


  • MsStang02
    MsStang02 Posts: 147 Member
    Hey all! I did my fit test yesterday. I was only able to do 6 of the 8 moves.
    I could not do the suicide jumps...at all :sad:
    I could not do the push-up jacks, as I do not have hardly any upper body strength. So I did "girlie push ups" until I can get enough strength to do an actual push up.
    Sweat a ton. A lot more than I have with running over the past 2 months.
    VERY VERY SORE today:sick: . But looking forward to this afternoons workout!

    Edited to add: And I felt like throwing up afterwards

    Me too on the throwing up part but I had something to eat 1/2 before and won't make that mistake again (I WILL find other ones to make). I admire you starting this. It is all about becoming a better you. Hang in there with me and us. We can do it together.

    Thank you very much :smile: I ate soon before the fit test too. No food before. That was just awful :indifferent:
    I am definitely sticking with you, and everyone here!! Cannot wait to see what all we can accomplish together!! :drinker:
  • CarolinaGrace77
    Whoop! My Bodymedia arm band is charging. Work out with actual calorie burn coming later! I am so excited, this thing motivates me more than anything else. I've been a slacker while it was down...
  • amandabcdefg
    amandabcdefg Posts: 58 Member
    started 6/3 with plyo instead of fit test. i like to do my cardio in a fasted state and then eat/protein shake afterwards before my very earned shower!!!

    getting cardio p&r done today! sitting steady at around 138-140. i've got to take measurements today as it seems to be a much better way of tracking insanity results. last time i lost a few pounds but a whole pants size in the first month.. seems lots of people have better results in the inches than lbs!!!
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    Anyone have a guestimate on calories burned on Day 2? Do not have a HRM but it is #1 on the wish list for father's day (which is kinda sad in a way).
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Anyone have a guestimate on calories burned on Day 2? Do not have a HRM but it is #1 on the wish list for father's day (which is kinda sad in a way).

    I will have be starting my workout in a few hours. I use a HRM. I would think it would be at least 600 to 800. I will give you my readings after my workout. We are close to the same weight. A lot of people will say you always burn 1,000 but this is misleading. A male of average weight, in pretty good shape, burns around (around, you could easily be 200 calories in either direction) 1000 calories doing a month two DVD with intensity. That said, there are lots of variables. Smaller women often come onto these boards to complain that they burn as few as 350-400 calories doing the month one work outs. Here's a few of the more important variables:

    1) Sex. Men tend to burn more calories than women in the same activity. It's not universal, of course. A woman with a lot of muscle mass may burn more calories than a man of similar weight with a higher body fat percentage, but mostly men burn a few more calories than women.

    2) Body weight. This is a big one. A tall man can easily weigh 250 pounds and still be "healthy". A 250 pound person is going to burn a lot more calories than a 100 pound person doing the same things. It takes more energy to move more weight.

    3) Body fat percentage. Having more muscle means you burn more calories doing things. Anything. Having more muscle burns more calories sleeping, walking, working out, whatever. It's one of the reasons that strength training is good for working out, even when it doesn't burn as many calories directly.

    4) Intensity. Obviously the harder you go, the more you burn.

    5) Length of exercise. Month one DVDs average 30-35 minutes. Month two DVD are 45-60 minutes. Obviously you burn a lot more doing month two DVDs.

    A heart rate monitor is the most accurate. That is an awesome fathers day gift. I love mine.
  • CarolinaGrace77
    I use Body media Fit arm band. Other friends use HRM or fitbit. Bodymedia & fitbit link to MFP. I can say I LOVE my arm band. Seeing my calorie burn for the entire day & during my work outs keeps me motivated like nothing else. I gotta see my numbers and I don't like guessing.

    You can use MFP to guess your work out burn. It is so variable though like mentioned before by teamryan.

    Drop lots of hints for the gift...if all else fails just go get the one you want yourself ;-)
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    I use Body media Fit arm band. Other friends use HRM or fitbit. Bodymedia & fitbit link to MFP. I can say I LOVE my arm band. Seeing my calorie burn for the entire day & during my work outs keeps me motivated like nothing else. I gotta see my numbers and I don't like guessing.

    You can use MFP to guess your work out burn. It is so variable though like mentioned before by teamryan.

    Drop lots of hints for the gift...if all else fails just go get the one you want yourself ;-)

    My brother has Body media fit arm band too. He loves it. His is in sync with my fitness pal too, It is amazing. It even tells you when you are actually sleeping and how much actual sleep you get when your body is not moving. Amazing technology.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    6/4 Day 2 Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit
    All I can say is wow. This was a killer workout for me. I kept up good for the first 25 minutes. I was focused on form rather then speed at times. My legs were and still are on fire. My heart was thumping and I burned 707 calories in around 43 minutes. My max heart rate was 186 and my average was 159. My shirt was drenched. If it was not for my P90X that I just completed I would have failed this big time. I loved it.

    Jonathan if you see this I would say you burn 600 to 800 easily during this workout. I did 707 and I took it easy the last 18 minutes by concentrating on form because my legs were getting sloppy. I am pumped about to see what tomorrow will bring.
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    I am feeling both WOW and abetter about how I did. I went all out and kept up for the 1st 25 minutes but struggled the rest of the way. Focused on learning new moves and a few things I'd done before but called different names (like cross country). Drenched but feeling great. What a workout. Looking forward to hearing from the rest of the crew.

    Thanks Ryan I will use 650 as an estimate.

    As to hints for a heart rate monitor. I did not hint. I TOLD. Now lets see if I get it. Almost positive I will. I will be guided by your burn until my HRM arrives.

    Oh yeah, ate a good size dinner about 20 minutes after finish and I am still hungry.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    I am feeling both WOW and abetter about how I did. I went all out and kept up for the 1st 25 minutes but struggled the rest of the way. Focused on learning new moves and a few things I'd done before but called different names (like cross country). Drenched but feeling great. What a workout. Looking forward to hearing from the rest of the crew.

    Thanks Ryan I will use 650 as an estimate.

    As to hints for a heart rate monitor. I did not hint. I TOLD. Now lets see if I get it. Almost positive I will. I will be guided by your burn until my HRM arrives.

    Oh yeah, ate a good size dinner about 20 minutes after finish and I am still hungry.

    I felt the same way on learning the new moves.

    My burn should be a decent guide to you since we are less than 10 pounds difference. You are a few inches taller.In the beginning of every workout I always give 110%. I like to see if I can improve the next time I work out to it and see how much farther I can keep giving 110%. I hope next time I do the workout I can add a minute or two longer of giving it all I got.

    I drank my recovery drink right away while I made some spaghetti for dinner. I know I will sleep good tonight.
  • CCajina
    CCajina Posts: 11
    I'm on day 9 and did "Pure Cardio" today.
    And I usually press play around 1030AM but I didn't do so until 530PM because I just didn't feel like it.
    But I did press play and it was great!
    Though I still got my rear end handed to me good, I saw a big improvement in myself.
    I could keep up through 80% of the warm-up when before it was only like 50% or 60%.
    I can feel my globe jumps getting better.

    Improvement is on the horizon people. Though today maybe awful and everything is sore (even muscles you didn't even knew you had) it gets easier to get through it and push yourself harder! : )

    Stay motivated everyone!
  • alexsandstrom1982

    Awesome day for everyone again. You guys and gals are awesome and rocking it. Each day is one step closer to your goals and change. I am so pumped up about my Power 90 exercises. I am shedding the weight and my pants are getting loose. Thanks again Coach Ryan for your support and motivation to get my off my couch. I might even join a softball team and its been 8 years since I was in shape to play softball. Even back then I was overweight.

    Thanks you everyone else for your support. This is awesome.
  • Scarlett1joshua1
    Im on day 4 today, and ache all over, especialy my calves! I do my work out in the evening, is there anything I can do to ease the pain?
  • alexsandstrom1982
    Im on day 4 today, and ache all over, especialy my calves! I do my work out in the evening, is there anything I can do to ease the pain?

    Make sure you are getting enough protein in your diet. Don't cut clean protein with the idea of reducing calories.

    Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) which occurs after a workout is the result of damage to your muscles which needs to be rebuilt to make the muscles stronger. If you don't have the protein needed to rebuilt your damaged muscles, the soreness will last a lot longer.

    Other than that, stretching, drinking plenty of water, and getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night will help fine. Be careful with painkillers, though, they just mask the pain, and you could end up over doing it and seriously hurting yourself before you realize it.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Im on day 4 today, and ache all over, especialy my calves! I do my work out in the evening, is there anything I can do to ease the pain?

    Make sure you are getting enough protein in your diet. Don't cut clean protein with the idea of reducing calories.

    Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) which occurs after a workout is the result of damage to your muscles which needs to be rebuilt to make the muscles stronger. If you don't have the protein needed to rebuilt your damaged muscles, the soreness will last a lot longer.

    Other than that, stretching, drinking plenty of water, and getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night will help fine. Be careful with painkillers, though, they just mask the pain, and you could end up over doing it and seriously hurting yourself before you realize it.

    Exactly. Once you get stronger and your muscles grow the pain will be less and less. My first 2 weeks of P90X I could barely walk. Make sure you get something in your body within 20 to 60 minutes of a workout. That is very important. Your body needs it. I myself take a post workout recovery drink on days where my workouts are intense.

    Sleep is also very important. Sleep is where your body recovers. If you want to push it hard the next day, you need 7 to 8 hours every single night. If you aren't getting enough of it, you won't be ready for the next workout. Sleep is also where muscle grows, and if you don't rest, you will not change. People who lack sleep also have higher incidences of poor nutrition. So whatever you do, get your sleep.
  • ganzelly
    ganzelly Posts: 302 Member
    I'm reading about everyone's Insanity workouts with great interest, I haven't decided yet if I'm going to try Insanity. I"m enjoying P90x too much and have just added the Insanity cardio max in place of either Plyo or Kenpo. I definitely enjoy the Insanity cardio even if I cannot keep up with it yet. But I'm hoping that after seeing everyone's results with Insanity it will help me make the decision if I want to try it or not. but if I decide to do it I will wait until winter. No way will I do it in the summer!
  • zeusbella
    zeusbella Posts: 137 Member
    Day 3 of Insanity!! LOVE IT!! I am focused more on my form than speed. I know I will eventually build up to speed too. If I cannot do a move YET, than I modify it. Great workout - sweat like crazy. It actually goes quick.

    I have been drinking a protein shake (around 110 cal) immediately following the workout. Does anyone else do that? I have so much energy during the day now. I have a desk job and I swear I want to bounce out of my chair. I also want to do a second workout (walk, jog, yoga) does anyone else have that urge?
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Day 3 of Insanity!! LOVE IT!! I am focused more on my form than speed. I know I will eventually build up to speed too. If I cannot do a move YET, than I modify it. Great workout - sweat like crazy. It actually goes quick.

    I have been drinking a protein shake (around 110 cal) immediately following the workout. Does anyone else do that? I have so much energy during the day now. I have a desk job and I swear I want to bounce out of my chair. I also want to do a second workout (walk, jog, yoga) does anyone else have that urge?

    Awesome job you are doing great. Keep it up. Your body needs the protein right after a workout. Its very important to get the nutrients and protein back in your body within 20 to 60 minutes of a workout. I drink a recovery drink immediately after a workout. It keeps me energized and also helps with the soreness. Keep up awesome job.
  • Scarlett1joshua1
    What is everyone logginging their calorie burn for insanity workouts as? Is it high impact areobics or circuit training? ans is the Calorie burn accurate on here for this?
  • zeusbella
    zeusbella Posts: 137 Member
    Right now, I log circuit training.. but I plan on investing in a heart rate monitor for more accuracy.