Weird NSV... kind of?

pal00ga Posts: 139 Member
NSV... sort of.... As I was going to sit down at the dinner table tonight, I bumped my hip against the table top. I do this often when sliding into my chair, but this time it actually hit my hip bone and HURT! I sat there for a bit cradling my poor hip trying to figure out this new strange pain. Mind you, I don't have like protruding hip bones or anything, but to be able to actually feel them (and hit them on things) is so surprising to me! After I thought about how I would have to get used to this new issue, I literally giggled out loud. :p


  • staceyhotmama
    staceyhotmama Posts: 98 Member
    Isn't it great to discover bones we never knew we had?!
  • nfgaring
    nfgaring Posts: 12
    Nice to realize how big the little things are in the journey.
  • cakelady69
    cakelady69 Posts: 228
    that's a great NSV. It feels good to find those bones doesn't it :)
  • pal00ga
    pal00ga Posts: 139 Member
    haha I felt silly being happy about this, but I've never imagined hurting my hipbone!! It's always been tucked away under a squishy barrier. I'm so excited!!