Starting May 13th

Never2Late2BU Posts: 14 Member
Did anyone start today?

If so lets encourage each other.....


  • jconn1012
    jconn1012 Posts: 1
    I started Insanity today too!
  • Bethatong
    Bethatong Posts: 5 Member
    Great! I started today. I stank like dirty diapers. I am 51 years old and 50 pounds overweight. I understand I won't be able to do all the exercises all the time to start with, but my goal is to continually improve. I was actually watching the video for tomorrow so I won't be surprised. :laugh: Glad to have a group for mutual support.
  • RobGzuz
    RobGzuz Posts: 7
    Today was the start of my 3rd week. I was hyped to see how much better i did on my fit test. Good luck to you on your Insanity journey.
  • mpetrovic
    mpetrovic Posts: 14 Member
    I started yesterday with a good friend, and we are completely exhausted from it! We can each run 5+ miles and I roller blade all the time, but man, Insanity kills me! Haha. I'm not totally following the diet because it doesn't have many vegetarian options, but I make sure I have enough energy and hydration for the workouts.
  • Bethatong
    Bethatong Posts: 5 Member
    I just finished the Plyo Cardio. I could only do about half of what Shawn does. I am NOT discouraged; however, I figure every bit of exercise is I get is more than I was getting, and I WILL GET BETTER!

    I hope everyone has a great day. I saw a cool quote the other day I thought I'd share

    "Sweat is fat crying"
  • Never2Late2BU
    Never2Late2BU Posts: 14 Member
    I'm so glad to see others started on the same day!

    We can do it!!!!!!!
  • kaperlinger
    kaperlinger Posts: 66 Member
    I just purchased it today!! I'm excited to get started!
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 674 Member
    I also started May 13th, today was the beginning of week 2, I love/hate it.
  • mike1212
    mike1212 Posts: 4 Member
    I also started on May 13th, still going strong now in week two. It's still kicking my butt, but I'm not giving up. How is everyone else doing? Still with it?
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 674 Member
    I'm still hanging in there Mike1212. Having a good time with it.
  • kt1986p
    kt1986p Posts: 7 Member
    Just started today , man I'm unfit haha legs are killing, can't do it all but giving it my all - anyone have any good diet tips they'd be so welcome!! Finding eating five 300calories meals a day hard, specially with a little one, tend to grab and go, !!
  • yrt1019
    yrt1019 Posts: 1
    Hi All! I also started Insanity May 13th. Saying that this workout is kicking my butt is an understatement. I told Shaun T that I hated him today after the Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs workout but I will be pushing play tomorrow! Keep it up everyone!
  • vee1217
    vee1217 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone:) I started May 26th. Its so nice to see so may people doing the program! Good luck everyone!! :)