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  • rakens1
    rakens1 Posts: 10
    I'm Reggie. I'm 58 years old, used to be a professional entertainer. Tyring to get back in shape the health way. I've lost 13 pounds so far, have 40 pounds to go. This sounds like a wonderful group to join. Please count me in!! :drinker:
  • ALittlePixieDust
    ALittlePixieDust Posts: 91 Member
    Hi I'm Desiree! (waving)

    I joined MFP and started my road trip on February 1, 2013 - I have lost 36 pounds so far with a goal of 104 total.

    I live in S. California. I am a homeschool Mom, a Girl Scout Leader, a wife and a travel agent. I love to travel, read and cook.

    I log in daily and look forward to being part of this group.
  • loricshields47
    loricshields47 Posts: 134 Member
    hello..I'm Lori, 50 and .5 lbs from my goal. So I have set a new goal, it is our 25 anniversary on Dec 31 and my wedding dress is still hanging around. I have decide I am going to put it on and zip it up . I will hold my breath if I have too lol. Only needs to be on long enough to say get me out of this thing (again lol). Hoping to head back to Niagra falls for a second honeymoon of sorts. (The grown kids and grandchild think they are invited!!!! About to embark on a heavy wieght lifting program....pray for me :)
  • JewelleryByMandy
    JewelleryByMandy Posts: 43 Member
    Hello... Im Mandy, live in Lancaster UK, have 2 children 8 and 5. Im 5ft 3 and 10st 7 / 147lbs.

    I like running and classes at the gym, did alot of body pump, spin, combat but have changed in the last few weeks to bootcamp, weights based classes like advanced kettle bells and more power hour with weights in short circuits and boxfit and tabata aswell.
    We have the x force machines at our gym too so have been using that once a week.
    I eat pretty healthy, love my salad but have the odd takeaway and wines.
    Think I need to look at this though and refine it, im not sure how many calories to eat really, mfp says 1200 but i think more with exercise?
    My goal is to lose a stone. Finding it hard though. Nothing shifts! Thought i might find some inspiration on here.... :wink:
  • Hi I am Katie. I just turned 55 and live along the southern Oregon coast. I'm a teacher/dean at a high school and summer is a goo time to make some changes. Diabetes and heart disease run in my family and I'd like to keep it running in the opposite direction of me. I work very hard at a job I love and have been raising two children on my own for about 13 years now. I never make myself the priority and of course I am now paying for it. Every week I get up Monday morning and do about 20-35 minutes of exercise but by Thursday I'm so tired from work I just get up and have my coffee. I'm a teacher/dean at a high school so with only one week left of work for the summer I'm starting on my summer lifestyle change quest. I'm hoping to find a network of support here on several of the message boards to keep me motivated and accountable........along with my friend Jody who is also using fitness pal.
  • Oh, I too love to cook and entertain so bring those recipes on!
  • tmarstam
    tmarstam Posts: 5 Member
    I am Tammy. I am almost 45 and just recently quit smoking (for good this time)! About a month ago, I started cooking even tho I had never really done much of that before and wasn't sure if I even liked it. Now, I love it!! I have been planning my meals a day in advance and then go pick up all the stuff I need to make it from scratch. I have pleasantly been surprising myself over and over.
    I also decided that I wanted to get healthy overall and it isn't so much about losing weight for me. I only want to lose about 20 - 25 pounds, but have set a goal to participate in a 5k run before xmas. I hope to meet some like minded folks here on MFP and look forward to learning.
  • martyj94
    martyj94 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm Martha and I've been lurking your group all morning ;-)

    I'm 41 and have 3 kids 8 and under. As I like to tell it, I began my pregnancy with our oldest about 10 pounds overweight. I then got down to within 10 pounds of pre-pregnancy. Repeat 2 times and I am now within 10 pounds of being 10 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight with our 3rd...she's almost 3. So, see, all but 20 pounds of this is baby weight!

    But, who really cares where it came from? My weight has been a daily thought and discouragement my entire adult life and I'm SICK of it. I think I'm ready to realize that I can't do this with a "diet" - there is no "somewhat quick" way to get there and then make a lifestyle change to stay there. I just need to make my lifestyle one that affords healthy living and live my life.

    You ladies seem to be a supportive group and I hope to learn a lot...and give some too.
  • smercyp
    smercyp Posts: 3 Member
    Hello I'm Sharyl,
    I'm new to this group and fairly new to MFP.
    I just turned 60 in May! I've been married for 40 years, I'm a mother to 6 grown children, and a proud Nana to 5 Granddaughters and 8 Grandsons! I am looking for new friends, and support while I journey to a healthier life. Feel free to add me as a friend. We can support each other! God bless!
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    Hello, I'm Jane, I just hit 50 in April (bit of a shock!) I downloaded MFP on my Android phone (now deceased) back in November and have steadily lost just over 2 stone :happy: Never never never thought I'd do that! Still another stone to go to get to my healthy weight/BMI. But I'm doing really well, and proud of myself!

    I'm a Brit living in Hull, UK.

    Wonderful supportive loving husband, who cheers me on and makes me feel 20 and beautiful! Sadly though, his work takes him off to London for the week far too often so it's just me and the cats and the biscuit tin - glad to say the biscuit tin sits alone and ingnored! A measure of how well this is working for me!

    Glad to meet everyone and happy to be friends :flowerforyou:
  • Vick53
    Vick53 Posts: 15
    My name is Vickey. I'm 53 yo, 5'2", and at 173 lbs weigh more than ever in my life. I am married, have a busy career, 5 grown up kids, and 4 grandchildren under 3. Seem to be lacking in energy lately - chicken/egg - tired so eat more and gain weight or weight gain slowing me down? I would be happy with 20 lb loss. Joined Mfp10 days ago and have been recording food and exercise consistently but so far no results. Just started 2 weeks vacation and planning to really focus on turning things around without work schedule to distract me. Looking forward to joining the journey with other ladies who lunch. Great name, by the way.
  • lynweir
    lynweir Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Lyn and I am from Perth in Western Australia. I have been using MFP for 3 weeks and have lost 3.1 kg in that time. That is 6.8 lbs for those who are not using metric.

    I am 56, love to cook - and EAT - of course!! I fit the Ladies Who Lunch group perfectly as I love to go out to lunch with girlfriends and love a glass or 2 of wine, either champagne or red wine. Yum.

    All the lunching and the drinking and cheese and dinner party eating over the years and the sampling and enjoying my cooking has been the cause of quite a big weight gain which has slowly crept up and up. How did this happen you ask, well I have managed to avoid looking carefuly (truthfully) in the mirror and definetly have not stepped on the scales until recently! All the while just buying the next sized clothes.

    Well enough was enough and I have now made the decision to return to a decent weight which I can manage and still have some enjoyment out of all the good things in life! So here I am.

    A bit more about me. I have 2 grown daughters, 32 and 30 years old and 3 grandchildren, 2 little boys 4 and 2 and a little girl who just turned 1 year old. They are adorable and truly light up my life. My husband is very supportive and is also counting calories on MFP in an effort to lose weight also. As is often the way he is dropping it off fast - typical male - and has lost 6.7 kg in 3 weeks! That is 14.7 lbs.

    I look forward to finding some yummy recipes to try from this group and perhaps sharing a couple with you all. I also look forward to your company and support!

    Best wishes to you all. Lyn x
  • Hi all,
    I am Laura, I am turning 52 in a couple of days. I suffered an injury at work a year and a half ago and unlike in my youth, the weight just piled on. It is time for a change. I have started seeing a nutritionist and am making progress. I like the sound of this group as I love food (worked in a kitchen for a bit), love to entertain (my door is always open) and I need to develop some strategies to get my wight under control.
    This seems to be a good place for me.
  • sandytu
    sandytu Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I am Sandy, 54 years young, in Huntsville AL.
    Years ago I lost 85 lbs and kept it off until I was hit like every else by the economy and became sad :(
    I love to hike, kayak and cycle but when I lost my job and had to move to Huntsville from Columbus GA I had to leave my activity friends, house and dream job behind. I became a couch potato! I changed from someone that never watched TV to a lump that re-watched reruns.

    But I am done with that! When I lost 85 lbs it was with no carbs and no sugars but I find now I crave fruits so I am going to count calories and eat healthy!

    I moved my bed into my apartment living, and have made my bedroom into a gym. I have started back paddling the lakes in the area and have found a few Green-ways to cycle.

    So today is DAY 1 of "change my attitude and my down hill spiral" Back to being the old Sandy that was healthy and happy! One day at a time of smart choices!
  • sandytu
    sandytu Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I am Sandy, 54 years young, in Huntsville AL.
    Years ago I lost 85 lbs and kept it off until I was hit like every else by the economy and became sad :(
    I love to hike, kayak and cycle but when I lost my job and had to move to Huntsville from Columbus GA I had to leave my activity friends, house and dream job behind. I became a couch potato! I changed from someone that never watched TV to a lump that re-watched reruns.

    But I am done with that! When I lost 85 lbs it was with no carbs and no sugars but I find now I crave fruits so I am going to count calories and eat healthy!

    I moved my bed into my apartment living, and have made my bedroom into a gym. I have started back paddling the lakes in the area and have found a few Green-ways to cycle.

    So today is DAY 1 of "change my attitude and my down hill spiral" Back to being the old Sandy that was healthy and happy! One day at a time of smart choices!
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    Hi, I'm Alison and I turned 40 in June!

    When I was a child I wanted to grow up and host dinner parties. Well I grew up, married a not so great guy, left him and found a pretty great guy, had a child and now I stay at home to look after the boy and hubby plans lots of dinner parties for us to host. Livin' the dream here! :)

    I am a stay-at-home mom to a 5 year old son. We live in Toronto, Ontario.

    It took a while for me to lose the pregnancy weight, I guess 2 years ago I lost it and a bit more and then have been a bit roller coastery since then. Although I have always managed to remain at a loss weight wise. Since turning 40 I decided I wanted to get in tip top shape just so I can be a hot lady who lunches. ;)

    For activity I love Jillian Michaels DVDs. I also figure skate typically 3 at least 3 or 4 times a week. In the fall/winter season I do 2 on ice classes a week, then try to have an evening for myself and then once a week I skate with my synchronized skating team. So part of the getting fit is to look good in a skating dress since I'm still no pleased with how I look.

    That's basically me. Looking forward to chatting and losing weight together!
  • Kathryn41057
    Kathryn41057 Posts: 181 Member
    Hi, I'm Kathy, and I am 55.... but closer to 56.
    I live in New Brunswick, Canada. I have been an on and off again member of MFP for probably close to a year. I am currently unemployed, and not because I want to be. I need to lose weight. There is no nice way to say it. :( I am aiming for 25-30 lbs, but will take what I can get.
    I have 3 kids.. all have flown the nest. 2 Boys 31 and 29, and a daughter 25.... Boy do I feel old.

    For activities, I try to walk everyday for at least 30-45 mins. Usually 3-4km. Most days I'm good, but once the weekend lands, I don't always carry through. My fault.
    I like to cook, and EAT of course, love a good glass or 2 of wine.

    I am looking forward to making some new friends, who are in the same boat as I am.
    Right now, I am trying to understand how I can lose weight and eat 1560 cal, plus whatever I earn from doing what little exercise I do.

    The weight didn't creep on overnight, and it won't disappear that fast either.
  • NadirToZenith
    NadirToZenith Posts: 62 Member
    Hi I'm Christina. I'm 44 years old and have about 66 pounds to lose. I'm a single mother with a young, active and fit daughter. I wish I had her motivation actually...

    I've done just about every 'plan' you could imagine short of weight loss surgery and am really looking for a lifestyle change. I'm not getting any younger and am tired of avoiding pictures and mirrors etc. My daughter will be competing at a really huge Cheerleading competition in Dallas next March and my goal is to be much fitter so that I'm not ashamed to be in the pictures when she wins! :flowerforyou: Actually, I want to look so good that I'm tempted to run around photo bombing others. I've got a lot of years of pics to make up!!

    I work at home and am on the computer and phone all day which is a great job for a single mom but gives me the activity level of a slug. And I'm not kidding. I did the WW Active Link 7 day assessment TWICE before it recorded any activity at all which is probably some kind of record. But now I've committed to spending a year changing my habits, my mindset and my life. Next July 4th I'll be lying on the beach in my bikini and I'll be proud. I had to put in the proud thing because I have no shame and go to the beach in a bikini now anyway LOL

    So, thanks for having me. I'm looking for motivated friends to join me on my journey and plan to exercise regularly and be on this site every day.
  • Sheri0813
    Sheri0813 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm Sheri.

    Signed up for MFP a while ago but never committed to it! My weight has always been an issue and I have battled it my entire life, I am 43 now and I figure its about time for me to start taking care of me too! I live just west of Toronto, Canada and have 2 children, both girls, one is 19 and one just turned 6. I have a very demanding and stressful career, busy home life with the girls and a hubby and large family.

    As with most women, everyone else comes first. I recently was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and also arthritis in my hips! Ug! I suddenly feel old!

    I need to lose at least 60lbs to get back to a place where I feel somewhat good about myself again. I am hoping by putting my commitment "out there" it will help me to continue to understand the importance of taking care of myself too.

    I know I have to have patience and work VERY hard with the thyroid issue but I don't believe it is impossible! Time to start doing something about my weight instead of just hoping a miracle will happen by looking in the mirror and wishing myself thinner!

    I'm hoping a support system such as this group may help with my motivation this time and make a difference!

    I am looking forward to the journey ladies!
  • Hi everyone. My name is Gretchen and I just turned 49 this year. Two years ago I got down to a healthy weight and lost about 60 lbs, but my hormones have decided that I needed 20 of those back. Yikes!! I have changed my eating habits and my workout routine to hopefully counteract this little problem. I am recently re-married to a great guy and want to do this to help be a role model for him as well. I have two young adult sons. Nice to meet you!