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  • nicca_jb
    nicca_jb Posts: 1,278 Member
    First impressions: I love the hidden sidebar UI addition, much easier to work with. I'm generally impressed by the fluidity and the feel of the app - well done. I'd also anticipated being able to view blog or forum posts, but it's not a major issue for me as yet (though we have to sign on to the website in order to participate in the feedback for the app, which is kind of amusing)...

    Overall pleased. Will see how it syncs with Runtastic later.

    EDIT: forgot to mention, hitting "Back" literally takes me one page backwards instead of the part of the site I was viewing before, and this is pretty annoying while making diary entries (I think this is the same as it was in the former app). Had hoped to see that changed. Maybe some indicator nudging you to use the sidebar to navigate instead of your back button?
  • tony644
    tony644 Posts: 5 Member
    I am also missing the "Frequent" tab when i am entering food.

    Really want this tab back, because it was the most used tab in the app for me.

    I'm also missing it on my Motorola Razr M.

    Also the items in the recent tab don't seem to be ordered very well. Items which I've eaten a few times ages ago are above items I ate yesterday and would appear on the frequent tab.
  • richUK
    richUK Posts: 13 Member
    Just getting used to this..
    I've got a few things to try out after I cycle home tonight to input the exercise done and see if it fixes an issue that I have had with the current released version..

    overall, it looks quite nice so far, but it's a bit different, so there is a learning curve with the upgrade - I'll be able to say more after a couple of days usage.

  • tony644
    tony644 Posts: 5 Member
    Displaying kilojoules rather than calories was a pleasant surprise. I live in Australia and hopefully this will improve my accuracy because today I know the kilojoules when I will buy something but if I can't find an exact match in the database will pick a generic item with calories.

    Hopefully the web site will also be updated when this version is released.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    I am also missing the "Frequent" tab when i am entering food.

    Really want this tab back, because it was the most used tab in the app for me.

    I'm also missing it on my Motorola Razr M.

    Also the items in the recent tab don't seem to be ordered very well. Items which I've eaten a few times ages ago are above items I ate yesterday and would appear on the frequent tab.

    I do have the frequent tab.

    However, the ordering problem is annoying as all get out. I try to sort items (like my exercises) according to recently used and it does not change, it stays alphabetical. I will also put this in the glitch discussion.
  • jakki_brown
    jakki_brown Posts: 142 Member
    I just got the new version loaded onto my phone today. At a first glance, I think it looks really nice but I cannot tell a big difference in features. I am bummed to find that the community aspect of this program hasn't been integrated. My Galaxy S4 is doing well!
  • Graciemac70
    Graciemac70 Posts: 158 Member
    So far so good. I like it...It has a nice layout...smooth transition..pretty awesome so far. I have a HTC Rezound
  • ericks37
    ericks37 Posts: 4 Member
    So far I have been enjoying using the new app on my Galaxy Nexus. Toggling between the 'Home' screen and the food listing screen took a bit of getting used to, but do like having all the screen options in one menu. I don't have any missing 'Frequent' foods used or anything like that. I did find that to delete food entries long press the entry and a pop up screen will be offered to delete the item.

    The one change from the previous version I haven't cared for is the net calories on the home screen doesn't give any positive or negative indication. I've been having to look at my total calories available to see where I'm at. I would imagine this information would be included in the final version...

    I noticed there does not seem to be any place to force a sync. Syncing so far has been smooth so I haven't missed it, but sometimes it was nice to be able to use it after a fresh Fitbit upload. As for the Fitbit sync, have not noticed any issues so far.
  • info_nrs
    info_nrs Posts: 102 Member
    My very first initial impressions are that it is much better looking than the old app but it does the same stuff. I still cant access blogs or click thru to people's blog entries when it says theyve posted one :( but it was easier to input my weight this am. I dont remember if you could do that through the app before or not. Everything seems to work for me on my galaxy SIII so far.

    This ^ . . .also, you can't access groups. That was really a problem for me because I was part of a challenge and I would get the notification from the leader that he posted in the group, but then couldn't link to that post.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I like the new look, it feels more intuitive, some of the graphics are more streamlined. I'm not going to pretend I was a hard core user, as normally I would just use the app to log exercise, and the occasional frequently eaten food, so detailed comparison I can't really give too much. I like the breakdown on the home of goal, exercise, net, etc. in this format,a nd the quick option to Add to Diary.
    I would also enjoy access to blogs and message boards/groups via the app as well.
  • DanaHerro
    DanaHerro Posts: 186 Member
    So far I really like the look of it.
    I miss the tabs at the top though - don't like to have to keep pressing the little runner guy to get back menus
    also REALLY wish there was a way to add friends via their username and not invite using your phone numbers, email, facebook. It's hard enough to find on the desktop site and it's non-existent on the mobile app.

    I also would love to be able to SHARE recipes with other users - like if you clicked share, the recipe would go right over to their profile too. Would save a lot of time for people!!! :)
  • DanaHerro
    DanaHerro Posts: 186 Member
    My initial impression is that it is very similar to the current app, but with just some design changes and perhaps a little more intuitive. I like the slide over menu, it seems easier to navigate, and the notifications, those are a nice bonus.

    It would be nice to have:
    1) Better access to add recipes (this took me a while to find)
    2) The ability to search within my own recipes (of course, I would like this on the regular website)
    3) Actual forum access via the app

    It would be really, really nice to be able to see how many people have confirmed a food when you search via the app for a particular ingredient or dish. This is one of the main reasons I avoid entering foods via the app usually because I don't have any way of knowing if the food is a quick entry someone made without checking its nutrition label.

    No crashes or bugs yet on my LG Optimus 9

    YES YES YES on the confirmations on calorie counts!!!!
  • Codeinmysleep
    Codeinmysleep Posts: 13 MFP Moderator
    So far I really like the look of it.
    I miss the tabs at the top though - don't like to have to keep pressing the little runner guy to get back menus
    also REALLY wish there was a way to add friends via their username and not invite using your phone numbers, email, facebook. It's hard enough to find on the desktop site and it's non-existent on the mobile app.

    I also would love to be able to SHARE recipes with other users - like if you clicked share, the recipe would go right over to their profile too. Would save a lot of time for people!!! :)

    it's confusing right now because it's not explicitly called out. You can add friends by username, just choose the 'email' option, and enter the username in place of the email address. Hope this helps.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Sharing recipes sounds like a fab idea!
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    My initial impression is that it is very similar to the current app, but with just some design changes and perhaps a little more intuitive. I like the slide over menu, it seems easier to navigate, and the notifications, those are a nice bonus.

    It would be nice to have:
    1) Better access to add recipes (this took me a while to find)
    2) The ability to search within my own recipes (of course, I would like this on the regular website)
    3) Actual forum access via the app

    I agree with all of this, plus I like the reminder. It loads a lot easier and faster on my phone (HTC DNA) than the previous version.
  • dragon1ady
    dragon1ady Posts: 335 Member
    The new interface is a huge improvement and i find it much easier to navigate. The food search function seems to have been improved as well?

    I don't particularly care to have access to the general forums through the app, but that could be because I never really use them. Access to my groups though, now that would be wonderful. They could go under the Friend menu?
  • jmnicholas
    jmnicholas Posts: 58 Member
    I'm getting frustrated with the 'Recent' tab, which didn't have tany of my recent items on it :frown: . One thing I like with the app (both older and current) is the multi-add function, which picks up items from any lists, including search, which isn't as accessible on the web version.
  • ericks37
    ericks37 Posts: 4 Member
    I did find the Data Sync, in the main menu... definitely like having all the destination options in one place.
  • sheltrk
    sheltrk Posts: 111 Member
    I've been using the Beta for a few days now. Overall, I like the new look. The interface feels more like a modern Android app, which I judge to be a good thing.

    A couple of things I don't like:
    1. The Recent/Frequent entries in the non-Beta app remember that last serving size I selected. I really like that feature. In the Beta version, all the portion sizes in the Recent/Frequent lists appear to default to 1.0 serving. It's kind of annoying. For example: I'll often put 2 ounces of coconut milk in my morning coffee. 2 ounces is 0.25 servings, and with the Beta app I have to type that in every time.

    2. It seems like the non-Beta synced automatically much more often than the Beta version. The data sync button is several button presses from the home screen. I'd like to see more frequent auto-syncing and a "Sync" button on the home screen.
  • msienkiewicz
    msienkiewicz Posts: 14 Member
    I have only used the Beta once - typically I'm on the website during the week and on the tablet more on weekends. One problem - I got the screen with the terms for use but it appeared blank so I don't know what I've agreed to when I OKd it.

    I'm using it on my Asus Transformer tablet and I think the app looks great. My workflow for adding and searching for foods is a lot like on the website, and that's helpful for me. I may start using the app to help plan my meals rather than recording things afterward. I liked the pie chart display though it wasn't clear to me right away what the sections represented. (I will have to give it another look.) I am mainly using the site to track food, I don't do much exercise yet - so I can't comment on those functions.