blam Posts: 110
Hello TPT group!
Looking forward to your updates for this past week! I don't know about you, but it's hard to keep the motivation going. Any tips, suggestions and encouragement are more than welcome :heart:


  • lynnieval
    lynnieval Posts: 6
    I didn't have the best week last week. I'm hoping it's water retention from PMS. Although, I say that and started doing the Slim in 6 workouts on alternating days. So not a total loss. But, I am back at it today with watching my food!
  • Last week 199.2

    This week 199.5...... eugh :sad:

    Still I know exactly what I did wrong....I still got the exercise in but didnt get enough sleep, went out drinking with friends too much, and comfort ate my way through my body weight in Pringles and ice cream!!

    Renewing the efforts this week, try..... 197.5 here I come (again!)
  • Jerkface4
    Jerkface4 Posts: 36
    I'm soo excited. I've only been part of this group for a week. I've been working hard (maybe too hard) and have been watching my calorie intake (in which most days are not enough). I don't know, if I lose then yay but if not then I know I need to change things to see some changes. No pain no gain!!!
  • its hard to be good at those graduation parties and weddings....esp when they send you home with the leftovers....i have a feeling this weekend was a disaster and i am going to pay for it when weigh in is tom- oh well....just makes me that much more determined this week to bounce back!
  • prayaas
    prayaas Posts: 30
    No weight loss this week :frown: too many factors: attending a lot of events & hence eating out a lot. Tried to remain within my calorie limit but i guess the high calorie food did a lot of damage. Maybe its PMS.

    Then again, as I sit typing this I feel as if these are just lousy excuses. Excuses for not exercising enough , not burning those
    extra calories !! No wonder the scale didn't budge :brokenheart:

    I hope I have something better to share next week :embarassed:
  • Sadly no loss for me this week

    Last week: 138
    This week: 138

    A week of PMT, The Stone Roses gig and an ear infection has meant my motivation was low. But I won't let it get me down, next week I know i will see a loss :)

    Keep it up everyone.
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    Seems like many of us are on the same page - I'm weighing in tomorrow b/c I was away last night and not able to get to my scales. But I'm honestly not expecting a good change.

    I'm with prayaas - many reasons why - but the bottom line is not enough right choices.

    It seems to be a tough time of year for everyone.

    BUT I keep telling myself that I've had many years of eating what I want; with the consequence being low self-esteem and losing out on special moments with my family (hiding behind clothes instead of being in the water swimming - for example).

    So this week I'm going to keep up the exercises (which is honestly the easy part for me) and focus on the right food choices (which is the hardest part for me). I will post my weight tomorrow - despite how embarrassed I might be.
  • reallymyBEST
    reallymyBEST Posts: 242 Member
    Add me to the list of "I could have done a lot better!"
    SW: 195
    Last week: 192.4
    This week: 194

    No surprise. I lacked interest and had a wknd even, as well. I've done enough of these challenges now to know that it seems to always happen in week 2. You can either drop out (many do) or keep going and try to do your best. That's the better option!

    Think about this - The group has 118 members. Last week, there were 39 posts on the thread reporting weight and some of them were replies to earlier posts. So, let's say 35 of the 118 followed through on the first week. That's less than 30% -- for one week! This week, I would think that at least another 1/3 of those left will drop out. And so it goes...

    You just have to plow through, keep going, take your lumps when you screw up, and try harder the next day! You CAN do this. Half of the battle is just showing up and continuing to try!!!
  • ECTexan
    ECTexan Posts: 195 Member
    Startng: 257
    Last Week: 253
    Current: 251

    I did lose my 2, but on Sunday I weighed 248 so I'm not sure how I got those lbs back :( I've been counting calories religiously and exercising 1hr every day.
  • ally_cole
    ally_cole Posts: 17 Member
    Last Week: 203.4
    Today: 202.1

    Lost this week: 1.3
    Total Lost: 7.9 Ibs!!
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    way to go ally_cole and lstarr09! You will be our motivators to keep at it.

    Thanks for your thoughts, reallymyBEST, I agree - logging in, being honest and transparent will help to keep yourself motivated as well as others.

    I find it amazing how much of my struggles I see in other comments.

    Let's pretend this week is week 1 - and each week after that!
  • kinismar8
    kinismar8 Posts: 14
    Down 1 pound this week. I wish it was more, but am happy the scale is moving in the right direction. Good luck to everyone on their weigh-in.
  • jzychowicz
    jzychowicz Posts: 12 Member
    Down 1.5 lbs. Almost made it. Just have to focus on exercise more....Oh and stay away from the kids cookies :bigsmile:
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    SW: 146.8
    Last Week: 146
    CW: 144.6
    Next Week: 142.6

    Loss of 1.4! Hey I will take it considering I had an eat a thon this weekend! :)

    Happy Tuesday!
  • Lisaget2awesome
    Lisaget2awesome Posts: 32 Member
    I am checking in but did not lose anything, infact I gain.

    LW 195
    CW 196.5

    I have been lifting weight and I am hoping that is why I gain. If not, I don't know why!!!! Not Happy
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    Starting: 232.6
    Last week: 230.2
    This week: 226.8 (as of yesterday morning)

    -3.4pounds! Wow that's nice :happy: Especially since my last workout was on wednesday! Had a problem with the knee, I think it's a bit better today:smile: Plus I'M in serious need of great workouts after las night.... I had around a whopping 3500 in food and alcohol :embarassed:
  • missmissica
    missmissica Posts: 33 Member
    looks like im not the only one in this boat!
    last week: 168.8
    this week: 168.2

    TOM a vegas trip and then im sick...so no surprise.
    hopefully next week will be better!
  • Well done to everyone that lost, you are my inspiration to try harder this week :flowerforyou:

    I'm going to blame the national holiday and resulting three days of drinking and socialising for my poor effort, hopefully I'll have an easier time of it this week with no national holiday and my weekend is revolving around paragliding rather than drinking!
  • blam
    blam Posts: 110
    Ditto on the congratulations - you are my inspiration for this week!
  • llalpaca
    llalpaca Posts: 38 Member
    Up one pound on last week. Really disappointed :(