2 Pieces of bread a day too much?

kaittea Posts: 96 Member
I've been trying lowcarb for a lil while now, and I've been aiming to eat 100g carbs a day (which usually means about 80net carbs), but every day for breakfast I have two pieces of toast with peanut butter because it's my favourite. Do you think too many of my carbs are coming from bread? The rest of my carbs usually come from vegetables and the occasional fruit, but every few days I'll have a second bread source (as long as I stay under the 100g goal). I'm trying to lose those last pesky 10lbs and I just want to make sure I'm on the right track. My weight seems to be really stubborn to come off. My diary is open for those of you who want to check it out and let me know what you think!


  • Golightly17
    Golightly17 Posts: 347 Member
    The problem with bread isn't so much the number of carbs if you allot for them in your daily total. The issue is the insulin response that bread has- encouraging fat storage and maintenance as opposed to the weight loss you're aiming for. If you're into bread with pb in the morning, I would suggest trying out some wheat free kinds made with almond flour so you get what you crave but with lower carbs and with protein.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I would suspect it's calories vs. carbs. You're still pretty low carb so I would try playing with your calories. Your protein also seems a bit high and fat a bit low. How much LBM do you have?
  • kaittea
    kaittea Posts: 96 Member
    The problem with bread isn't so much the number of carbs if you allot for them in your daily total. The issue is the insulin response that bread has- encouraging fat storage and maintenance as opposed to the weight loss you're aiming for. If you're into bread with pb in the morning, I would suggest trying out some wheat free kinds made with almond flour so you get what you crave but with lower carbs and with protein.

    Okay, thank you! I will look for some. Hopefully I can find an option like that that's not overly expensive..!
    I would suspect it's calories vs. carbs. You're still pretty low carb so I would try playing with your calories. Your protein also seems a bit high and fat a bit low. How much LBM do you have?

    I've just started this combination of macros this week so I'm not sure if I'll see results yet (I weigh in on Monday), so I'm not sure if I need to cut calories yet. I don't usually eat back my exercise calories though so most of the time my net calories are below 1,400 anyway. People keep telling me different things about protein. I was told by someone else I was eating too little. :( Based on my calculations I have around 109lbs of LBM.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure protein requirements are in the .7-1g/lb of lean body mass range. I'm not sure what the consequences of eating too much of any particular macro are if you don't have any medical reason to NOT eat it, but I suspect that no matter WHAT we eat, we don't lose when we have too much of anything. I didn't look at your exercise and net calories, but have you calculated your TDEE?
  • kaittea
    kaittea Posts: 96 Member
    Yeah, it's 2278, but I have no idea what that means haha.
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    TDEE ( Total Daily Energy Expenditure) is an average of the amount calories your body burns in a 24 hour period: sleeping, working, exercising, digesting food, etc. everything that requires calories.

    As Golightly mentioned bread does cause some kind of insulin response. Im guessing it has to do with the type of wheat used (whole wheat/enriched) + plus the sugars used and anything else they used to process it with. Breads can be heavily processed.home-made bread doesnt even require more than 10 ingredients to make yet a loaf you buy at the store can have over 40...

    I avoid bread Carbs for that reason. Instead I eat things like plain oats or sweet potatos for Carbs.

    Also careful when shopping for whole wheat breads. If the first ingredient states anything with "enriched" instead of "whole grain" something then it's just white bread bleached with caramel food coloring to make it look like wheat...
  • kaittea
    kaittea Posts: 96 Member
    So my TDEE minus 500 is around 1700. Is that how much I'm supposed to be eating? I keep hearing that I'm either eating too many calories or too little, so I'm getting a little confused with all of the different answers.

    I'm sure cutting out bread would be really beneficial for me. I did it for a few months last summer and I think that's what helped me lose some of the weight, but it's really the one meal I can wake up and be super excited for because it's DELICIOUS.
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    So my TDEE minus 500 is around 1700. Is that how much I'm supposed to be eating? I keep hearing that I'm either eating too many calories or too little, so I'm getting a little confused with all of the different answers.

    I'm sure cutting out bread would be really beneficial for me. I did it for a few months last summer and I think that's what helped me lose some of the weight, but it's really the one meal I can wake up and be super excited for because it's DELICIOUS.

    Maintanace calories usually averages 14x/15x/16x your bodyweight depending on how active you are (desk job = low active, waitress = active, lumberjack = very active for example). Thats where you want to deduct the 500 deficit from.

    RMR (resting metabolic rate) = calories needed just to survive with a sedentary life style
    Maintenance = calories required for daily activities to maintain current weight. (-500 cals for weight loss/ +500 calories for weight gain.)
    TDEE = RMR + all calories needed to suvive to include exercising, normal walking, chewing, sleeping, breathing, other bodily fuctions.

    Wouldn't worry too much about TDEE. Just the maintance calories. TDEE just sums up all calorie totals which is impossible to calculate... How much calories do I burn when I pee? See where im getting at? Lol
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    So my TDEE minus 500 is around 1700. Is that how much I'm supposed to be eating? I keep hearing that I'm either eating too many calories or too little, so I'm getting a little confused with all of the different answers.
    Depends on your activity level (daily and exercise), goals, stats, etc. Same with protein - depends on those. Though, I would say less carbs and more fat, as fat is sometimes your lowest macro (in grams). Are you a pescetarian? Your only protein sources are cheese, protein powder, and eggs. And tuna.
    I'm sure cutting out bread would be really beneficial for me. I did it for a few months last summer and I think that's what helped me lose some of the weight, but it's really the one meal I can wake up and be super excited for because it's DELICIOUS.
    I think you just answered your own question.

    And yes, bread can have as much of an insulin response as sugar. And first thing in the morning probably isn't when you want to have it, unless you've just trained!
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    consider some of the low carb breads around. Sprout's has two or three now that are all like 8-11 Carb Grams per ounce. adjusting for fiber they are pretty low. they include their low carb flax seed bread, the Spelt and the Oat. you'll find one you like.
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    consider some of the low carb breads around. Sprout's has two or three now that are all like 8-11 Carb Grams per ounce. adjusting for fiber they are pretty low. they include their low carb flax seed bread, the Spelt and the Oat. you'll find one you like.

    Found a brand of 10" tortilla wraps that are suppose to be carb friendly. It has 32g of carbs, but 26g of it is fiber. So only 6 net carbs. Gona test them to see if the ingredients will knock me out of keto or not...
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Found a brand of 10" tortilla wraps that are suppose to be carb friendly. It has 32g of carbs, but 26g of it is fiber. So only 6 net carbs. Gona test them to see if the ingredients will knock me out of keto or not...

    Are they La Tortilla or something like that? I just bought the small ones of these 10gc (7 of which are fibre)
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    The brand I have is called Mission Tortillas.

    Used to eat Low-Carb Toufanya wraps which had 16g carbs but 7g fiber. 9 net carbs... for a small wrap :/