Purple & Black Loft!



  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
  • pjgreen0830
    pjgreen0830 Posts: 302 Member
    Is there anyone left on our team? There isn't much posting going on in here.
  • MLL0319
    MLL0319 Posts: 110 Member
    I am here. I have been MIA because I was up north for the week last week. But, I am back in now.
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
  • Jennifer8348683
    Jennifer8348683 Posts: 50 Member
    I am here too. Just a busy weekend. I got off track too. I really have to keep tracking my food on the weekends!! Trying to get back on track today. Wish me luck!!
  • MLL0319
    MLL0319 Posts: 110 Member
    I hope this counts, but I am giving up my night time eating habits. I do great logging all day, and then at night I seem to lose control. This is something I really need to work on. Does anyone else have this problem? I know it is hindering my weight loss. I tried doing this a few weeks ago, and saw great results on the scale. I have slipped though and need to get back on track. :sad: :grumble:
  • pjgreen0830
    pjgreen0830 Posts: 302 Member
    When is weigh in?
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    When is weigh in?

    Weigh in day was officially yesterday, and so far no one from this team has posted a new weight. I messaged the captain, kelseyka, but I haven't heard back from her. If you are still active please post your weight here, send me a personal message with your weight, or just go ahead and post your weight in the spreadsheet. Choose whichever is easiest for you. I will make sure everything gets updated so that you can be in the result posted tomorrow :) Also, if you completed challenges, let me know that so that you get the bonus points you deserve!
  • Jennifer8348683
    Jennifer8348683 Posts: 50 Member
    I sent my info on June 3rd. Perhaps it didn't go through. Here it is again just in case:

    To: kelseyka
    Sent: June 03, 2013 9:21 am
    Subject: Re(2): My weekly Report
    1. 4/7 days of exercise = 1 lbs advantage DONE
    2. 1 session of something new = 1 lbs advantage DONE (bike riding)
    3. 5/7 days of drinking only water = 1 lbs advantage NOT DONE - gotta have my coffee
    4. 5/7 days getting at least 7 hours of sleep = 1 lbs advantage DONE
    5. Inspirational photo with 7 reasons you want to get healthy = 1 lbs advantage for completing, extra 1 lbs for posting a photo NOT DONE


    Have a great week.

  • pjgreen0830
    pjgreen0830 Posts: 302 Member
    1. 6/7 days of exercise = 1 lbs advantage DONE
    2. 1 session of something new = 1 lbs advantage DONE (running)
    3. 5/7 days of drinking only water = 1 lbs advantage NOT DONE - I have a soda every day
    4. 7/7 days getting at least 7 hours of sleep = 1 lbs advantage DONE
    5. Inspirational photo with 7 reasons you want to get healthy = 1 lbs advantage for completing, extra 1 lbs for posting a photo I posted 7 reasons but not a photo

    I've had a rough week and gained weight. 228
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
  • kelseyka
    kelseyka Posts: 281 Member
    Sorry ladies!! I got married this past weekend and things were crazy!! I am back and ready to help motivate!! I have gained 4 lbs this week :( (probably mostly bloat!)
  • Jennifer8348683
    Jennifer8348683 Posts: 50 Member
    Congratulations!! Welcome to married life!! It's great - when they finally learn the phrase "yes, dear". LOL!

    All the best to you and your other half. :)
  • pjgreen0830
    pjgreen0830 Posts: 302 Member
    Congrats on the nuptials! Hope you are as happy as my hubby and I.

    1. 4/7 days of exercise = 1 lbs advantage ** I'm at 3/7 right now
    2. 1 session of something new = 1 lbs advantage ** Tried Zumba this week for the first time. It is different but fun.
    3. Person that walks/runs/bikes/swims the farthest = 1 lbs advantage ** I have 14 miles biked so far and probably won't get any more
    4. Eliminating a food you eat too much of for the entire week = 1 lbs advantage
    5. Posting on the group discussion board or PMing your captain 5 times this week = 1 lbs advantage ** This is post #3 this week
  • pjgreen0830
    pjgreen0830 Posts: 302 Member
    1. 4/7 days of exercise = 1 lbs advantage ** I'm at 4/7 right now
    2. 1 session of something new = 1 lbs advantage ** Tried Zumba this week for the first time. It is different but fun.
    3. Person that walks/runs/bikes/swims the farthest = 1 lbs advantage ** I have 21 miles biked so far and probably won't get any more
    4. Eliminating a food you eat too much of for the entire week = 1 lbs advantage
    5. Posting on the group discussion board or PMing your captain 5 times this week = 1 lbs advantage ** This is post #4 this week
  • karategirl2013
    Hi ladies,

    I just wanted to let you all know that I am dropping out of this challenge. I wish you all continued success.

  • kelseyka
    kelseyka Posts: 281 Member
    Good morning!! It is so hard to get back on track!! I probably wont be successful this week as far as completeing all the challenges however I am trying!!! How is everyone else doing???
  • kelseyka
    kelseyka Posts: 281 Member
    Also what did we all give up?? Im giving up alcohol. I dont drink that often but its not worth it when I do!
  • pjgreen0830
    pjgreen0830 Posts: 302 Member
    I haven't given up anything, but I only had 1 cookie this week, which is a big difference for me. I'm still here and trying, hard as it may be.

    1. 4/7 days of exercise = 1 lbs advantage ** I'm at 5/7 right now
    2. 1 session of something new = 1 lbs advantage ** Tried Zumba this week for the first time. It is different but fun.
    3. Person that walks/runs/bikes/swims the farthest = 1 lbs advantage ** I have 21 miles biked so far and probably won't get any more
    4. Eliminating a food you eat too much of for the entire week = 1 lbs advantage
    5. Posting on the group discussion board or PMing your captain 5 times this week = 1 lbs advantage ** This is post #5 this week
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member