


  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    Good to hear you're taking charge of your health. I hope you can get some helpful answers.

    Endocrinologists can be very data driven; mine was not concerned with my symptoms at all. She'd say "Get a space heater" when I complained of being cold all the time. I did some research, found info that seemed credible (there's a lot of hysterical nonsense out there) and finally crawled out of Hashi hell. My GP now orders labs when I ask and I don't have to see my awful endo anymore since I've been stable for over a year.
  • ap142193
    ap142193 Posts: 10 Member
    sonogram of your thyroid
  • allergictodiets
    allergictodiets Posts: 233 Member
    The only way to distinguish Hypothyroidism from Hashimoto's Thyroiditis is with a blood test to test your antibody levels. If there are antibodies present, you have Hashimoto's. If there are no antibodies, then it's just Hypothyroidism.
    Hashimoto's is the auto-immune disease associated with hypothyroidism - hence the antibodies.

    Not really. I have been diagnosed based on a scan. My antibodies levels are within normal range.
  • groovyreba
    groovyreba Posts: 72 Member
    My ultrasound showed an abnormally small thyroid indicative of hashimotos. I still haven't gotten blood tests back yet...
  • groovyreba
    groovyreba Posts: 72 Member
    So, I got all my results back and everything is smack in the middle of the normal range. So, I'm not sure why I can't sleep and why I feel so rotten. I guess it must be this arthritis flare I'm having. :( It totally sucks. At least though I know everything is ok. Of course, I did get the diagnosis of hashimotos...not that I intend to sound excited about that.
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    I guess you'll probably have to figure out on your own what will make you feel better, if your endo is anything like mine. When I researched my symptoms it seemed as if a paleo/primal diet would be best for me, and so far I'm thrilled with the results. I also take some herbal thyroid support supplements. Good luck to you :)
  • groovyreba
    groovyreba Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks. I've looked into the paleo, but not sure it's one I can live with. However, I admire you for finding what works for you. I'm going to look it over again.