New to strength workouts

I've just started doing more strength workouts, although it mainly consists of working my way through 3 to 5 sets of 20 reps on each machine and then doing sit ups.

I'd like to learn how to use free weights or medicine balls to make my routine a bit different but I'm unsure of what to do or where to start really.

I normally go to the gym about 4 times a week and I dedicate 2 days to strength, although I do normally spend 20-30 minutes swimming laps after any workout just because I'd rather spend my time in the pool :p

Any tips or sharing of your strength workout would be appreciated!


  • cpalumbo89
    cpalumbo89 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi! I mainly use 5 pound weights and body resistance, working through all my muscle groups with 3 or 4 reps of 15 or 20. Will the 5 pound weight do anything? My next one up is 20. Should I increase my reps?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    This would be my recommended "progression" of programs to follow:

    1. NROL4W ("new rules of lifting for women" by lou schuler - probably $18 from amazon);
    2. NROL4Abs ("new rules of lifting for abs" by lou schuler);
    3. Venus Index (online subscription program).

    There is a "NROL4W group" here at mfp that can help you with the basics....
  • hopeelizabeth11
    hopeelizabeth11 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I mainly use 5 pound weights and body resistance, working through all my muscle groups with 3 or 4 reps of 15 or 20. Will the 5 pound weight do anything? My next one up is 20. Should I increase my reps?

    Increasing your sets or reps with the 5's will probably not bridge the gap to the 20's, if that's what you're asking. Decrease your reps and increase the weight (I do 3 sets of 10, for example).
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    There are a lot of posts about this topic if you search through the forums. There are some good books like NROL4W that Beeps suggested and Starting Strength. has free trainers, I started with The Livefit Trainer, this is good because there are videos with instructions for all of the lifts.
    If you are just starting on free weights it's probably a good idea to have a couple sessions with a trainer if you can to make sure you have good form.
  • jenine4366
    jenine4366 Posts: 11
    I personally prefer working with free weights. If you do the moves right you can feel exactly what muscles you are working. Like KatLifter said, I would definitely work with a trainer to make sure you are doing good form and to help you identify what weight you should use for different moves as well as teaching you basics. I invested in some pretty nice weight training gloves to keep my hands from getting calluses and I have some straps for when I start using heavier weights that tire out my fingers. If you get to that point, a trainer will be able to teach you how to wrap them properly.

    Also, lift heavier. If you are able to do 20 reps in one set your weights are way too light. Don't be afraid of a little weight, you aren't going to bulk up like a guy. Generally between 6-10 reps is what you're aiming for. If you can do more than 10, you should try going up a weight. On your last set you will probably be doing less reps than on your first set just because your muscles will be tired. When doing exercises for your back/legs you're going to end up using much heavier weights than you think you are capable of. I am just getting back into weight training (how I wish I hadn't stopped) and I'm using 30 lb dumbbells for my deadlifts (straight leg and bent leg), but I expect to get back up to using 50s in about 6 months or so.

    Shoulder/triceps you will probably be using fairly light weights, those are tiny muscles. Biceps and chest will be in between. Don't lift so much weight that you can't keep good form, but don't lift so little that you aren't pushing yourself.

    Also, don't underestimate good old body weight exercises. Pushups, chair dips, planks, etc are great strength building exercises.
  • cpalumbo89
    cpalumbo89 Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks everyone!