
My name is Aimee. I am about 25lbs over my goal weight. I have hovered around this weight since having my daughter 1 year ago. My biggest problem is keeping my schedule consistent enough to keep working out and keeping my house stocked with healthy choices.

I'm starting the 30 days tonight! I am excited to start losing the weight again and see results! If i go more than 2 days or so without posting, feel free to give me a friendly nudge. :)


  • jakesgirl05
    Hi! I just started too! I can't wait to see results. I've got about 50 pounds I would like to lose. Of course I know it will take longer than 30 days!! I'm hopeful and I know it's not an easy challenge. I'm walking about 30-60 minutes as well. It's a pretty intense work out on that DVD for a beginner! Consistency is key for me! I'll be looking forward to your progress and success!! Yay!
  • karolinasychta
    karolinasychta Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm a mum if two girls (4 and 1) and I was never one to excercise. I lost 2st last year on various diets, but still have another 20lbs to go. Never thought I will catch the fitness bug! Thanks to Jillian I've changed my way of thinking and decided to do the healthy thing for a change ;) I'm nearly done with ripped and even though I haven't lost much weight, I can see my body changing. All the best to you :)
  • Missyb322
    Missyb322 Posts: 145 Member
    Options name is Michelle and I'm in the process of trying to get healthy and in shape. This has normally been difficult for me to do. I usually start then get bored and re-vert back to my old ways. I am currently doing a combination of things. First of all I started with 5:2 IF way of eating. Second I started the Jillian Michaels 30DS on Tuesday. I'm doing excellent with the diet portion and home I can do equally well with the work-out portion. Any advice to make it easier to stick with the workout would be greatly appreciated. I've currently lost 20 of my 35# to reach my goal. But in the process, I would like to get toned and in excellent shape.
  • meesh109
    meesh109 Posts: 189 Member
    Hi all

    Hope you don't mind me joining! I'm doing the 30 DS and started on Monday. I plan on doing it Monday - Friday and taking Saturday and Sunday off. I did it at the beginning of last year and have decided that it's time to do it again!!

    Please don't feel disheartened during Level 1 if you don't lose any weight, some people even gain. The scale didn't move for me on Level 1, but I did lose inches. Best thing to do is take pictures and measurements when you start.

    Together we can do this!!!!
  • braeandwawa
    I am starting it today as well. Hopefully I can talk my oldest daughter in to doing it with me :)
  • twayland1
    twayland1 Posts: 3
    I'm about 20 pounds from my goal weight and have been doing this since Monday. I am ONLY doing the workouts not the diet- I'm using the diary here to help me with the diet. I am using the Total Body Revolution, which is actually a 3 month program. I hope you guys don't mind me joining though!
  • teresaforeman91
    teresaforeman91 Posts: 36 Member
    My name is Teresa :) I am a first time mum to a gorgeous little boy who is 5 months old on Saturday. I attempted the 30 day shred a couple of months ago, only to get halfway through and the full videos which were previously free on you tube, but were now charging. so i threw in the towel :P i have just recently bought the DVD instead so i can use it whenever i like :) so i am starting again tomorrow. Hopefully i can stick it out. My little one doesn't have very long naps during the day and wont give me half an hour to work out in his awake time atm. lol. super clingy :) but its worth a shot right?
    Good luck everyone xx
  • gracefcompton
    Hi! I am 23 year old mother of a two year old little boy and I am in the process of simply trying to get to a healthy BMI as well as to a toned, in-shape body. I was very fit in high-school and actually gained a lot of weight when I moved out on my own due to unhealthy eating habits. When I started eating well during my pregnancy I ended up at a healthy weight immediately post-pregnancy! I then ended up losing another 20 lbs during my son's first five months by simply eating healthy and working out regularly, but I reverted in my old habits during a stressful time and gained it back. I'd now like to lose about 30 lbs overall and set a good example for my son so that he has a healthy relationship with food and takes care of his own body! I think the scheduled nature of the 30 day shred will be good because I won't want to "undo" my work of I have cravings on Day 4 for example and end up back at Day 1! I started today and I actually enjoyed it!
  • mariromata
    mariromata Posts: 1 Member
    Hi!! Im 26 almost 27. I have a lot of weight to take off. I started losing weight last year. Slowly but surely. I lost almost 30 lbs in the last year. But I'm still 10 lbs away from my first "mile stone". My biggest challenge is going after those 10 lbs. So I decided to join to give myself a boost. Also because my problem area is definitely around my waist, or lack there of. I'm looking forward to challenging myself and loosing 20lbs in the next few months. Then it will be time for stage 2 of my weight loss. Here I go!!
  • Katrina2778
    Katrina2778 Posts: 42 Member
    Started the 30 Day Shred 4 days ago! I'm hoping that by joining this group I will be more inclined to complete the full 30 days (this is my 3rd attempt). Oh well, here goes nothing!
  • Merrylass4ever
    Merrylass4ever Posts: 17 Member
    Hello! I started 30-day Shred today and I'm determined to meet this challenge:smile: I've told myself that there are NO more excuses so here I am:embarassed: Looking forward to getting through this with all of you.
  • Merrylass4ever
    Merrylass4ever Posts: 17 Member
    Does anyone know if this exercise is in the database? I tried to search for it but no luck. How is everyone recording this as part of their exercise? TIA!!
  • ashleylauren88
    Hi I'm Ashley. The only form of meat I eat is fish but my dietary issue is my sweet tooth! I'm hoping to lose 60 lbs total and praying Jillian can help me take that down by 15-20lbs in the next month. Excited to start today!
  • keemomma77
    keemomma77 Posts: 25 Member
    I love the 30 ds. I lost about 4lbs a week doing
    it. Summer is here and I'm trying to start it again.
  • ohtender
    ohtender Posts: 21 Member
    AH! Im so glad I found a group for 30 DS. I had tried it before but got bored with it. I think having a community will help. I will start again tomorrow morning! So excited.
  • jakesgirl05
    I found it under circuit training. That is the closest thing I could find. Congrats on starting!
  • mkmerrill
    mkmerrill Posts: 74 Member
    I'm on day 7. When do I switch to level 2? I still cheat on pushups and its a hard workout.
  • mkmerrill
    mkmerrill Posts: 74 Member
    That's what I use too
  • Merrylass4ever
    Merrylass4ever Posts: 17 Member
    I didn't even think of looking up circuit training -- which is far more appropriate than "aerobics - low impact" which is what I used to record my first day. Thanks for the help -- now I just need to make it through day 2 :cry:
  • julie2475
    julie2475 Posts: 28 Member
    I started 30 day shred 5 days ago; definatly feeling the benefits already , still on level one and planning moving to level 2 on day 7. I love the fact I can fit it in if not enough time for gym , even got my kids joining in.