June Sign-Ups

caradae Posts: 743 Member
This thread is for posting your intentions to participate in the June 2013 challenge and to introduce yourself.

Welcome and good luck!


  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Hi, everyone.

    I'm caradae and I'm a working mother of two. (Yes, I am a member of M.A.) I've gained 55 pounds since becoming pregnant with my first child in 2009. I was already fairly heavy when I became pregnant, so I'm looking to lose quite a bit of weight, about 100 pounds.

    Strategies I plan to use when I feel the urge to binge or veg out all day without exercising:
    1. Call a friend or family member. Get someone to distract me from focusing on food.
    2. Remind myself that I enjoy exercising, once I start doing it. Getting up is the hardest part, and if I can just do that, then I'm golden.
    3. If it's too hot outside, I can always follow workout DVDs indoors. There's water in the tap and ice cubes in the freezer. There's no reason not to be active during the summer.
    4. Remember that I'm leading The Ultimate Accountability Challenge, and that it will be very hard to lead it if I've kicked myself out of the group for slipping up.

    Well, that's me.

    I look forward to meeting the rest of you!
  • armywf07
    armywf07 Posts: 245 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Rachel and I am currently an online student to get my Certified Medical Assistant degree. I'm a mother of an active 6 year old who soon going to be 7 in June and my beautiful little girl is an angel in heaven. My husband is Active duty Army and currently in the process of a med board.

    I do have medical conditions that make it hard as heck to lose weight. I have PCOS and hypothyroidism. I am currently weighing in at 189.4lbs. and not to happy about it all.

    Strategies I plan to use when I feel the urge to binge or veg out all day without exercising:
    1. Call a friend who is also trying to lose weight and a MFP buddy.
    2. Remind myself that I that I need to be exercising.
    3. If it's too hot outside, I can always follow workout DVDs or do my kentic Zumba classes indoors. There's water in the tap and ice cubes in the freezer. There's no reason not to be active during the summer.
    4. Remember that I human and I will make mistakes and that simple carbs are not my friends at all as much as I love them. It does more damage to my health than good.
    5. I need accountability to help me and that we all have our ups and downs in this journey!
  • JessiokaFroka
    JessiokaFroka Posts: 149 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Jessica and I'm currently a desk jockey. I'm 9-5 Monday through Friday, with no kids except for my husband (he counts, right?) I'm constantly connected to my phone, so if you need an ear or something just message me, I'll probably get back to you pretty soon.

    I've gained approximately 80 pounds since I started my desk job six years ago, and I'd like all of it to go away.

    Strategies I plan to use when I feel the urge to binge or veg out all day without exercising:
    1. Work out first thing in the morning. It works super-well for me.
    2. Walk during my breaks at work, whether or not I did my elliptical in the morning.
    3. Call a friend or family member. I have several friends and a family member using MFP; I have no excuse.
    4. Plan for splurges and snacks so I don't feel deprived
    5. Remind myself that I enjoy exercising once I start doing it. Getting up is the hardest part, and if I can just do that, then I'm golden.
  • bkitten1
    bkitten1 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi :)

    I'm Brigid, I work from home as a medical coder am married and have two teenage boys. My job is very sedentary but I am pretty active in spite of it this year because I just can not afford to sit still anymore. I have lost 120 lbs in the last 14 months and this site and staying on top of logging nutrition and staying active are the two biggest reasons for the weight loss. I have about 40 lbs to go now and kind of hit a wall but am re-motivated to get back on track.

    Strategies I plan to use when I feel the urge to binge or veg out all day without exercising:
    1. work out everyday.. even if it is a lunch time walk with the dogs and even on the weekends
    2. drink water, repeat, repeat, repeat.
    3. plan my meals ahead of time.. if it is not available and I am hungry and a bad choice is there I will eat it, so make my healthy options easily on hand and not have non healthy ones around (can be hard with hubby and my boys.. which is why I HAVE to plan)
    4.Get enough sleep, I binge much more when I am tired.
    5. Log onto MFP and participate on Every-Day Monthly Challenge group :)
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Laura. I'm 44 years old, not married, no kids. I too have a desk job, although I've got a couple of people I regularly walk with to try to get some activity during the day. After years of yo-yo dieting I finally signed up with a personal trainer in February. I strength train with him for 30 minutes 3 days a week, I'm just starting Week 4 of C25K, and I get some additional cardio in the days I don't do C25K (walk outside or on the treadmill, bike at the gym), and once a week we do a fitness class at my office after work (alternating Zumba/Pilates). My rest day I typically go for a light walk or just try to stay busy around the house, and now that it's summer I'll be mowing the lawn (push mower, not riding mower). I'm at a place right now where activity isn't an issue, but eating healthy remains a constant battle for me. I'll go in streaks where it almost seems easy (just finished the AdvoCare 24 day challenge and breezed through it) and then there are times where it seems impossible to eat right.

    Strategies I plan to use when I feel the urge to binge or veg out all day without exercising:
    1) I've got enough plans/structure during the week that typically I'm okay then, it's the weekends where I struggle. The weekends are also when I have no excuse to not get my exercise in - I have time to get outside or go to the gym - and if I'm active I'm far less likely to want to overeat.
    2) As part of that, when I want to overeat I need to get up and go for a walk or head to the gym until the urge passes, or I've burned off enough calories that MFP bumps up my calorie budget.
    3) I have a Fitbit to keep me honest as far as my activity level/intensity.
    4) My trainer weighs me in every Monday, which does give me pause when I want to start compulsively snacking on Sunday nights.
    5) I'm just recently getting involved in the MFP message boards, and there's an awful lot of support on this community.
  • Jetta1492
    Jetta1492 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am a mother of one, looking to lose around 10 lbs. It doesn't seem like a lot, but I have hit a plateau and the scale doesn't want to budge! I have PCOS,which makes it very hard to lose weight, but I have lost 39 lbs so far, and am not about to give up now when I am so close to my goal weight!

    Strategies I plan to use when I feel the urge to binge or veg out all day without exercising:
    1) I have a very hard time with overeating at night when I am not busy. I will keep myself busy so I won't be tempted to overeat.
    2) I will plan exercise into my day. When I plan it, I usually follow through on doing it!
    3) The same goes for my meals, I will plan those out too. This keeps me from using all my calories up early in the day!
    4) I will check in here often for support.
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Welcome, Rachel, Jessica, Brigid, Laura, and Morena!

    Five more days and we'll get this challenge started.
  • ShadowDancer0
    ShadowDancer0 Posts: 43 Member
    hi everyone, my name is robyn. I am 50 yrs old and have let myself go. I have over a 100 pounds to lose. lost some. seem to be stuck lately. wish us all well. robyn
  • miridai
    miridai Posts: 303 Member
    Hello everyone :)

    My name is Miriam and I´m from Slovakia. I´m 23 years old, teachor/translator, so my job is pretty sedentary, although I walk to work everyday or go by bike and almost never use our car. Sometimes, usually once a week, I go to a fitness centre for an hour of trampoline jumping, which I love, but don´t have enough free evenings to do it more often. But then there are also the days when I don´t leave the house and sit behind my computer translating all day. I´ve put on 10 kilos (22 lb) in the last year, just because I haven´t paid enough attention to my eating habits. Eventhough my friends keep telling me that they don´t see it, all my clothes have mysteriously shrunk. Summer is coming and I´d just love to feel good in my body again. I´m still single and the weight doesn´t help much with my selfconfidence to finally try to do something about my "relationship status". I know that I don´t drink enough water and intake too much sugar and fat. Another problem is that my favourite way of relax is just to sit on the couch and watch some TV serie. That is why I need something like this challenge, to be motivated to track my days, to exercise and eat healthy.

    Strategies I plan to use when I feel the urge to binge or veg out all day without exercising:
    1) Check in here for support.
    2) Instead of relaxing by doing nothing, learn to be active, to take out my bike and go exploring my city or call a friend to go for a walk (but with no ice-cream/cake&coffee breaks for me). Fresh air is my friend and not an enemy.
    3) Turn on my favourite music really loud and just dance around the house. Every move counts.
  • margieparkins
    margieparkins Posts: 591 Member
    Hello, My name is Margie from Australia, I am 58 years young and am very excited for this challenge, I need to get very strict with myself, I will talk more later on.
  • cliente
    cliente Posts: 40
    Hello! I'm Margherita.I'm Italian (sorry for my bad englis :S )... I am 19 years old and I am a student of last year of high school.. I love walking with my friend and running :) I love animals and I am vegetarian.. I really need this challenge to focus on my goal...because I have also graduation exam in June...

    Strategies I plan to use when I feel the urge to binge or veg out all day without exercising:
    1. Text a friend who follows a diet like me ..
    2. Remind myself my goal to lose 5kg before 1st of July
    3. Do blogilates video and follow Cassey's calendar of the month
    4. Go out for a walk with my dogs or a friend or , if it's raining, go to the gym :)
    5. Complete the food and exercise diary everyday writing everything...
    6. write the programm of every week in a notebook
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Hi, Robyn, Miriam, Margie, and Margherita. Lots of M-names!

    Welcome to the group.
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    Hi, I am Karen, I run a home daycare so food is always just a couple steps away. I have been struggling since Easter and need a real good kick in the butt. I have 2 children 12 and 10 and they are both active and in sports but I worry if I continue down this road they will soon follow. I have been overweight my whole life. I am in other groups and feel like I am letting everyone down, in this one I only let myself down and that just isn't an option anymore.
    Some things I like to do so I don't binge is having my fruit, veggies already washed and cut up and on the table so that is what I see first when I go into the kitchen. I go everywhere even shopping with my water bottle it helps with cravings and to get my water in.
  • CassMFP
    CassMFP Posts: 49 Member
    Hi everyone! I am Cassie and I am very excited to get started with this come June 1st! I am a very rule-oriented person, so I think this challenge will be great for me! It will be the toughest for me not to binge eat, so hopefully the threat of being "kicked out" will help with that!
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Hi, Karen and Cassie. If rules work for you, it sounds like you found the right place.

    Four more days. Hope you all had a nice, active Memorial Day, if you celebrate it!
  • Hello all

    I'm Janet based in the south west of the UK. Like a few other members here over the years I have piled the weight on due to inactivity and loving good food. I hit 50 in September and have my party planned - and I want to look and feel fit and fab at 50!!!

    I am also hitting a major transition in my work life - just made redundant, so now is a good time for me to spend a few months, looking for a new job but more importantly focusing on me me me.... I have the time and the money in the bank so I don't have to rush into the first job that comes along. My goal for September is to have lost 2 stone (28 lb of 12 KG dependent upon your preferred unit of measure) minimum.


    1. Focus on me, not my husband..... this is all about me after all - time to be selfish - just a little.
    2. Eat protein at every meal and to include more fish in my diet - at least 3 times per week.
    3. Eat only fruit or veg after 7.30 pm and drink only water in the evening (no wine for a month)....This might be hard, not so much the wine - but I do like my espresso!!!
    4. Continue with PT at least once a week and introduce little circuits at home in the evening - maybe when the ads are on the TV...
    5. Ensure the dogs get a 20 minute route march on their leads every day, and if the weather is good they can have their usual meander through the woods, moors or on the beach as well:-)

    Anyway take care

  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Hi, Janet. You can definitely lose 2 stone by your party. Welcome to the group.
  • caroljayne
    caroljayne Posts: 34 Member
    Hello everyone, I have just re found MFP and look forward to starting this challenge with you all.
    I'm Carol, 41 living in South West, UK.
    I'm wanting to lose 3 stone (not all in June - ;-))

    My daughter is getting married next Feb, I really don't want to be a FAT mother of the bride! I want to feel and look nice. So my strategy will be to think about her wedding to help keep me focussed.

    Good luck x
  • quixotic84
    quixotic84 Posts: 66 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Kate, I am 28, and I live in Dundalk (Baltimore), Maryland.

    *eat mostly veggies (50%+) per Dr. Furhman’s 90/10 Rule (90% vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, whole grains and fruits and 10% healthy oils, meat and dairy)
    *walk at least two miles every day (not much to most, but a lot to someone who usually does a mile a day!)
    *no soda (no diet soda either... it's worse for you!)
  • EniBee
    EniBee Posts: 274 Member
    Hi. My name is Eniola. I am 46 years old and a mother of 3. I am excited about his group as I see it as a challenge to fulfil all the requirements. I live in the UK and my work involves a lot of travel in Europe. I have been a member of MFP for a while, but only started logging my daily diary diligently from the 1st of April. I often am not too motivated to do excersie, but this group will definitely spur me on because of the fear of being kicked off!!
    I have just completed the May Squat challenge and am looking for the next challenge.