will pre/post workout protein kick me out of ketosis?

blaqpepa Posts: 67 Member
Hi all,

I've just started taking Whey protein cause I was seriously under on my macros. Took it today as a pre and post workout. But just realised that all that protein with practically no fat might kick me out of ketosis.
The brand I'm taking is somewhat high carb, but will change to a lower carb one once I've finished this one. Per serving, its 26.2g pro, 2.5g fat and 6.8g carb. I have it with plain water. Maybe I should add a tbs or 2 of olive oil. Can't stand coconut oil, ugggg.
Any ideas? Advice?
I'm a 20:4 IF most days, but sometimes snack when I'm starving, and do kettlebell training 3/4x a week in the morning, fasted.


  • blaqpepa
    blaqpepa Posts: 67 Member
    I think I'm over thinking this. If at the end of the day my macros are all good, it doesn't matter when I eat what right? Or wrong?
  • Golightly17
    Golightly17 Posts: 347 Member
    It's my understanding that protein powders could indeed kick you out of ketosis. That being said, I would guess that a good workout would help you to stay in- provided you are within your macros. From my own personal experience, I workout and protein powder (that is low carb) has not interfered with ketosis or hindered weight loss for me.
  • blaqpepa
    blaqpepa Posts: 67 Member
    Ok great, thanks for letting me know.
    I usually workout in the am, so that allows me to monitor my protein for the day after the morning whey.

    Ill keep taking it for a few weeks and see what my results are. If I'm not happy ill rethink the whey. But honestly without it, I never reach my protein goals, not even close sometimes.
  • str1ddy
    str1ddy Posts: 10
    IF as well as keto? You've got strength :laugh:

    I've nixed whey protein powder. It tastes totally awful to me, makes my throat close up a bit, and has wayyy more net carbs than I am comfortable with.

    As the poster above said, it CAN kick you out of keto, but everyone's experiences are different. I find that if I eat a tin of tuna or something along those lines, it's just as effective as protein powder, has zero carbs, lower calories and is pretty fast/easy to prepare.
  • IF as well as keto? You've got strength :laugh:

    I've nixed whey protein powder. It tastes totally awful to me, makes my throat close up a bit, and has wayyy more net carbs than I am comfortable with.

    As the poster above said, it CAN kick you out of keto, but everyone's experiences are different. I find that if I eat a tin of tuna or something along those lines, it's just as effective as protein powder, has zero carbs, lower calories and is pretty fast/easy to prepare.

    I'd use tuna as well. Cheaper, tastes better, fills you up better than a shake would plus a can of tuna has more protein than most shakes (serving of the stuff i have here is 25 grams compared to 30 grams from can of tuna) and if you make it with full fat mayo you not only get your protein but also get your fat count up.
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    It's my understanding that protein powders could indeed kick you out of ketosis. That being said, I would guess that a good workout would help you to stay in- provided you are within your macros. From my own personal experience, I workout and protein powder (that is low carb) has not interfered with ketosis or hindered weight loss for me.

    When using protein powder extensively, understand that some amino acids in excess can cause a insulin response, which is very bad in ketogenic diets.

    Protein shakes shoukd only be taken pre and post workout as it's the only time when the amino acids found in the powder will be of any use. Look for low carb/no carb powders that will fit into your macros.
  • wwwdotcr
    wwwdotcr Posts: 128 Member
    IsoPure 0 carb protein - 2 Scoops - 220 calories with aorund 48gs of protein. Tastes delicious. Never had a problem getting kicked out of keto. Even on only cardio days.
  • blaqpepa
    blaqpepa Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm pretty limited in terms of brands, I'm in South Africa.
    Ill stick to having it pre/post workout. But will definitely look for a lower carb one this month end.
  • Jasmine_James
    Jasmine_James Posts: 188 Member
    I mix mine with unsweetened coconut milk and almond milk, and I use Jay Robb's (just 1 carb and 25 g protein!). I've heard Ben Greenfield say on his podcast that women like us should be able to have around 100 g of protein a day and not be in any danger of being kicked out of ketosis. (He uses a calculation like .7 or .8 of your total weight. I'm 155, so that's how I came up with the 100 g threshold for myself.)

    He's going to be training for Ironman by spending 3 months in ketogenic state, so he knows a lot about the fitness + keto combination.

    He's an expert, but personally, I've been having one protein shake most days of the week for all of 2013 (I started keto on Jan. 2) and have never had a problem.
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    I sometimes have a shake if I am rushed in a morning. I get mine from My Protein and it has 2g of carbs in. I make mine with water, but to even out the protein / fat ratio I add a good slosh of double cream in, makes it really creamy and keeps me fuller for longer.