Hey! New to the group could use some support

tressieazbill Posts: 59 Member
I am at 127.2 as of this morning...I would love to get between 115-120 lbs.. The less I have to lose the harder for it to get off I think having full support will be the most helpful on keeping me on a good path. I do really well monday through friday..I do zumba 2 times a week I run at least once and a little bit of weights through out the week as well..I eat very well when I am on my weekday schedule and then weekend hits we are out and about more likly to have fast food and my husband doesnt eat the best and temps me..Also partys and such go on through the weekend which has more tempting food.! If anyone is in the same boat you should add me and we can motivate each other! I could be happy with where I am now..I am not fat by any means just want to lose the last 10 percent of body fat just about. :) Thanks ladies for taking your time to read this.


  • JenHol79
    JenHol79 Posts: 90 Member
    will send you a request. weekends are hard on me and my husband has no intentions of eating "healthy food" lol
  • Rmolars
    Rmolars Posts: 28
    I'm also new to the group & am just starting my diet/workout routine. I will send you a request so we can support each other!
  • ShannonKN
    ShannonKN Posts: 152 Member
    I'm currently at 123.5, looking to land between 115 and 120. I'll send you a request, as I'd love to expand my support network on here. Anyone else can add me as well.
  • plr252
    plr252 Posts: 2 Member
    Well, I am trying to lose a littltle bit more body fat. In the past month I have chosen to go gluten free. I have seen a difference, I am starting to be able to see my abs.
  • ltierney77
    Hi! I am new to the group too.. and could definitely use some support too! :smile:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Welcome to all three of the new members. I, also have a difficult time begin good on the weekend. I am beginning to think that subconcsiously I feel I deserve to eat yummy stuff after a good work week.
  • nickymarie011
    nickymarie011 Posts: 152 Member
    Same here. I am currently 5'5 - 125 pounds. I lost a good 15 pounds last yr and gained it all back when I quit smoking. I would really love to tone up more than anything but I would never say no to loosing about 5-10 pounds. Much like you gals, I do well during the week, work out to P90X and eat right. However, come Saturday and Sunday, I eat much more than I should and end up indulging in cocktails and beer @ outings and parties.
  • Jluong40
    Jluong40 Posts: 3
    Hello. Just joined the group today, I'm fit, but certainly want to loose another 5lbs and tone it up a bit! Looking for some support as I am stuck weight wise. Summers are my hardest time, as I eat and drink more in the summer. I'm looking to give and get support if your interested!
  • alethea88
    alethea88 Posts: 112 Member
    Hi, I just joined the group today. My current weight is 121. I am 5'1 so I aiming for 110-108 in 2 months if I am motivated enough. When I was in college it is easy for me to lose 33 pounds but I gain 17 pounds over the years and it is harder for me to lose what i had gained. I could definitely some support. :)
  • cat_mb
    cat_mb Posts: 14 Member
    Same story on my end! OK, I'm not so new to MFP or to the group, but I could use some encouragement anyway. I guarantee to return the favor!
  • bdtyson77302
    bdtyson77302 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm not new but I've been quiet! :) I am 5'6 and 138...my gw was 140 but I'm not happy with my measurements so I'm working on that. My waist is 27 (don't love the uneven number, haha) and my hips are 37....I want 26 and 36 in the next month. I'm a jogger, do yoga, and ride my bike. Any ideas on getting rid of these inches? I don't seem to be having any luck!
  • kazcoz
    kazcoz Posts: 1 Member
    Newbie here too .... would love some friends to keep me motivated!!!
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I have the same problem with weekends. I'm 5'5" and currently 132lbs. I'd like to be 125. Best for my giant ribcage... Actually I don't care what I weigh but I'd like to be 20% bf. Luckily besides lots of beer my hubby likes to eat healthy. So it's really the drinking that sets me back.

    I also went gluten and grain free about a month ago and dropped 6 lbs. Can't tell this week because it's my TOM, but hoping it's a trend that continues.

    For exercise I'm really into aerial. I also like mountain biking, belly dancing, and the occasional aerobics class. Wanting to get more into heavy lifting, especially squats. From aerial my core, back and arms are nice and toned. My butt not so much.
  • xlozjx
    xlozjx Posts: 1
    I competely understand! I'm 128, in the average range of weight for my height, but let's just say that my fat is well.. all in the one spot. Some friends to push me and motivate me would be great!
  • azmiz
    azmiz Posts: 128 Member
    I also am new to this group. I joined MFP in January 2013 and have had good success. I'm 54, 5'5, and weigh 135lbs. My goal is to be toned and around 125lbs. As expected, my weight loss has slowed as I get closer to goal. I've recently worked with a personal trainer to develop a strength training program. Looking to give and receive encouragement and motivation. So glad I found this group!
  • Shakesyfit
    Hey im new to this group. I started dieting in May 2012, lost 8kg doing Atkins. But now i lost motivation. I need someone to keep encouraging me - possibly a diet buddy who does the same meals and exercise as me?