Advice please! (sorry, it's calories again)

JackieA47 Posts: 52 Member
Hi guys,

Sorry to probably repeat what's been asked a million times but I'm still new to all this and bumbling my way through.

First of, I'm female, 28yo, 5'6 and currently about 162 lbs.

A month ago, April 30th, I started New Rules of Lifting for Women. I'm really enjoying it although am going to have to take a break for a month as I've won 30 days of free bootcamp sessions so don't want to over train and ruin any progress.

I'm currently eating at what I thought was my TDEE -20%, so on non NROL days I eat about 1750 and add 250 on the days I do the program, taking me to roughly 2000 calories. I also took measurements at the start as recommended. Like I said, I'm pretty new to all this so do try most days to stay within my goals and have started paying attention to my macros and always make sure I eat more protein on lifting days.
I know it's only been a month and I haven't lost any weight, but not gained any either so that's good. But I measured myself today and they haven't changed either, not a sausage.
I recalculated on the Scooby calculator and it says I should be eating at about 1690 daily.

Should I recalculate my calories to eat slightly less or be patient and stick with what I'm doing?

I do have a desk job so am pretty sedentary during the day. I do the NROL 3 times a week, and try to do at least one other day of cardio (running etc) but not loads as I know it's not recommended.
Regarding the bootcamp I'm going to do, that's 3 sessions of 1 hour early morning workouts a week, plus more if I can fit them in,with a nutritional plan to follow, so do you think it is wise that I put NROL on hold for a month??

Hope this all makes sense and thanks in advance for your help!! Sorry if I rambled on! :)


  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
  • JackieA47
    JackieA47 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi, I can indeed! -

    Provide your stats (height/weight/age/bodyfat% if you know it/etc)

    *5'6, 163lbs, 28, unsure of body fat unfortunately

    What's your current gross intake of calories, on average?

    * I eat on average 1750 and increase to 2000 when doing NROL4W, I don't log exercise calories as trying to work qith my TDEE -20%

    What's your current average intake of protein, carbs, and fats, in grams? (GRAMS, not percent!)

    * Protein - 131g, carbs - 175g, fat - 58g, although I don't always hit these :(

    Do you use a food scale and measure everything?

    * Yep, pretty much everything unless I go out for dinner then I use a best guess

    Do you track all of your intake, daily? (Everything?)

    * Yes

    Do you take cheat days or days off?

    *Not really, I might have a cheat meal once in a few weeks but not a whole day

    How much weight have you lost so far and over what time period?

    * About 8 lbs over about 4 months

    Describe your activity (exercise and non exercise) and did you change that activity withing the last couple of months?

    * I started NROL end of April so do that 3x weekly with one extra day of cardio a week and usually 3 days off. Before that I did the usual going to the gym 3/4 times a week with mainly cardio. I'm going to be doing 30 days of 3x weekly bootcamp sessions, unsure as to what these entail yet (as in if it's mainly cardio based or what) as I start next week. May carry on with stage 2 of NROL, depending on the intensity of the bootcamps as I don't want to over train.
    I'm mainly desk bound so don't do much during the day, walk around the office and up and down stairs and that's it. Have a fairly active social life, meeting friends and am currently training towards a Tough Mudder for Sept.

    How long have you been stalled and if it is not a complete stall please be very specific as to how much you have lost over the stalled period.

    * I'd say a good couple of months, I've seen no movement on either the scales or measurements

    Are you breastfeeding?


    Do you have thyroid issues/risks or PCOS?


    Diary is open. Thanks for your help :)
  • JackieA47
    JackieA47 Posts: 52 Member
    Bump please :)
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Tagging. Sara and I will chat about this between today and tomorrow at some point.
  • JackieA47
    JackieA47 Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks very much, much appreciated :)
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Do you want to do the bootcamp classes?
  • JackieA47
    JackieA47 Posts: 52 Member
    Yeah, I guess I do. I didn't actually expect to win them & it's only for 30 days so I thought I'd give them a go, especially since they're free! I did the first one today and it was mostly HIIT training, 30 secs on, 10 secs off, resistance bands, body weight exercises, that type of thing. Still not sure whether to carry on with NROL to stage 2 or wait until after the end of the month....
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Can you tell me something specific regarding NROL4W:

    Are your 3 lifting days identical as far as the program goes? We are considering recommending that you reduce your lifting schedule to 2/week but let us know on the above first please.
  • JackieA47
    JackieA47 Posts: 52 Member
    Yep, I follow the program for the 3 days identical as it is in the book. Down to the letter!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Let me re-phrase:

    Is it set up as an A-B-A rotation?

    So are there 2 different full body workouts that you rotate?

    Such as:

    Week 1:


    Week 2:


  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    Let me re-phrase:

    Is it set up as an A-B-A rotation?

    So are there 2 different full body workouts that you rotate?

    Such as:

    Week 1:


    Week 2:



    I am also doing the program and can answer this. It does have an A, B rotation. :)

    If she is moving into Stage 2, the sessions are as follows:

    Stage 2 A = front squat push press, step-up, dumbbell one-point row, static lunge (rear foot elevated), push-up, plank, cable horizontal wood chop. (all 2 X 10)

    Stage 2 B = wide-grip deadlift from box, bulgarian split squat, underhand-grip lat pulldown, reverse lunge from box with forward reach, dumbbell prone cuban snatch, swiss ball crunch, reverse crunch, lateral flex, prone cobra, & ~15min of HIIT (all 2 X 10)

    You do each workout 4 times.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Let me re-phrase:

    Is it set up as an A-B-A rotation?

    So are there 2 different full body workouts that you rotate?

    Such as:

    Week 1:


    Week 2:



    I am also doing the program and can answer this. It does have an A, B rotation. :)

    If she is moving into Stage 2, the sessions are as follows:

    Stage 2 A = front squat push press, step-up, dumbbell one-point row, static lunge (rear foot elevated), push-up, plank, cable horizontal wood chop. (all 2 X 10)

    Stage 2 B = wide-grip deadlift from box, bulgarian split squat, underhand-grip lat pulldown, reverse lunge from box with forward reach, dumbbell prone cuban snatch, swiss ball crunch, reverse crunch, lateral flex, prone cobra, & ~15min of HIIT (all 2 X 10)

    You do each workout 4 times.

    ^ Thanks
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    We think a reasonable course of action would be to add in all the bootcamp classes, leave caloric intake the same as it is right now, and rather than stopping NROWLFLWAFFLEHOUSE, we would suggest switching to 2 days per week so that you'd essentially do workout A and workout B each week.

    The additional activity while leaving your intake as is should hopefully be about right. Feel free to follow up with us if you have questions/etc.

    When the bootcamp class ends, you would return to your normal lifting schedule but at that point you would probably want to add in ~2 days of cardio or potentially reduce intake slightly, but we can discuss that as things move forward.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member

    We think a reasonable course of action would be to add in all the bootcamp classes, leave caloric intake the same as it is right now, and rather than stopping NROWLFLWAFFLEHOUSE, we would suggest switching to 2 days per week so that you'd essentially do workout A and workout B each week.

    The additional activity while leaving your intake as is should hopefully be about right. Feel free to follow up with us if you have questions/etc.

    When the bootcamp class ends, you would return to your normal lifting schedule but at that point you would probably want to add in ~2 days of cardio or potentially reduce intake slightly, but we can discuss that as things move forward.

    SideSteel, if that isn't an autocorrect it was so funny (it's funny even it if was..) NROWLFLWAFFLEHOUSE *rotfl*
  • JackieA47
    JackieA47 Posts: 52 Member
    That's brilliant, thanks so much for your advice and time :) Loved the wafflehouse part too, that really made me lol!! And now I want waffles.

    Just finishing up with the final workout of stage 1, then next week I'll just do the 3 bootcamps and 2 lifting days and have 2 full rest days as well, whilst keeping my calories the same.
    Thanks again for your help, all seems clear to me and it's nice to have a plan moving forward. Yay for plans! :D
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    The only time I ever ate at Waffle House sober I threw up. Lesson learned!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Locking to try to help track open threads. Please PM either myself or SideSteel to unlock when you are ready to update or earlier if you have questions. Please link this thread in the PM.
This discussion has been closed.