I think I am a binge eater

MistyJourney Posts: 5 Member
I think I am a binge eater? I don't eat then throw up or eat and exercise uncontrollably. But I binge on anything sugar.. I can go days without binge eating then bam it hits and i am out of control. Tonight instead of 2 cookies i had to have 10 and then 4 more. I don't have a stop button and then I feel so guilty afterwards.


  • You're not alone. I know exactly what you mean :/ We can get better though! It just takes time, patience, and support :)
  • melmckay99
    melmckay99 Posts: 358
    sounds a bit like me too.... when it comes to sweets, I can't just have one. I try not to buy boxes of cookies or anything in bulk cause when there are that many sweets in the house,... just sitting there in the cupboards.... I can't stop thinking about them and eventually just give in!! I try and find items that are sold individually. It's more expensive but helps with the control (or lack thereof) issues.....
  • MistyJourney
    MistyJourney Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you for the support. That was my first time posting about my problem and its good to know there is support and that I am not alone in this battle.
  • Of course! I used to think I was crazy and that few people went through the same, but there are so many other people who have the exact same issues and work to overcome them! :)
  • No, you're definitely not alone although it really feels like it sometimes. I am finding the support group really helpful. It helps to know that there are others out there who do understand!
  • MistyJourney
    MistyJourney Posts: 5 Member
    My next question is and if anyone can help I would love suggestions is how do I loose weight if I cant control my binge eating?
  • giveMEbeauty
    giveMEbeauty Posts: 192
    I am also a binge eater :(