Introduce Yourself!

cm1458 Posts: 742 Member
Hello! I'll start by introducing myself. :flowerforyou:
I don't want to give my real name, but you can call me cm :)
I've already lost over 100lbs but I still got some ways to go!
I'm 5'8.5
I started the 30DS on June 02 2013, and planning to finish it all the way through!
My STARTING stats are
Eating 1550 calories
Size M
Pants size 10
Neck 12.5in
Bicep 13in
Forearm 9.5in
Chest 31.5in
Waist 31in
Hips 37in
Thigh 22in
Calf 16.5in



  • dntmommy
    dntmommy Posts: 19
    Hi cm, nice to meet you. I got the dvd too and since this is a group for that I will start mine tomorrow. I have done the Jillian Michael's Body Revolution and lost 50 lbs in 2 months. I was strict with my calories, workouts, I drank a lean shake and didnt eat after 6:30 pm. I ended up quitting and gained 10 lbs back. I started MFP on the 1st of this month and now I want to get back into working out and this time make it to my goal weight. I do not know all my measurements but right now I am 200 lbs my goal is to get down to 160 lbs and when I get to it all depending on how everything is I might drop a few more lbs. Hopefully we can motivate each other to reach our goals :happy:
  • beezbee
    beezbee Posts: 87 Member
    Hi, I'm 3 months post partum with baby no 2 and am trying to lose the second half of the 40lbs I gained during pregnancy. I did 30DS last year and really loved the results. So here I am again, in much worse shape, but determined to make it through. I actually finished the first workout and started with the second one today. It was almost unbearably hard. Having a supportive group will definitely help! I plan on stretching the remaining 2 workouts over the entire month, because I realistically only get to it 5x/week. Took my measurements today, the first time since May 2012, and am utterly depressed :-(
    Neck 12
    Arm 12.5
    Chest 39
    Waist 34.5
    Hips 44.5
    Thigh 27 (I think)
    Calf 16.25

    Weight 177
  • rlibbin
    rlibbin Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, everyone! I have had this dvd for awhile and I have done it quite a few times. The first time I did it, I nearly threw up! Now, I can make it through pretty good. I started on MFP in January and I have lost 38 pounds. I am very strict about my calories and I try to eat as healthy as possible. I exercise as often as I can but it isn't always easy to fit it in. I still have 29 pounds to go to get to my goal weight. I have hit a plateau recently so I'm game to try the 30DS with y'all. I don't have anything to take measurements with but I'm barely 5'2" and my starting weight was 192 pounds and I now weigh 154. Since I just found this group tonight, guess I'm starting tomorrow! Let's do it! :)
  • Hey Ladies! I will be joining you all on this 30 day journey! I have started 30DS before but never finished it.. and my first day at it, i puked! So heres to gaining muscle and getting lean! ill throw my measurements up once I find a tape measure :)
  • polarfuchs
    polarfuchs Posts: 38
    Hi there, I just finished my first workout 10 minutes ago! I thought, why not find a group for that and there you are. I don`t find Level 1 super hard but it`s also not easy. And I hope my neighbours below won`t kill me for all that jumping you know how to type this into the exercise part here? I didn`t really find anything there or maybe I`m just too blind...
  • Hi everyone :)
    I have tried the 30DS a couple of times before but haven't stuck to it, so I am starting again tomorrow and this time will follow it through!
    My measurements today are pretty good but I am still hoping to lose a couple of inches.
    Bust- 39 inches
    Waist- 29 inches
    Hips- 39 inches

    Looking forward to the motivation of this group :D
  • MaddieUK
    MaddieUK Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone :)

    I am just waiting for my weights to arrive from Amazon and then I'll get started doing 30DS. To not completely lose my gym routine, I will combine it with going to the gym: 1 day shred, 1 day gym, etc. (and one rest day a week :).

    More about me: I'm a UK size 12/14, lost about 11 lbs in the past 5 weeks and completely flabbergasted by that. In the past I've been dieting at about 1000 kcal a day and doing 45 mins of intense cardio a day, not realising how bad that was (I did lose weight, but *very* slowly). Now I've actually upped my calories to a base level of 1550, trying to eat 40-40-20 as much as possible and also trying to eat back some of my exercise calories.

    I still have a long road to go before I'm completely strong and fit, but I've never felt so good and confident. Very excited to get started with 30DS -- good luck to you all!
  • DancingHev
    DancingHev Posts: 30 Member
    Hey guys,
    I did my first morning of the 30 day shred today and have a feeling I'm going to ache tomorrow!
    I'm glad to find a group on here to help with my motivation as that seems to be something I have severely lacked in the past. I have fallen well and truly off the healthy living wagon over this last week and gained 4lbs (after losing a stone in 2 months) so I'm more determined now than ever to get shredded!!
    :) Good Luck to everyone having a go at it, I'm hoping I manage to get it in every day for the 30 days (it's only 20 mins or so, so I really do have no excuse). Will post my measurements when I locate my tape measure :)
    Happy shredding peeps!!
  • abideedum
    abideedum Posts: 71 Member
    I did level 1 yesterday thinking it would be kind of easy... it wasn't. So now i'm pissed off at myself and want to beat the damn program into the ground! So starting today i'll be on it. Im aiming for the 10 days each level routine with no rest days, it's only 30mins so im sure i could spare that each day. I am also using going to use my 5kg weights, which yesterday was far too much, so today even if i dont do as many 'reps' as the guides at the start i hope to be by the tenth day!

    Anyway i'll log in here daily but if any of you want to be friends hit me an invite :D
  • memetj1
    memetj1 Posts: 8
    Hello everyone! I will be starting today, I tried the workout a few weeks ago and I didn't even finish the entire week, but i want to challenge myself so this time, I will finish! Best of luck to everyone!
  • opaleli43
    opaleli43 Posts: 16 Member
    This is my first Group Challenge. I am psyched! I got the DVD last week and have done it once. Then I reverted to my old DVD work out as this one scared me a bit. I hope you all can help me along the way. Hello! I'll start by introducing myself.

    I'm OpalEli and I have been exercising and watching my diet for 5 weeks now. But I haven't been able to lose even 5 lbs. I do think I am gaining muscle so am hoping the measurements and clothes checks will help.

    Height: 5'5
    Eating 1200 calories
    Starting 30DS today, June 4.

    STARTING stats:
    Size L
    Pants size 12
    Neck 14in
    Waist 36.5in
    Hips 41in

    Can't wait to start it up!
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    Hi ladies! I was in last month's challenge but was terribly inconsistent. I got up to level 2 and then stopped. Now I'm hoping to stay on track again.

    I'm a mom of 2, with my youngest turning 6 months in a few days. I'm also breastfeeding, which, contrary to popular belief, doesn't make the weight melt off. I also work out of home full time, with my husband working full time at nights, so I really do have my hands full. Some days I hardly have time to eat! What makes it even harder is that my husband is a skinny toothpick, so I am always super self-conscious when we are together.

    6/3: L1 D1 complete!
  • hsilberman1
    hsilberman1 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey guys! I'm Heather. I'm 22 years old. I'm an Air Force wife living in VA. Since I have lived here I have gained about 20 lbs and I'm now over 200. That was the last straw for me, so here I am! I started my first day of 30DS this afternoon, and I will be supplementing it with couch to 5k for added cardio and hopefully more weight loss. I've also started eating a clean diet and lower calorie intake than usual. I'm excited to see so many people motivated to do the same workouts as me! This is definitely going to help get me up in the morning.
    Starting weight: 203 lbs.

    I would love to post my measurements but I can't find my measuring tape anywhere. Disappointed because I know that's where the difference will be. Oh well. Definitely taking before pictures!

    Happy shredding everyone!
  • opaleli43
    opaleli43 Posts: 16 Member
    A bit of follow up.

     JM's 30 Day Shred, level 1, day 1 done. Did it with only resting a bit on modified push ups! Sweet. I'm going to be sore tomorrow...
  • cm1458
    cm1458 Posts: 742 Member
    You all are awesome! We can all do this!
    Im just on L1 D3 and I can already see and feel my body changing
    My endurance is getting higher
    Let's stick with it together! :)
  • emmahyphenleigh
    emmahyphenleigh Posts: 13 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm Em =] I've been in myfitnesspal for years on and off (and the weight has come off and on!) but this is my first group challenge. I'm on day 3 today, and I am massively hurting but can feel the change so in a weird way the pain is motivating me! I'm determined to keep going - no pain, no gain eh?

  • I'm starting the 30 day shred. Was doing it before but I busted my ankle and put on a pile of weight. I'll only be doing it every second day. Hopefully i'll lose a bit of weight but what I really want to do is lose inches. Good Luck to everyone!
  • AngelinaB79
    AngelinaB79 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, Just wanted to pop in and say hi.
    I am planning to start the 30DS later today. I am a little reluctant but determined.
    I have taken my start pics earlier so I have a visual guage.
    Lots of positivity sent to you all.
  • cm1458
    cm1458 Posts: 742 Member
    Thank you all for joining this group! You guys will do awesome! Welcome, all new members!
  • MissPhoenix85
    MissPhoenix85 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I can't wait to get started :) my journey started back in 2009 at 310 lbs. Through hard work, changing my diet and LOTS of Jillian Michaels I was able to get down to 155 lbs!! unfortunately after a really bad breakup I am now back up to 200lbs :(. I've I made a promise to myself that this is finally it, I am going to get this weight off, get to my goal, and keep it off! Can't wait to meet you all :) 

    Name: LaKeshia
     Current weight: 200 
    Goal weight: 140 
    Age: 28

    Btw on day 3 of 30 shred!