New Weekly Check in 6/10 - 6/17



  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    Confused. My calendar says "Cardio Circuit" for today and several other days. It also has "Plyometric Cardio Circuit" for other days. But there is no 'Cardio Circuit" disc. I did Plyometric Cardio Circuit but not sure I did the right workout.
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    Continue to take SWAGs at calories burned. Friend gave me a heart rate monitor. Now I have to get someplace to get a new battery put in. Not so easy with hours I am currently working. It will probably have to wait for the weekend. Felt like I took a quarter-step back with workout today in terms of energy and keeping up. Once again quads just turning to jelly with power squats, and ski downhill right after the basketball squat jumps. When he went into the "level one drills - 1st half of a burpee then 4 push ups then "run it out"/hill climbers in plank then finish burpee and repeat I got in all the push-up reps but couldn't get the hill climbers. Feeling a bit bummed.

    I did keep up with their pace through the warm-ups and up until about 15 minutes to go. Then was really gassed at about 9 minutes left. still managed some of the plank in and out and out to side- in - out to other side moves (ski jumps?) but it would be generous if I got 50% of them in.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    You just do what you can but PUSH yourself as much as you can too!!!!
    Here is where I went to get a new work out calendar.
    Insanity Workout Calendar
    For Support & Motivation Go To:
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Day 10 Insanity Plyometric Cadio Circuit
    I need a lot of improvement on the last 10 minutes. I have plenty of energy but my legs feel weighted down. The power squats are killing my quads. I will get better. I am not going to give up. I love the challenge. I burned 629 calories and I know I will sleep very well tonight. I feel it all over today. Looking forward to Cardio Recovery tomorrow.

    Awesome job everyone. Keep it up.
  • 6/12
    515 calories burned to ashes
    Stretch 40
    Barbells for 20 mins

    I loved the stretches in Stretch 40! They felt awesome. My muscles were still tight after the barbell work, so I took a hot soak.

    Tomorrow I think it is hard core abs and I'll find some cardio to do.
  • adradecki
    adradecki Posts: 47 Member
    Hi everyone - I'm brand new to this group! My name is Ashley and I just completed Day 10 of ChaLEAN Extreme. I completed Insanity (Feb-April of this year)...then moped around like a lost puppy for about a month...I felt so lost without Shaun T! lol. I tried a TurboFire/Insanity hybrid for the month of May - but hurt my IT band on a random run, so I couldn't do all the lateral movements - giving it a rest now. Started CLX Monday, June 3rd and am loving it so far!

    CLX Burn Intervals & Ab Burner
    425 calories burned
  • beckyyates
    beckyyates Posts: 85
    Hi everyone - I'm brand new to this group! My name is Ashley and I just completed Day 10 of ChaLEAN Extreme. I completed Insanity (Feb-April of this year)...then moped around like a lost puppy for about a month...I felt so lost without Shaun T! lol. I tried a TurboFire/Insanity hybrid for the month of May - but hurt my IT band on a random run, so I couldn't do all the lateral movements - giving it a rest now. Started CLX Monday, June 3rd and am loving it so far!

    CLX Burn Intervals & Ab Burner
    425 calories burned

    Awsome job. You have been doing great.

    I have a bad ankle. I have tried Insanity in the past but only made it 2 weeks because of all the jumping. My ankle got agitated from a prior injury. Is there a Team Beachbody workout you recommend that does not have a lot of jumping in it like Insanity. I can still jump but just not to the intensity of Insanity.

    I am in okay shape but not the greatest. Does Turbo Fire or ChaLEAN Extreme have a lot of jumping in it?
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Have you tried Jillian Michaels Body Revolution (JMBR)? It is good!!!
    I now have completed P90X (did not like the 1 hr session plus Tony got abit annoying), CLX (twice), Turbo Fire, Insanity (2 or 3 times), Bob Harper's workouts, JMBR (3times), Supreme 90 (this had good exercises but I did not complete cuz it is a little boring) and now back to Insanity.
  • marky3320
    marky3320 Posts: 5
    Did Day 4 Cardio Recovery this morning with the wife, and I totally underestimated this one. I hard a hard time holding my position and my quads were just jelly after the squat and pulse portion of the program. Since we rested Tuesday and Wednesday, we are gonna push for Day 5 Pure Cardio tonight.
  • zeusbella
    zeusbella Posts: 137 Member
    Day 10.. done by 6:15 AM!

    Day 10 Insanity Plyometric Cadio Circuit.. I definitely had to PUSH myself. Did not have a proper dinner the night prior.. I think that had something to do with my lack of energy. Jumping squats were killer. As always, I felt great after the workout.

    Looking for feedback of what you eat or drink immediately following your workout.

    I have a protein shake (Pure Protein from Trader Joe's). I usually have breakfast about two hours later usually (Oatmeal, or fruit & cottage cheese, or whole grain bread with 1tbsp of natural peanut butter and banana).
  • amandabcdefg
    amandabcdefg Posts: 58 Member
    day 10, plyo... i had a few scoops of my husbands amino energy a little while ago, hoping it gives me a little push, but not digging the amount of liquid in my tummy as i know i'll be jumping around soon and i like to do cardio on a completely empty stomach :-/ shouldnt have used so much water! too late now though, now to wait for it to settle so i can get going

    i think i'm feeling more of a kick from this than the preworkout i mentioned trying. we'll see! i am beginning to get back into my routine of NOT giving myself the choice to NOT do insanity. i just think to myself "no choice, get it over with" and try to push through. i have been skipping the stretches though!! i know, bad, but i find if i do the stretches after the warmup i get out of the zone.. same with the cooldown. so i turn it off right as the circuit finishes, let myself lay on the ground or sit down for a couple of minutes and get up to go take the dog on a walk/run.

    sorry i keep writing novels every post! just have nobody to really talk to about my workouts and stuff so i ramble LOL
  • Turbo has less jumping than insanity. It also welcomes modification. I don't do all the jumping.
  • Looking for feedback of what you eat or drink immediately following your workout.

    I have a protein shake (Pure Protein from Trader Joe's). I usually have breakfast about two hours later usually (Oatmeal, or fruit & cottage cheese, or whole grain bread with 1tbsp of natural peanut butter and banana).

    My work out typically happens after breakfast. Today I had oatmeal and 2 egg white/1 whole egg. I look for a high prot. breakfast. Sometimes I use soy sausage or pork.
    Sometimes pre-work out or post work out I'll have the prot. shake or Greek yogurt with berries that I make up myself to control the sugar that is added.

    The main thing post work out I look for is 20 grams of prot.
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    Day 10 Insanity Plyometric Cadio Circuit
    I need a lot of improvement on the last 10 minutes. I have plenty of energy but my legs feel weighted down. The power squats are killing my quads. I will get better. I am not going to give up. I love the challenge. I burned 629 calories and I know I will sleep very well tonight. I feel it all over today. Looking forward to Cardio Recovery tomorrow.

    Awesome job everyone. Keep it up.

    ^^^^ THIS! Are we long lost twins?
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member

    Looking for feedback of what you eat or drink immediately following your workout.

    I do late evening pre-dinner workout to accomodate my 13 year old who said she was going to do this with me but made the first 2 days and has had one reason or another (most legit: ill for a few days, twisted ankle last night) as to why she can't each night. Anyway...did some reading up and I drink chocolate milk (organic because I don't want the growth hormones and stuff) with as close to a 4:1 carbohydrate:protein ratio as I can find.
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    Oh, and dinner 30-60 minutes after that. I think my diary is open so feel free to look.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I switched Cardio Recovery with Cardio Power & Resistance today. I am using the Cardio Recovery on Sat instead!
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Day 10 Insanity Plyometric Cadio Circuit
    I need a lot of improvement on the last 10 minutes. I have plenty of energy but my legs feel weighted down. The power squats are killing my quads. I will get better. I am not going to give up. I love the challenge. I burned 629 calories and I know I will sleep very well tonight. I feel it all over today. Looking forward to Cardio Recovery tomorrow.

    Awesome job everyone. Keep it up.

    ^^^^ THIS! Are we long lost twins?

    Jonathan I think we are long lost twins. My quads are still burning from yesterday. P90X never worked my quads like Insanity. I am loving it and hating the power squats. I know in the long run it makes me stronger and I will improve.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Day 10.. done by 6:15 AM!

    Day 10 Insanity Plyometric Cadio Circuit.. I definitely had to PUSH myself. Did not have a proper dinner the night prior.. I think that had something to do with my lack of energy. Jumping squats were killer. As always, I felt great after the workout.

    Looking for feedback of what you eat or drink immediately following your workout.

    I have a protein shake (Pure Protein from Trader Joe's). I usually have breakfast about two hours later usually (Oatmeal, or fruit & cottage cheese, or whole grain bread with 1tbsp of natural peanut butter and banana).

    Immediately after my workout I drink P90X recovery formula. I started drinking this in month 2 of P90X and I love the Orange Smoothie taste and it works for me. On a recovery day like today I do not use it. I only use on days where I have workouts where I burn over 500 calories.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Day 11 Cardio Recovery
    Today was almost an exact repeat of last Thursday. The only difference was I lasted a few seconds longer. My quads are on fire. By the time I am done with Insanity the squats are going to be my best friend.

    Great job everyone. We almost made it through another week. Keep digging deep and bringing it.