
craudi Posts: 126 Member
I just have to say, that I've only jumped back into the primal way of eating for a bit over a week, but this past weekend I indulged in a few corn chips and wheat thins while hanging out with my girlfriends. Boy did I feel the effects on Sunday! (Potentially TMI for those that don't want to read on) I've really never noticed any urgency in having to go to the bathroom unless I was sick or had too much coffee, haha. I love how when my food choices are primal/paleo, I go and that's that. But this weekend proved that my body does not like and cannot handle those grain-filled foods! I'm thankful that I've had the wake up call (and thankful it wasn't worse. I don't have IBS, but even someone without a diagnosis can have symptoms when you eat something that your body cannot handle!)


  • AshleyPaleo
    AshleyPaleo Posts: 121
    This is what happens to me, and to think I have been eating this way my whole life!!
  • craudi
    craudi Posts: 126 Member
    This is what happens to me, and to think I have been eating this way my whole life!!

    I know, right!? It's crazy how we didn't notice until now!! It's enough to at least make me think twice!
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    This will happen to me too if a stray from paleo, just not worth it!! last time ( from dairy for me) I had some of the BF's whey protein and greek yogurt, thought I was gonna die!! but grains are just as bad and won't even touch them
  • cali_kid88
    cali_kid88 Posts: 19 Member
    I've had that happen. This last time I cheated I honestly felt like my teeth hurt a few minutes after words, immediately went to brush my teeth. But I almost feel better knowing I have a bad reaction to something so next time in that same spot I can think hey is it really worth it???
  • deanna198888
    I have only been Paleo since last Monday. On Sat I decided to eat cheese and I ended up itching like crazy, now I am wondering if I have a lactose intolerance I never knew about. My body was itching really bad and I ended up taking allergy medication to get it to stop.
  • atuchon
    atuchon Posts: 234 Member
    I started last week and totally gave in yesterday and had dairy and bread and I was instantly bloated and my stomach hurt....I need to keep reminding myself it's not worth it and I ALWAYS feel like crap if I give in!
  • craudi
    craudi Posts: 126 Member
    I started last week and totally gave in yesterday and had dairy and bread and I was instantly bloated and my stomach hurt....I need to keep reminding myself it's not worth it and I ALWAYS feel like crap if I give in!

    And it happens so often!! I think back to when I ate "healthy whole grains" or just regular old grains, and felt like crap all the time! I think I just thought it was par for the course, maybe thinking "I gorged myself again!" or something. Last night I made Meatza for the first time. Had one slice and felt completely satisfied (and excited about having leftovers for today). When I ate grains all the time, I was a bottomless pit! I could eat until I was going to pop and be so happy about it, until around the time I was going to bed and then I'd get bloated and so uncomfortable. What a difference! And I thought it was normal and okay!!