What Is your ideal weight?



  • 5'9-5'10. large frame; My goal is to be the same size as I was at 155/thin but flabby & weak, lol. No idea how many lbs I'll be at same size/with muscle.

    I just want to be and feel stronger, be thinner, have muscles! :D
  • MonyaKrohnert
    MonyaKrohnert Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! Agreed. I'm 5'10, and 175 would be great! My highest was 264, which was at the end of my first pregnancy. I was at 242 for about 6months, and then started gym, and slowly lost weight till I got to 175 about 4 years ago. 34 of those lb's have come back. *kitten*. 209 now... Fooling myself into thinking I could go less than 175...
  • junctiongirl
    junctiongirl Posts: 57 Member
    I always feel big. Even when I was 145 on a 5'10 frame. I think that goes to show that I need an adjustment in how I look at myself.
  • I'm 6 feet and my goal weight is 153 or so. I've been at my goal weight a few times already but keep gaining back 5lbs. I was about a size 4-6 and can't imagine being any smaller nor would i want to!
    Now im back up to 158, which is fine from the top half, but im a pear shaped so my thighs annoy me at this weight...lol
  • Tiffany62590
    Tiffany62590 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'11 and my goal weight is 159. It used to be 170, but after I hit that I realized I could go down a little farther. I have a full, curvy figure so 159 will probably be a good weight for me (though who knows, I might go down a bit lower).
  • sixfeettall
    sixfeettall Posts: 34 Member
    I am 6'1 and weigh 145/146lbs. My GW was 147 but I'm still not happy. Would like to see what I look like at 140 and then tone to create muscle and then gain weight through muscle and not fat. Or so, that's my theory!
  • lulu1066
    lulu1066 Posts: 122 Member
    well from your pic you look like a chubby panda, but from your description you must look like a goddess!!!! I have the same issue as you. i have lost 50lbs and am slimmer than i have ever been - 5'11 and 155lbs, but i still look in the mirror and think 'whale *kitten*'. so i guess i'm going to keep at it. it's hard to guage from people's comments. i am sure you have noticed that they are divided into two camps. the first camp are the slimmies who say 'wow you look great etc' and the second are the other crowd who say 'you don't want to look guant' or 'you don't want to lose any more' and you really don't know who to believe. I guess BMI is a good guage too. I was a couple of pounds off obese when I started eight months ago and now am in the middle of normal. how about i post a pic and you can tell me If I am iguant or whalelike?
  • LiveBreathe
    LiveBreathe Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5'10" 1/2 - I find that during the summer I naturally lose weight. Last summer I was 155 lb, but now I'm up to 166 lb. I would like to be in the 130 - 145 lb range. I haven't been in the 140's for a long time, so I'll have to figure out my ideal weight as I go, but 130 - 145 lb seems like a realistic approximate.
  • carakit
    carakit Posts: 126 Member
    Im 6'2 and I am currenlty 240lbs. I would like to get to a lean (I want muscles) 170-175.
  • Hi , I' am 5'11" and my weight is 210 pounds and my size now is 12-14. I used to be size 7-8 before giving birth my 6 years old son. and it have been very hard to get rid of the extra weight. I will appreciate any suggestion. Thanks
  • lulu1066
    lulu1066 Posts: 122 Member
    You're doing the right thing by being here. 8 months ago I was exactly where you are now, and am now 50 down. So keep it up. log cals, try to eat when you're hungry. heard a great one the other day 'if the problem isn't hunger, the solution isn't in the fridge' and with an eight year old boy I guess there are all sorts of stresses with being a mum as well as everything else. Good luck and keep it up. You'll do it.
  • melkeblack
    melkeblack Posts: 4 Member
    I am 5'11.5 and for 5yrs have struggled with my weight. Before then (not counting preggers) I stayed around 160 but it was never "good enough" & I was constantly beating myself up. I crept up to 175 and was just disgusted. Little did I know that was just setting me up for failure. Being kind to myself is #1. I was an amazon size 10 at 165 and now realize I looked AMAZING... so that's my new goal. Honestly getting and STAYING UNDER 200 is goal 1- at 211 and a 16 x-long I keep plateauing like crazy. Very frustrated but I know it doesn't help. 145 was my skinniest and still thought I was "fat" as a teen. I see now I was tooling thin. I have a skinny hubby who's an inch shorter than me & he loves curves (and me!)... but I need to love myself to lose this extra weight!! So glad to find so many fellow Amazons!
  • KaosLynnRose
    KaosLynnRose Posts: 3,415 Member
    my goal weight is 165, that is my pre-baby weight...im 5'9 i started at 212 now im down to 184
  • melissat888250
    melissat888250 Posts: 79 Member
    5'9" here... I was 5'7" and 100 lbs when I graduated high school. My goal weight right now is 140. I may re-assess when I get there- My sister is the same height as me and wears a size 4 at 140, but she's also a competitive athlete and works out 3 hours a day, 7 days a week. So I may need to weigh less and then build up muscle. We'll see when we get there.
  • feiAngel
    feiAngel Posts: 5 Member
    I am 6'1" (184cm) tall and was up to 130kg (286kg). I have seen all sorts of different sites saying what my ideal weight is. Most say around the 67kg mark (147lb) which I know is way too low for me, even though I am fairly fine-boned.. I have seen a better calculator at www.dukan.co.uk, which takes age, pregnancies etc into account. They say it is more like 77.9kg (171lb). I am currently at 93.8kg and have decided on a particular pair of jeans that I used to wear. When I can COMFORTABLY wear those, I will be happy. I am guessing it will be somewhere between 78-85kg. I can get them on, but not done up. so still have a fair bit to lose from my spare tyre/tummy. I am really happy with my legs, sadly missing my boobs, and ecstatic to be getting back into clothes I was wearing when I was 10kg lighter than I am now. All in all, the scales are only one of the numbers I am watching, and clothing size is a fair guide for me.
  • celcey
    celcey Posts: 32
    I'm 6'4" and my idea weight is 220#
    I have never been lighter than this my whole adult life, but I think it is a reasonable size for some of my frame type.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I'm 5'11. My rough original goal was 160 (been overweight/obese my entire adult life), but I'm very happy maintaining between 170 - 175...size 8/10.
  • AnnMarieTrickey
    AnnMarieTrickey Posts: 2 Member
    I am new to this site and just beginning my weight loss journey. I am 5"11" tall and am currently 182 lbs. (size 12 or 14). I would like to get back down to my size 8 clothes. I'm guessing that would be a weight of around 145lbs. to 150lbs. But, I'm not that concerned with the number on the scale, as long as I am comfortable in my clothes. I have a small frame and that is a good clothing size for me. I also have to try and fit in some exercise on a daily basis. I have 2 boys (9 and 5), work full time, and have a husband who works unusual shift work. It's going to be a challenge, but if there's any suggestions for fitting in work out time, I'd love to hear everyone's ideas. :smile:
  • i am 6 feet with a large frame. I played water polo in high school at was in really good shape and weighed a little less than 200 lbs. I carried the weight well though, and people were always suprised it was that much. Now I am 230 and it all went to my mid section, which has always been the place it goes. I am finding it so hard to get motivated, and looking at all this def helped. xo
  • pusheen12
    pusheen12 Posts: 192 Member
    I'm 5-10' - my understanding is for every inch over five feet you should be five lbs. for the ideal body weight. So for me that is 150. I would take into consideration a large frame or a small frame for good measure and give or take 5 lbs. I can't imagine weighing less than 150lbs. at 5-10' unless I had a super narrow, tiny frame, which I don't. I think I'm an average sized frame to large and would be extremely thin at 150 lbs. I've lost 35 lbs. since started my fitness/health journey and am looking more regular at 190 lbs. I continually set small goals for myself, the first was to get under 200 lbs, now I'm working down in increments of -10. My absolute ultimate goal (for now) is 165 lbs. and depending on how I look and feel will go from there. My original and primary goal is to be in the "normal" range for BMI, which for me is 175 lbs. and I'm only 15 lbs. away! My BMI started in the "obese" category and now considered "overweight". -20 in 12 weeks. Shooting for 180 lbs. by xmas. Health is a wonderful gift to give oneself. :blushing: