Introduce yourself!

runner115 Posts: 321 Member
I had to join because I am also 5'2"! I would like to say I need to lose 25lb but I have a feeling it's getting closer to 50 now...I can't bear to step on the scale right now, I just know all my clothes from when I weighed less are too small right now. I'm looking forward to finding some motivation and insipiration, and may some low calorie recipes! Good luck everyone!


  • lexylouise
    lexylouise Posts: 17
    Hi there
    I know the feeling about dreading the scales... I am going to keep trying by exercising as much as possible... I always tend to feel a bit better after I have been for a jog...Good Luck; i look forward to exchanging success stories
  • MsTexas30
    MsTexas30 Posts: 1

    I am 5'2 and need to loose 62 pounds. I started at 250 pounds 5 years ago and lost 77 pounds which put me at 173. Over the last year and a half I have gained weight back little by little and now I am back to 212. I refuse to gain anymore weight! I just turned 30 and want to look and feel better as I age.

    We can do it! I look forward in seeing everyone's success.

    MsTexas :)
  • SusanSJD
    SusanSJD Posts: 4
    I'm a runner and recently broke a bone, tore a ligament and sprained my ankle (right foot). I am unable to run until late August. My cast is off after 3 weeks and am able to walk and bear weight. Yesterday I forced myself into the Y pool and did laps. For 40 mins! Loved it. Thought I would hate the pool. So swimming is now my exercise and I want to lose 17 pounds. I don't want to keep gaining!!!! Anyone else out there recovering from an injury?
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    Can't tell you how relived I am that there are people out there with similar stories!

    I have slowly but surely gained about 30 pounds in the last three years. Those scales are full of judgement for me. I think on some level I always knew... but now it's time to confront it and do something about it. Educate myself how to make better choices and actually move around a little more... the fact my life has become more sedentary is an obvious place to start!

    Good luck to everyone and looking forward to sharing success stories and keeping up each others' spirits along the way!
  • lexylouise
    lexylouise Posts: 17
    Its really exciting and quite a relief to hear that there are others out there. From reading lots of different posts and success stories i have noticed that exercise is key to this... this is a challenge for me.
    I have a 4 and 6 year old and have a part time job. The days that i don't work i am often out of the house getting bits done.
    So far i can squeeze in jogging for 30-50 mins four evenings a week (when my partner can look after the kids) but this isnt enough. My house is pretty tiny but my living room is big enough to do a dvd so i bought Jillian Michaels Body Revolution which contains 15 dvds.
    My family are always hovering around the living room and so i find it really off putting with them all watching my puffy red face trying to keep up with the dvd!!!
    Anyone got any other free but time effective exercise suggestions? or just ideas of how to get everyone out of my living room haha?
  • wanttolose62
    Count me in. I'm 50, 5'3" and want to lose 50. I was doing great right up through November 2011. Lost 30 pounds and got into a size 12 gown for a ball. It felt awesome! But since then, got divorced, bought a house, started renovating it, and lost all focus on taking care of myself. I gained back 15 of the 30 I lost.

    Well, I'm back to focusing on me again. There are 5 of us going to Belize in January and I really want to fit into the bathing suit I want to fit into instead of the one I have to fit into. But it's not just that event. I want whatever I am doing to be a sustainable lifestyle.

    IMy weight has been fluctuating the last month or so. I'll lose 2 pounds, gain one back, lose 2, gain one. What the heck? Then again, since it's ending up being a net loss, I am grateful that my efforts aren't completely fruitless. But it sure isn't giving me that warm fuzzy on being able to reach my goal by January.
  • tc0187
    tc0187 Posts: 3
    Hey all! I joined because over the weekend I decided that enough was enough and I want to do something to not only make myself feel better but to make my daughter feel proud of me and to always accomplish your goals no matter what! I am starting the C25K workout program today with strength training 2-3 times a week in between and I'm hoping to run my first 5K on September 8. I have previously lost 55lbs over the past 3 years and I still have roughly 104lbs to go!
  • LaurieLynn
    LaurieLynn Posts: 58 Member
    Hey all I too have 50 lbs to lose. I am 49 years old, work full time out of the house and have a family at home. I would love the support and motivation new friends bring. Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck on our healthy eating journey everyone!
  • stephdayberry
    stephdayberry Posts: 3 Member
    Hey ya'll I have also decided over the weekend that enough is enough. I am going to try my best to make the right choices with foods and drinks from here on out. I recently played Volleyball last thursday and was ashamed how quickly I became tired. Also, my body hated me the next day. I want to get healthier both inside and out! Let's do this!!
  • DSK80
    DSK80 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi There,

    your group description fits my profile exactly I am 5.5 with 50 lbs to loose, looking forward to be part of the team.

    looking for your hints and tips
  • sweetpeas317
    sweetpeas317 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello, i think this group is what I need for motivation and support. I am 49 and never really had a weight issue until I turned 45 now I look at food and gain weight. I am 5'7 and teeter at 189-191lbs I am looking to lose at least 30lbs and see how I feel at that point. I recently started taking Skinny Fiber it is supposed to help you to lose weight and inches its supposedly all natural and I think it may be helping with inches but have not formally taken my measurements because I got to my waist and it made me sick to see the number. I am allergic to fish and seafood so I am looking to put together reasonable and doable meal plans that are not a chore to make.

    I look forward to my weight loss journey with new friends and would love any feed back and I will help anyone that asks.
  • ErinRunsOnFood
    ErinRunsOnFood Posts: 11 Member
    Hi. I'm 5'4 and want to loose about 50lbs as well. I started 3 months ago and I'm down about 10lbs so I'm starting to see a little change. I just turned 29 and my husband and I are starting to think about kids so I want to be in shape and healthy for a child. I'm trying to make the switch to this long term for a healthier life rather than just a weight loss. My goal is to run a 5K in October and fit into a certain bathing suit for a vacation in November.

    Feel free to add me as a friend-always looking for new people to connect with. :)
  • twanda_booty
    Hi everyone, I am also having the same struggle. I am 32 years old, 5'3 and need to drop 30 lbs. I have also always struggled with my weight. The funny thing is (as I look back), even when I was at my smallest (116 lbs) I still wasn't satisfied with my body. I don't know if that's due to the images thrown at us in the media? Whatever the case my goal is to drop the 30 lbs, be healthier and finally be comfortable in my own skin :) Looking forward to motivating and finding motivation in this weight lose journey!
  • lexylouise
    lexylouise Posts: 17
    Hi there
    WELCOME :flowerforyou:
    I am exactly the same; i look back at photos of myself when i thought i was hideous and actually i'd give anything to be that size now
  • cbrobers
    cbrobers Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'4'' with the same goal! I am going to Vegas in November for my 21st, so hopefully I can lose the 40-50lbs by then! I know it's 5 months away, but I know I can do this in a healthy way!
  • nurse_ratty
    nurse_ratty Posts: 100 Member
    5ft 2" 33 on thursday, back in jan 2013 i was 157lbs im now 132!!!! I still have some to go starting to need motivation as weight loss slows so glad i found this
  • loglia
    loglia Posts: 15 Member

    I had a baby last August and thought that the weight would just fall off afterwards, but have had lots of setbacks. I'm looking to lose 36 lbs and am also training to run a marathon in October. I could definitely use some motivation, especially with eating the right things. Best wishes to all who are striving to reach their goals! :)
  • allysenj
    allysenj Posts: 1
    Hi all!
    My name is Allysen, and I joined this group because I've gained 25 unwanted lbs since highschool, and I'm tired of not fitting into my clothes. And I'm 5'3", which is close to 5'2" lol Can't wait to give and receive support!
  • jakesgirl05
    Hi all! I'm 5'2" and I have 50 pounds to lose! This is great to find this group! Just joined and I am so glad to find a place where there are others just like me!! I have been struggling for so long and I just can't take it anymore! I want to be free to choose my activities and attire without the feeling of shame or defeat that comes along with it. So, I have changed my eating, I'm exercising and I am reaching out! I'm doing 30 Day Shred and then I walk or do eliptical at gym as often as I can. I have two boys and my husband is out of town A LOT! No family here that can help so..... taking a brisk walk or the gym, well, you get the picture lol! So DVDs it is ladies! Can't wait to meet you and share information! It's working!! Slow at first but now it's moving!! Hooray us girls!
  • smeca1231
    smeca1231 Posts: 1
    Hello, I'm looking to join because I was recently diagnosed with pre diabetes and I'm just 29 years old. All my life I was very skinny less than 105 lbs until 3 years ago. After life changes, I have gained 30 lbs. I'm 4'9, and my bmi is 28, yes 28...severely overweight!!im looking to get down to 120, and I weighed in today at 132.4. I'm currently seeing a nutritionist and I've worked out everyday for the past 3 weeks. I'm looking to join b/c I always start off great, but after a couple of months I get complacent and gain more. I'm looking to be a motivator, a supporter and in return would like the same.