Hey, Fat Girl

likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

I think it's time to post this again :)


  • Jhs1987
    Jhs1987 Posts: 40 Member
    That is awesome... thank you for sharing!!
  • JennChamb
    JennChamb Posts: 55
    That was beautiful. Thank you for posting.
  • That really was very moving. I started tearing up while reading it. Thanks for the post!
  • ShannonKN
    ShannonKN Posts: 152 Member
    Awesome post. Thank you for sharing, vardaeml!
  • sandy_gee
    sandy_gee Posts: 372 Member
  • AmbyrJayde
    AmbyrJayde Posts: 257 Member
    That made me tear up :') in a happy way of course.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
  • drink_me
    drink_me Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you for posting this. Very inspiring and very true. When I'm out running and feeling like I'm going to die and I see another runner, all I've gotten are smiles of encouragement!
  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    This has me bawling right now. I really needed to read this at this very moment! Thank you for posting!!!
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    Thanks for sharing :)
    I'm off to show it to more people :D
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    I just saw the link on another thread in the main forums. I've read it before and printed it out - when I stopped sniffling.
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    Love it!
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Thank you SO much! I have been that fat girl (walking) and now even as a slimmer girl I feel like the fat girl most days! I needed this and I know many of my friend who need this as well. :heart:
  • bettepower
    bettepower Posts: 73 Member
    Excellent, thank you.
  • mtcastillo86
    mtcastillo86 Posts: 119 Member
    Giving this a bump, cuz I loved it!
  • ruwise
    ruwise Posts: 265 Member
    This is great. Annoying how when you start to read the comments though that idiots attack the guy for using the wrong words etc etc. Sometimes people just have to criticise everything he clearly meant it to motivate people like me and I'm happy to take the motivation and not second guess his every thought.
  • Mom_Ellis
    Mom_Ellis Posts: 72 Member
    As someone just starting on my journey I loved this and had to pass it along to my sisters. Thanks for sharing.
  • Thyme4change
    Thyme4change Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks for posting the link...I am that fat girl who can run a mile and a few more steps each time, woohoo..I teared up reading that blog. I never thought about others silently cheering me on rather than thinking 'how did she ever get that way? It's nice to be reminded we aren't in HS anymore and people usually mature. But I must confess that Everytime I run I do tear up because I never thought I could run without killing myself. It is so emotional to do something that I only thought athletes did. Someone called me physically active yesterday and I said not really. But I am! I may not go for miles and hours at a time but exercise has become a part of my life. It took almost 45 years, I am 49 now...this couch potato has turn over a new leaf..Good on all of us for getting out there..and even the ones of us who are thinking about it...

    He quote that helped me when Running was only a delusion and made it a dream..NO MATTER HOW SLOW YOU GO, YOU ARE STILL LAPPING THE PEOPLE ON THE COUCH
  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    I haven't run in over 6 months, but this rings so true to me. Beautiful post, got me all teary eyed. I respect every runner I see out there, and especially cheer on the heavier ones - 'cause running is harder when you're heavier! I know! I've done it!!

    Thanks Thyme4change this is a really good one too, "NO MATTER HOW SLOW YOU GO, YOU ARE STILL LAPPING THE PEOPLE ON THE COUCH"
  • jessiebritt
    jessiebritt Posts: 33 Member
    This is amazing. Thank You!
  • happypam
    happypam Posts: 4 Member
    WOW, thank you for posting that! I REALLY needed to read it!

    I did my first outdoor run this past weekend and I swear I was more nervous about people seeing me run than the run itself! Every car that drove by felt like their eyes were trained directly on me, judging me, watching my body parts jiggle as I moved, and if they drove by as my pattern changed from the jog to walk I was certain they were saying "Oh look at the fat girl, can't run for very long, go eat another cheeseburger!"...

    But the look of pride in my husband and son's eyes when I came back in the door after completing my run made it all go away! And I'm going back out again TONIGHT! :bigsmile:
  • Sweetchar417
    Sweetchar417 Posts: 23 Member
    Wow. *tears* Loved it!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I must confess that Everytime I run I do tear up because I never thought I could run without killing myself.
    Yeah. Me too.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Bumping because I need an inspirational cry.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,159 Member
    Good timing with bumping. I just got in from doing W6D2 of C25K and reading it made me tear up again.
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Let's bump this for those who haven't gotten a chance to read.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    I teared up too when reading it a week ago. It is definitely an emotional thing for me still.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I love this every time I read it. I actually really like his blog even though I have no interest in being an ultra runner. He seems like a great guy.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member

    I'm glad that I'm not the only one who teared up reading it. It was definitely motivational.