Preparation for 1 June Kickoff



  • stn760
    stn760 Posts: 21
    I haven't had a great day with the new role at work. I was 'forgotten' about so waited 90 minutes in reception for someone to find me. Having gotten up at 5am, driven into the city, walked 3km to site in the rain (carrying a backpack with two containers full of homemade chocolate brownies), this was less than a perfect start.

    Then, despite two meetings last week, they weren't really prepared for me and no one knew what project I would be working on. No one showed me where the toilets were or where to go to make a coffee.

    It's enough to make you want to dive face first into a plate of chocolate brownie. But I didn't. It's another Fast Day for me and, despite the crappy start to the day, I am resolved not to let it throw me off my goal.

    So, here it is at 3pm and I am about to wrap up and launch myself out into the weather for the return trip. Yes, still raining and the motorway west is likely to be a parking lot. But I made sure that I left my workout gear lying on my bed this morning before I left so it will be the first thing I see when I get in. I also have dinner sorted for me (and the girls) so I won't be tempted with a commiserating wine and cheese.

    Resolved. Sticking with it. Not letting ANYTHING knock me off track.

    Better day tomorrow.
  • stn760
    stn760 Posts: 21
    I read a message board on this site which was very anti JM and her dvds. Seems a weird thing to waste your time with but it did get me thinking about two things:

    1. What really motivates you? Is it someone like JM and knowing what results she can achieve with someone?
    2. Or is it your own sense of pride and satisfaction? Your committment to 'doing what you said you were going to do'?

    What motivates you to put your shoes on, strap up your boobs and jump around your lounge each day?
  • Romey5
    Romey5 Posts: 157 Member
    I love JM and her workouts. I like quick (less than 30min) workouts that are on the harder side as opposed to watching the same DVD for 45+ min. I really like the quality of her DVDs, she is a pro and it shows! I can see why some people may not like her though, she is bossy, but to each his own. Gotta say that if you do the time what she promises is totally achievable!

    I am motivated by both your 1 and 2! Also I am motivated in the way I feel after a workout, and my diminishing belly ;-)