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  • Smeca1231
    I hear you! I start out if the gate with a vengeance and end with a carb over load! Lol! Glad you are here!
  • SusanSJD, I recently injured my knees and gained at least 25 pounds on top of the 30 I had gained having other health issues! I have been rehabbing my knees since about March. Injury occurred last December. That along with a few other pretty big injuries has definitely changed how I do things! Lol! Yes, I was over active and stubborn when I was a bit younger! Lol! I am currently able to do Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred daily ( on day 10!!!!! ) as long as I modify!!! It has been a long uphill climb. Back in December I had to ride around the store in in one of those little electric go carts and it drive me bonkers! I couldn't walk or take kids to school , nada! Grateful that our bodies are so amazing! Being still feels un- natural to me. I believe our whole physical structure was made for movement. I am in awe of what the human body can do! We can do this my friend! Yes, we absolutely can! The way I see it, I've recovered from much worse injuries and no one ( including the doctors) can tell me I can't :) One step at a time. One day at a time. Be kind to you. It takes time. Glad you are here!
  • nmb92883
    nmb92883 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 29. I've been on my weight loss journey since February of 2012. Although I have lost a lot of weight I never reached my goal weight. Since winter I have slowly packed on more pounds. A lot of it had to do w/ the season, holidays and the unexpected death of my mother. I recently got married in March 2013 & since then I've gained 8 more pounds =( Our wedding reception is this August and I would really like to be at my goal weight by then. I am determined to look amazing in my dress this time instead of just ok.

    I find this process to be easier w/ the motivation of others pushing me along! So please add me as a friend!! =)
  • leesie56
    leesie56 Posts: 1
    Hi. My name is Elise. I am 25 years old. I have been trying to lose ten pounds for about two months (to look better in a swimsuit) and the scale has actually tipped in the wrong direction. Now I have to lose fifteen pounds. So, I thought it would be helpful to find a group of people to talk to about my struggles with. Hopefully this helps.
  • runner115
    runner115 Posts: 321 Member
    In response to SusanSJD - not nursing an injury but I will be turning 47 this year and have definitely had to cut back on my activity level due to joint pain : ( I heard someone recently describe their aches as cumulative and I feel like that describes me - I used to do a lot of running and high impact everything and have to do low impact everything right now...makes it much harder to burn those calories : (

    suggestion to the group - wondering if we could start a different topic each day for our daily check-in - just to make it easier to read through everyone's comments...I'm thinking maybe first person to check in for the day starts a new thread with the date on it??
  • lexylouise
    lexylouise Posts: 17
    Thats a really good idea
  • kittzmittz
    kittzmittz Posts: 14
    Hi Guys,

    I'm Yazmin from Malaysia, just started MFP religiously 20 days ago. Was esthetic when I slowly lost 2 lbs but my weight has been fluctuating and now I'm getting a little discouraged. So here I am, hoping we can all motivate each other to burn off those fat! Now I need to lose around's orders and who am I kidding I WANT THIS TOO. Want to feel good and thankfully, the past 20 days of keeping active has made me feel very guilty whenever I skip those sweat drenching days.
    So lets start some sort of weekly challenge to push each other and commit ourselves to burn some calories together! What say you?
  • blossomnu
    blossomnu Posts: 65 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Jenni, and I joined because I'm 5'2" as well :D

    Hoping to lose around 50lb total, lost 6lb so far.

    Anyone else jealous of all those tall people who can eat more calories, or is that just me?!
  • ajhawes70
    ajhawes70 Posts: 3 Member
    Good morning, I looking for some friends who can motivate each other in the goal of losing weight and getting into shape. I am hoping to find some support in my journey towards fitness.
  • Hi, I am 4'11 (very short) and as of today I am 160 lbs. I had a baby last august and weighed 184, before I was pregnant I weighed 128 lbs and I have not been able to loose much weight at all. I need help loosing weight and thought this group would be a great way to share ideas and meet new people.
  • lexylouise
    lexylouise Posts: 17
    hi there
    SO jealous.... Wish someone would stretch me and then my body fat would spread ;)
  • MPHGirl424
    MPHGirl424 Posts: 2 Member
    That is almost identical to my story! I lost almost 30 pounds about 3 years ago and maintained it for almost 2 years. My last year of grad school kicked my butt and I gained almost all of back! I'm now getting back into the game with the goal of losing 50 pounds.