
Shirlann46 Posts: 430 Member
I'm new here, too.
Turned 66 in March and trying to get myself Healthy and in Shape. Weight has been a problem all my life. But, I keep smiling. I just keep my chin up and face(health) problems head on.


  • Renee2743
    Renee2743 Posts: 17 Member
    Good for you! Keep up the good work and try to get in as much exercise as possible. It really helps. Enlist a friend to go with you. Its more fun!
  • K8tzmom
    K8tzmom Posts: 20 Member
    Happy to be in this group of 60 somethings. I turned 67 this month, and am finally doing something about the weight that's crept on since menopause. Welcome to all new members (as am I) - we're doing something about our health and have this wonderful tool to help us. Yay, us!!!
  • ruthco69
    ruthco69 Posts: 2
    Hi, I signed on just a little over a week ago. Have never used a message board before so this is a new experience. Have been on about every conceivable diet over the last 50 years or so. Started having weight problem at puberty and haven't had a break since so I am convinced that hormones are part of the problem. Never mind that I like to cook and learned very well from my farm family how to use butter, cream, eggs, flour and sugar all too well. Vegetables? are there any besides green beans and corn?

    I am a newbie too and enjoy reading your posts. Thanks Renee for getting me back to MFP!!
  • Renee2743
    Renee2743 Posts: 17 Member
    Looks like you're in good company. Paula Dean recently found out she had Type 2 diabetes. Bet her diet has really changed!
  • Welcome and I agree with Renee that physical activity with a friend makes it more fun. I walk 30 minutes a day and there is a whole group of us around the same age that walk togther. That half hour goes by rather quickly and it's fun talking about anything and everything! And the best part is that the physical activity helps to lose the weight faster!
  • I like the suggestion about finding a friend to exercise with. Another thing I like to do is listen to a good book while i work out. It makes me look forward to the gym so I can get back to my book!
  • Renee, getting diabetes has been a huge motivator to my losing weight. Runs in my family genes. Something about having to take insulin shots every day like my sister does, scares me.
  • Renee2743
    Renee2743 Posts: 17 Member
    Hope you're doing well and that this holiday weekend won't derail you! I have no special plans but will continue to keep moving. Have a great Memorial Day!
  • Hi, my name is Beth and I joined this site back in December 2011 but never stuck with it until July 16 2012. I finally am motivated to lose weight and having friends over 60 (i am 63) working for the same end result is wonderful. To date I have lost 10 pounds and my goal is 25.
    Good luck everyone.
  • lacreek7
    lacreek7 Posts: 10
    I am new to groups but used this tool off and on for awhile. I am 67yrs old, retired from AT&T for 3 yrs. After a year of destressing I got back into my old (good) eating and exercise routine. My daughter introduced me to this site. I am in my second year of slowly working off the weight and building up the body. I really feel so much better about myself and my body thanks me for it too! I chose this group because I wanted to interact with people closer to my age group and perhaps interests.

    I have about 10 more pounds to lose. I 'll do an assessment of how I look and feel and decide if I should try for 10 more. I am only 5' 2" and now weigh 150 so I don't think 130 is too little for me. We'll see.
  • lacreek7
    lacreek7 Posts: 10
    :happy: Good luck to all of us on our healthy journeys.
  • Hello Everyone. My name is Donna. I am 60 years old. I joined MFP almost two months ago and have lost a total of three pounds (as of today). Problem is that I have lost and regained that same three pounds a dozen times since starting this journey. I have heard a dozen different ideas about the "correct" way to work the program, from following MFP's recommended calories to taking your weight and multiplying by some mystery number to subtracting 10 - 20% off your TDEE but staying above your BMR. Yep, I am definitely confused! I know my metabolism is screwed up from past poor eating habits and I am working on correcting that issue. I'm looking for friends with like issues to accompany me on this journey. Hopefully support and encouragement will help us reach our weight loss goals together!
  • Hello everyone!! I'm Linda and am nearly 61 and loving it. I just found this site this morning. It looks great and I"m looking forward to finally shedding some winter pounds. So glad there is a support group of others my age. Good luck to you all!
  • Day three. Is anyone else having trouble getting all of the required calories in without going over the limits on some of the other categories?
  • sansbuda
    sansbuda Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Linda. Unfortunately this group doesn't seem to be very active. Maybe we can change that. I started here in February and I'm really enjoying the motivation from the Success Stories. I would like to see more from our age group though. We all know the 20-30 somethings can lose. We have that whole slowing metabolism thing dragging us down. This is the first time I've ever been successful in keeping a food diary. The database is great. The biggest problem is trying to estimate when you go out to a restaurant. I look for whatever is similar in the database and go with that just to get an estimate. I'm not making myself crazy with trying to eat an exact number of calories but logging keeps me from mindlessly sitting down with a box of Cheezits. Now I understand why I was slowly putting on weight. I bought a food scale and try to be as accurate as I can. We got take out last night & I have no idea how many calories I ate so just logged 700, hoping I was over-estimating but restaurant food is so deceiving. Hopefully some other over 60's will chime in.

  • Thanks, Dorothy! Yes, I'd love to see this become more active too and become a real community. We 60-somethings can use all the support we can get! :flowerforyou:
    I guess I need to not stress if I go over the limit on sugars by 3 points, eh? Just trying to follow as closely as I can because I'd really like to get rid of this winter weight. If not I'd have to buy a whole new summer wardrobe, and while that sounds like fun, it would be rather expensive!
    I totally get what you mean about the Cheezits. I don't dare bring a bag of chips into the house.... That would really put my sodium level over the roof. I love that this system helps track that as well.
    It's really nice to meet you, Dorothy. I'm sure we will keep in touch on here. Come on, Ladies, let's build a real community!:smile:

  • iluka52
    iluka52 Posts: 17 Member
    This is a great place to start. Lots of interesting articles. No one to blame but yourself if you fall off the wagon and then you just get back on the next day.
    good luck with it all.
  • kristien52
    kristien52 Posts: 6 Member
    Turning 64 next week and, since January have been trying to lose with no success. Keep losing and gaining the same 4 lbs. I think they just go into hiding. I am proud of my commitment to exercise- so far 3 days a week at Interval Aerobics for an hour each. But if I'm not in a class, my motivation flags. That said, I need help in staying on plan and I know the loss will be slow. My other problem is impatience and discouragement. So- encouragement please!
  • kristien52
    kristien52 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm new but willing to be an active participant!
  • wmilosh
    wmilosh Posts: 4 Member
    Me too, a newbie that is. After using MFP for a few months now, I started to explore the program and found the groups. Over 60 and still smiling caught my eye. I'm 12 years beyond 60, but I still manage to smile most of the time. Even if I'm a little off on some days, a child's smile or giggle can snap me right out of it. I drive a school bus to stay active. It's good to see a lot of positive thoughts on the group.