Jawbone UP

Have you guys heard of this? https://jawbone.com/up

A few ladies in my office have been using this for about a month now, and I got mine last Thursday (I got mine off Amazon used for about half the cost, and it came in great condition). It's pretty cool in which it tracks your steps, resting/active burn, sleep patterns, AND syncs up to MFP. It goes both ways - meaning that the MFP entries I make flow to UP, and the exercise I do flows to MFP. Pretty neat.

I'd be interested in knowing if anyone else uses this and what their experience has been like? Any tips?


  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I have the Fitbit One, which is the same idea, and I love it. Rather than synch it with MFP, however, I keep MFP for a food diary and Fitbit's site for my TDEE. I don't like having my calories/macros change on me throughout the day. Because of my Fitbit, I know my TDEE averages between 2300-2400/day, so I have MFP set accordingly.
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    I wanted the up - but did't like the sync requiring a cable. I also knew several fitbit people so I went with that for now.

    same concept as primal runner says.
    I definitely prefer the up method of going on the wrist over the fitbit flex.
    I have been tracking sleep, calories, exercise - and really find it interesting. I find that having it on your wrist 24x7 a nice reminder to be healthy.
  • nynvilva
    nynvilva Posts: 54
    I also find it to be motivating to get up and MOVE! While I have been pretty good about sticking to Paleo (well, not yesterday), it’s the exercising that has been lacking for me. I have yet to get up and move! I started doing squats in the morning while drying my hair (originally standard squats, now twist squats (20) and regular (50))… this morning I got up a little earlier and added some ab work to it. Not sure if UP will actually register that, but at least it’s getting me moving. Also, the terrible Sunday I had was enough to motivate me to get up and move!