Introducing me!

chaser1977 Posts: 70 Member
First let me say thanks to Teamryan for setting up this group. I thought a thread about where we were and where we are all going would help get to know each other a little better and help give that push when needed.

Without further to-do, Howdy! I am brand new to workout DVDs. I started this lifestyle change approximately 1 yr ago and have achieved more than I ever thought I could. To date I have reached my goals via nutrition and progressive lifting programs. My wife (who is down 20lbs!!) and I are starting P90X Classic tonight. We are both pretty excited about the next 90 days. Any tips, tricks, or hints would be greatly appreciated.
I welcome any new pals who are on this journey, feel free to check out my profile and send me a friend request.
Thanks for taking time to read


  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    First let me say thanks to Teamryan for setting up this group. I thought a thread about where we were and where we are all going would help get to know each other a little better and help give that push when needed.

    Without further to-do, Howdy! I am brand new to workout DVDs. I started this lifestyle change approximately 1 yr ago and have achieved more than I ever thought I could. To date I have reached my goals via nutrition and progressive lifting programs. My wife (who is down 20lbs!!) and I are starting P90X Classic tonight. We are both pretty excited about the next 90 days. Any tips, tricks, or hints would be greatly appreciated.
    I welcome any new pals who are on this journey, feel free to check out my profile and send me a friend request.
    Thanks for taking time to read

    Thanks for posting and its great that you are still on track and doing well after 1 year. I am on day 71 of Classic P90. I will be starting Insanity when P90X is done in 19 days.

    I also host a Suport Group on Facebook that started today. The link is below if anyone wants to join there too for more motivation and support.
  • brandynot
    brandynot Posts: 88 Member
    Hey Chaser!!! :) WOW! 1 year in...that is amazing! I am only thinking in baby steps at this point...1 week is as far as I can bring to my mind. But you inspired me to hope that in a year I will have more than accomplished my goal.

    As for me...I am Brandy but feel free to call me B. I have tried just about every diet and workout known to man. I have had several trainers and many more gym memberships than I care to count. I am sure I could have purchased my own gym with the money I have given to others. SMH.

    I am on Day 2 of Insanity. I decided to go this route because it allowed me to focus on the next 60 days...which is a lot less daunting than the long year I may have ahead of me. It sounds crazy but one day I looked up and I was 50 pounds overweight. It seemed like overnight, but in reality I have gained 70 pounds in the last 10 years. And the other day it just hit me. So I made a commitment to 60 days. And that is my focus for today. It took 10 years to put it all I cant expect it to disappear overnight.

    The difference with this time as opposed to my previous failed attempts in the gym etc is...I am joining this support group. I am inspired to be amongst a group of people who have the same goals and who want this as badly as I do. Who arent all talk and arent afraid to tell me to get my tail moving when I come on here and say I just dont feel like it.

    With my mini-novel complete...I just want to say thanks to Team Ryan...I hope that by 70+ days in I am as much of an inspiration to others as you are right now. So many of the coaches out there are a year or 5 into their story...and you can tell they just want more people to "join" under them so they can reap the benefits. You dont come across that way...and I just want to say thanks for getting this group together! :)
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Hey Chaser!!! :) WOW! 1 year in...that is amazing! I am only thinking in baby steps at this point...1 week is as far as I can bring to my mind. But you inspired me to hope that in a year I will have more than accomplished my goal.

    As for me...I am Brandy but feel free to call me B. I have tried just about every diet and workout known to man. I have had several trainers and many more gym memberships than I care to count. I am sure I could have purchased my own gym with the money I have given to others. SMH.

    I am on Day 2 of Insanity. I decided to go this route because it allowed me to focus on the next 60 days...which is a lot less daunting than the long year I may have ahead of me. It sounds crazy but one day I looked up and I was 50 pounds overweight. It seemed like overnight, but in reality I have gained 70 pounds in the last 10 years. And the other day it just hit me. So I made a commitment to 60 days. And that is my focus for today. It took 10 years to put it all I cant expect it to disappear overnight.

    The difference with this time as opposed to my previous failed attempts in the gym etc is...I am joining this support group. I am inspired to be amongst a group of people who have the same goals and who want this as badly as I do. Who arent all talk and arent afraid to tell me to get my tail moving when I come on here and say I just dont feel like it.

    With my mini-novel complete...I just want to say thanks to Team Ryan...I hope that by 70+ days in I am as much of an inspiration to others as you are right now. So many of the coaches out there are a year or 5 into their story...and you can tell they just want more people to "join" under them so they can reap the benefits. You dont come across that way...and I just want to say thanks for getting this group together! :)

    It is great to have you as part of this group. I am here to help see you succeed either way whether I am your coach or not signed up by you as your coach. I became a coach because this has really changed my life for the better. I want to share that with you and everyone else. I want all of you to achieve your fitness and health goals. I also host a few groups that is for any type of physical activity whether it is just walking or snowboarding or playing baseball. I help motivate that group too. Any type of exercise is better than not doing any exercise. If you need anything or have any questions let me know. I am in this until the end. This is part of my life now and I do not want to go back to how I was a few months ago.
  • My name is Alex. I have known Ryan for about a month now. I became his coach a week ago. He is my coach and I started Power 90 on Monday. I have kept to myself recently but I am happy today. I LOST 3 POUNDS in 5 days. I want to thank you so much. I have around 100 pounds to lose. I weigh around 275 now. My ideal weight is 180. I am going to do this.
  • CKPierce03
    CKPierce03 Posts: 8 Member
    My name is Kelly and I started messing around with Insanity for 1 month now. I have lost 4 lbs in 1 month and I wonder if Insanity is working for me. So, I will start the workout per the recommendation on Monday. My goal is to lose 25 more lbs. I have never exercised or ate right before this challenge to lose weight. Thank you Coach Ryan maybe this group can help me figure out if I am doing this right or wrong and I can stay motivated to work out 5 days a week (instead of 3) so that I can also reach my weight loss goals. :wink:
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    My name is Kelly and I started messing around with Insanity for 1 month now. I have lost 4 lbs in 1 month and I wonder if Insanity is working for me. So, I will start the workout per the recommendation on Monday. My goal is to lose 25 more lbs. I have never exercised or ate right before this challenge to lose weight. Thank you Coach Ryan maybe this group can help me figure out if I am doing this right or wrong and I can stay motivated to work out 5 days a week (instead of 3) so that I can also reach my weight loss goals. :wink:

    Eating healthy is just as important as the workout. Thanks for joining this group. You can reach your goals. Pressing play is hard some days but after awhile it becomes habit. Let me know if you have any questions.
  • leefox79
    leefox79 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello, My name is Lee and I am on week 2 day 2 of Insanity, so far, so good, enjoying the workouts and looking forward to seeing changes!

    I do have a question, In addition to Insanity I also run upto 30 miles per week, and workout with a trainer 1 day per week.
    This is what my routine is, please let me know if I am overdoing it

    Mon - Insanity
    Tue - Insanity / 3.1 mile run (race pace)
    Wed - Insanity / 5 - 8 mile easy run
    Thurs - OFF
    Fri - 1hr with personal trainer / Insanity
    Sat - 8 - 10 mile run @8m/m / Insanity
    Sun - Mid to long run at slow pace / Insanity

    I should add that I am running a marathon in a few months and trying to loose last 15lbs before this.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Hello, My name is Lee and I am on week 2 day 2 of Insanity, so far, so good, enjoying the workouts and looking forward to seeing changes!

    I do have a question, In addition to Insanity I also run upto 30 miles per week, and workout with a trainer 1 day per week.
    This is what my routine is, please let me know if I am overdoing it

    Mon - Insanity
    Tue - Insanity / 3.1 mile run (race pace)
    Wed - Insanity / 5 - 8 mile easy run
    Thurs - OFF
    Fri - 1hr with personal trainer / Insanity
    Sat - 8 - 10 mile run @8m/m / Insanity
    Sun - Mid to long run at slow pace / Insanity

    I should add that I am running a marathon in a few months and trying to loose last 15lbs before this.

    Hi Lee,

    As long as you are eating enough calories,drinking a lot of water ,and stretching really well you should be fine especially since you have a rest day. There are Insanity and running hybrids that several insanity users do.

    I know 2 Insanity users who both have a schedule very similar to yours. I would say it is okay but make sure you listen to your body.

    I have one user on my facebook group that would be able to explain his schedule to your more. He is also a marathon runner and doing his 2nd round of Insanity. If you are interested in my facebook group the link is below.

  • Hello, I'm Tammy

    I would like to thank teamryan for inviting me to join this group, I am a beginner in the P90x fitness program, I'm not looking to get "buff" just healthy and stronger. I am a 50 yr old granmom...and mother of 2 grown children. a bit Way over weight since hitting menopause.. and deciding I could eat what I wanted.... I learned....I CAN'T.. at least not without sacrificing my health and weight. I am now doing something about it... I will lose the 50lbs I've gained and be healthier than I've ever been. I hope to learn a lot of new things being here.

  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Hello, I'm Tammy

    I would like to thank teamryan for inviting me to join this group, I am a beginner in the P90x fitness program, I'm not looking to get "buff" just healthy and stronger. I am a 50 yr old granmom...and mother of 2 grown children. a bit Way over weight since hitting menopause.. and deciding I could eat what I wanted.... I learned....I CAN'T.. at least not without sacrificing my health and weight. I am now doing something about it... I will lose the 50lbs I've gained and be healthier than I've ever been. I hope to learn a lot of new things being here.


    Hi Tammy,

    Thanks for joining and we are glad to have you in the group. Let me know if you have any questions.

  • amammaa4
    amammaa4 Posts: 176 Member
    Hi, I'm Dawn
    I just finished week 1 Day 4 of Insanity!!!! Wanted to say thanks for the invite. Need all the support I can get these are some tough work outs!
  • mrsroc2010
    mrsroc2010 Posts: 28 Member
  • Pink_Cheek
    Pink_Cheek Posts: 92
    Thanks for the invite. I am starting week 3 of Month 2 of Insanity this evening. It has been tough, but I can see the end and I am so proud of myself for getting this far.

    Here is just a bit about me. I am Jamie, and I am 34 years old with three children (9, 11, and soon to be 14), and have been married for almost 15 years. I work full time, go to college, and shuffle everyone to where they need to be. So with taking care of everyone else I simply forgot that I was gaining weight, didn't have the time to stop and look at what I was becoming. So over the last few years I had occasionally started to workout then give up after a week of no results. Stupid, I know. Well on May 6th I decided that enough was enough. At 5'3' I was 224lbs. I got up early and did the Insanity fit test (we had tried it for two weeks before). My goal was to make it a day longer than my husband and I had previously. I didn't want to focus on the weight coming off, which is why I chose insanity, I just wanted to start a decent habit of doing something. So I set out to complete the 63 days of Insanity, log my food honestly, and go from there. I am down 8 lbs or so as of this morning, and numerous inches. Not focusing on the weight loss is tough, but I get reminded that what I am gaining is far more than important than that number. I ran a mile a few weeks ago just to see if there was improvement from my normal 13 min pace and I ran it in 10 min. That is amazing for me.

    So anyway, I have two weeks left on my insanity journey. After which I am planning to start P90X in the mornings and run a few nights a week as well. I am hoping that the P90X will help me continue to build up the muscles and help me to drop many, many more pounds as I still have around 75 left to lose.
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    Hey there I'm Jame , week five INSANITY here ( recovery week )
  • melba_321
    melba_321 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi =) I feel like the nublet here. lol I'm currently using a Beachbody program, but it's nowhere near as advanced as P90X or Insanity. I'm just on Rockin' Body, first week still. I'm trying to get myself up to T25 or maybe Insanity...still researching to see which would be best for me. Short term goal is to be doing RB during days, squeezing in Jillian Michaels 30 day shred (at least every other day) and doing the gym with a personal trainer during the evenings. I'm 38, 5'2" and weight 121 currently. My goal is to get between 108-112 lbs with muscle tone and low body fat, so my overall health is at it's best. =)
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Hi =) I feel like the nublet here. lol I'm currently using a Beachbody program, but it's nowhere near as advanced as P90X or Insanity. I'm just on Rockin' Body, first week still. I'm trying to get myself up to T25 or maybe Insanity...still researching to see which would be best for me. Short term goal is to be doing RB during days, squeezing in Jillian Michaels 30 day shred (at least every other day) and doing the gym with a personal trainer during the evenings. I'm 38, 5'2" and weight 121 currently. My goal is to get between 108-112 lbs with muscle tone and low body fat, so my overall health is at it's best. =)

    Hi. I have not done rockin body but a few in my facebook groups have and loved it. Great job. T25 is awesome. I bought it and have done a few workouts. I am going to start the whole program in the fall. I am currently starting wek 3 of Insanity. Great job and keep it up. Let me know if you have any questions.
  • EniBee
    EniBee Posts: 274 Member

    Just found this group! Excited to have found it.

    I am a 46 yr mother of 3 living in the UK. Since April of this year, I have lost 12kg in weight and although I still have about 4kg to go, my main aim is to build a little muscle and strengthen my core which is currently hardening up but is hidden under a wobbly layer of skin and fat! Current weight, 68kg.

    I have just finished week one of Insanity and today is my first rest day! I have had the DVDs for a bout 3 months now but was too scared to start the program, but last week, I decided to bite the bullet and just do it! It has been a tough and determined week of Insanity as I did not think I would make it.

    Yesterday, I was so tired that I was in bed by 6PM, something that I have not done in a long time. I am looking forward to the rest day today.
    Fit test results:
    Switch kicks 120
    Power jacks: 52
    power knees: 80
    power pumps: 30
    globe pumps: 9
    Suicide pumps: 15
    Push up packs: 14
    Low Plank Obliques: 60
  • Hi,

    Just found this group! Excited to have found it.

    I am a 46 yr mother of 3 living in the UK. Since April of this year, I have lost 12kg in weight and although I still have about 4kg to go, my main aim is to build a little muscle and strengthen my core which is currently hardening up but is hidden under a wobbly layer of skin and fat! Current weight, 68kg.

    I have just finished week one of Insanity and today is my first rest day! I have had the DVDs for a bout 3 months now but was too scared to start the program, but last week, I decided to bite the bullet and just do it! It has been a tough and determined week of Insanity as I did not think I would make it.

    Yesterday, I was so tired that I was in bed by 6PM, something that I have not done in a long time. I am looking forward to the rest day today.
    Fit test results:
    Switch kicks 120
    Power jacks: 52
    power knees: 80
    power pumps: 30
    globe pumps: 9
    Suicide pumps: 15
    Push up packs: 14
    Low Plank Obliques: 60

    Thanks for joining us. You are doing great. Keep it up.
  • Hi, im 23 and from Tx. Starting two-a-days with X2 and Insanity today. This is my second attempt at X2 (got bored) and 10th round of Insanity.