Not enough protein

Ladyboomer2 Posts: 19 Member
I need suggestions on how to up my protein intake without bumping up my fats or carbs.

I seem to be under my protein requirement on a daily basis-my goal is 105g a day which is pretty modest. My fats are 67g and carbs 45g for 1200cal per day-I'm doing the cals as well cos i need to watch my portion sizes :laugh:

I do a brisk walk for 30 minutes several times a week so I'm not "working out" or anything like that. (I'm 61 years young ha ha) but want to hang on to every bit of muscle i have hence my concern over the protein level.

I'm feeling fantastic without the grains-the negative impact they have on me is astounding-so I am happy with being Primal other than this little gliche :smile:


  • Tuesday4422
    Tuesday4422 Posts: 56 Member
    Fish and Chicken are great sources of protein without a lot of fat. :)
  • Tuesday4422
    Tuesday4422 Posts: 56 Member
    Also, nuts are a good source too!
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    protein shakes, get a good brand you can mix with water or a banana. or make your own jerky, i make mine and cut off all the fat. i use turkey breast.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Also, nuts are a good source too!

    Nuts have a ton of fat though. I eat them just about every day, but the OP said she wanted to avoid adding fat.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    protein shakes, get a good brand you can mix with water or a banana. or make your own jerky, i make mine and cut off all the fat. i use turkey breast.

    Isopure Low Carb protein powder is my favorite choice. Dutch Chocolate is the best tasting and dissolves pretty easily in water without clumping up. About $40 for a 3 lb jug and mine usually lasts a month or so.
  • Ladyboomer2
    Ladyboomer2 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions-I think i will have to raise the chicken and fish amounts-cant get the protein powder as i live in China. I do love nuts-they have been a huge life saver when ive been caught out with NOTHING suitable to eat-like airline food- so i always carry a little stash with me wherever i go but I am mindfull of the fat content :ohwell:
  • fitnessbugg
    fitnessbugg Posts: 141 Member
    I would second the jerky suggestion. If you can't/don't want to make your own, you can buy good brands online.
  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    justaspoonfulofsugar Posts: 587 Member
    Im curious why your fat needs to be low?
    One aspect of primal/paleo is eating moderate fat and fat actually keeps you fuller longer.
    As for upping protein eggs,cheese,nuts may have some fat but it's healthy fat.
  • tinacristina
    tinacristina Posts: 41 Member
    I was going to say the same thing about the fat should be 60% to 65% of your calories for both weight loss and maintenance. It's the protein that you want to control to some degree. I try to keep mine to 90 grams or so...give or take. That's about 25% my daily calories.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I know you said you're watching your portion sizes but 1200 calories is pretty restrictive. How tall are you? I would consider pairing primal woe with a TDEE-20%cut vs the MFP recommendations, they are horrendously low. Just my unsolicited opinion :p
  • atuchon
    atuchon Posts: 234 Member
  • Ladyboomer2
    Ladyboomer2 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi-just to clarify.

    I'm just a little under 5'3, 61 yy next week and my exercise pretty much consists of v brisk walking on the treadmill for 30mins several times a week. I would guess that my body comp is probably 50% body fat as I weigh nearly double what I did when i was in my 20s :ohwell:

    I arrived at the 1200 cal thing (which im only doing as i mentioned before to relearn portion control ie what 20g of cheese looks like as opposed to 40g ha ha) because the amount of cals i need to exist isn't a lot-under 2000 and to lose without killing myself with tough exercise (which i hate and will do for abt 5minutes) i needed to watch not only WHAT i was putting in my mouth-not a prob as i love eating primal BUT also how MUCH i was eating of said wonderful food.

    So based on those stats i have set my goals for 15%carbs,50%fat and 35% protein.I was only concerned abt the protein cos of the loss of muscle. Staying within the carbs has not been a problem at all-i love love love veggies and can eat a lot within that ratio. Once i kicked the bread addiction it was smooth sailing and yeah for cauliflower rice:heart:
    Getting enough protein without raising the fat too much (which raises the cals) has been a little more tricky but hey-please be assured Im not losing sleep over it-Im feeling great, I can tie my shoelaces without feeling i will suffocate and i have a clear mind and way more energy.

    Question as Im a newbie-would it help if u could c my diary?
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    It probably would help if you shared your diary.

    Regarding the calories: I've seen several pieces stating that as we age, we need fewer calories, and if you're satisfied with what you're eating, then I'd trust that (unless your MD has said otherwise, of course).
  • Ladyboomer2
    Ladyboomer2 Posts: 19 Member
    I am satisfied with what I eat-I try to vary it a bit so i get all the nutrition i need.
    And I have shared my diary:wink: