Anyone Really Overweight Doing This?

Maybe this forums are counter productive for me, but reading people saying they lost 3lbs is really discouraging.I need to loose close to 100lbs and I bought this program because of Jillians reputation and the added bonus of the meal plan. Reading weight loss of people that I wish I was as thin as makes me think this really isn't for me. Anyone else in this situation?


  • tonyalanae
    tonyalanae Posts: 2 Member
    You can do this! I weight 190 and was at 262!' One day at time. Just like she said u showed up. Keep at it. Know u aren't going to drop right away due to water consumption and muscle gain :)
  • Zilla100
    Zilla100 Posts: 137 Member
    If it helps, I have 55 lbs to lose and I have been losing some lbs and some inches with this program.
  • eimsg
    eimsg Posts: 19
    There's a point during one of the workouts where Jillian says she wants you to be losing 3-5lbs a week (as far as I remember). I think it's really designed for people with more to lose to shed a lot of weight fast. But anyone using her meal plan or staying within their calorie allowance should see change.

    Personally I have a little over 20 pounds to lose, I'm in week 8 and have lost about 4 pounds, a lot of that is down to my failure to log my food until the past 2 weeks. That said even people not losing weight will see a change in inches and general fitness.

    I think you should definitely give it a go, especially if you're prepared to go with her meal plan. I've found it easy to stay motivated on this programme as you're constantly changing it up.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    During the program Jillian also points out that it's what she had Biggest Loser contestants too. Sure, you might have to modify some of the moves to start out, but you build up strength and stamina, as well as lose weight, while you go along. Don't be too obsessed with fast weight loss. That idea is why so many people buy into worthless gimmicks, pills, and potions. Sure, we'd all like our excess weight to drop off instantly, but the healthy way is gradual and sustainable. You're in the right place to make that happen, and I think you'd do well with JMBR.
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    while i've definitely stretched the program out more than intended - i've lost about 25 lbs since starting it (only in the middle of phase 2) if I start to feel like i'm burning out I intermix it with other types of work outs to keep me moving...

    While I found when I started that my weight really forced me to modify a lot of things its great to know that i can do more now that i thought i was capable of... push yourself and don't get down on yourself if you feel like you're not at the level of the ppl in the dvd (sometimes you even catch them cheating a bit which makes me feel a little better haha)