo, this morning it was 81! And my BP was 106/69 two days ago when I had it checked, so this way of eating is making a HUGE difference for my body already.
  • deanna198888
    Thanks for all the replies! I bought some Braggs acv last night and am going to start my no poo adventure today, I found some mineral makeup for super cheap and bought that as well, I know makeup is not necessary but for now I am not giving it up! I used coconut oil yesterday for deodorant and it worked well, even with it 80 degrees so I am sticking with that. I still used toothpaste today and body wash but will switch soon to natural.
    As far as cleaning is concerned does anyone know anything about babyganics? I have been buying their cleaning products since I have a 8 month old, I want to expose him to as little as possible and they claim to be all natural. I have a lot of their products for both cleaning and for use on his body.
    Also a question for the females, what are your feelings on hormone based contraceptives? I have been on the pill for a month and feel like its making me feeling crappy. I am getting a hormone free IUD next month but until then I am been considering stopping the pill.

    I have an IUD and it's been almost 7 years now.I got it after the birth of my child.
    I am now trying to get it out.
    It increased my period 10 fold and the first year it was very bad with weird pains and cramps.
    I had a friend that had hers for 6 months and needed to get rid of it because of the bleeding reason..too heavy,wiped her out.
    I never had pms/omt in my life until I got the iud and now it's quite bad.I do not have a hormonal based iud.
    It is very easy,nothing to think about an from what I remember,the one I have is good for 10 years.
    I have never heard of anyone losing one but,changes in weight can dislodge the iud.
    I know there is a natural method of birth control where you chart your ovulation but that's the only other "natural"method I have heard of.

    Do you have Paraguard, the copper IUD? My OB told me that it can increase bleeding but as long as I have normal cycles, which thankfully I do, it would be fine. I don't want to have to chart my ovulation, I am pretty sure you have to check your temp daily and other things to do that, and I just don't feel like being that dedicated to it. I want to just have something that I don't have to think or worry about.
  • craudi
    craudi Posts: 126 Member
    Also a question for the females, what are your feelings on hormone based contraceptives? I have been on the pill for a month and feel like its making me feeling crappy. I am getting a hormone free IUD next month but until then I am been considering stopping the pill.

    I've been on the pill for about 3 years now, and I'm planning on stopping it within the month!! I want to meet with my gyno first (appointment next week!), but I KNOW that the pill has caused me so much undue anxiety and weird moods, that at this point it's "benefits" are being overshadowed by the downsides. I've been researching and learning about FAM (Fertility Awareness Method) and even started taking my temp each morning to start getting in the habit. I couldn't be more excited to get off of these hormones, which I know now are a big reason for so many weird emotions and problems that have come up in the past 3 years!
  • craudi
    craudi Posts: 126 Member
    My OB told me that it can increase bleeding but as long as I have normal cycles, which thankfully I do, it would be fine. I don't want to have to chart my ovulation, I am pretty sure you have to check your temp daily and other things to do that, and I just don't feel like being that dedicated to it. I want to just have something that I don't have to think or worry about.

    And personally, I'm super excited to chart and get to know my body so well. But it's a good thing you know that you might not be dedicated, since it would be so easy to slip up!
  • deanna198888
    My OB told me that it can increase bleeding but as long as I have normal cycles, which thankfully I do, it would be fine. I don't want to have to chart my ovulation, I am pretty sure you have to check your temp daily and other things to do that, and I just don't feel like being that dedicated to it. I want to just have something that I don't have to think or worry about.

    And personally, I'm super excited to chart and get to know my body so well. But it's a good thing you know that you might not be dedicated, since it would be so easy to slip up!

    I am really too lazy to do it and I am amazing at getting pregnant, my lard has not affected my fertility, I have gotten pregnant within the first month twice since Dec. 2011 so its just too risky. I am sure you will feel amazing getting to know your body so well and feeling so in touch with yourself, especially after so long on the pill. I have only been on it since the end of April but it gives me headaches and I feel like it might be hindering my weight loss. I have an Ob appointment on the 6th to get Paraguard and cannot wait to be done with hormones. I really want to rid my body of as much as possible, I am trying not to take any medications as well unless I have to.
  • primalkiwi
    primalkiwi Posts: 164 Member
    I pretty much use Weleda products for everything Their range covers everything from medicines to toothpaste, deodorant, moisturisers etc. I don't really use a lot of stuff anyway but my one can't-live-without is Weleda Sea Buckthorn Body Lotion - I use it on my face, best thing ever!