Let's get started



  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    How was your day Carole? I felt exhausted reading your list of things to do BEFORE you went to work. No wonder you are losing so much weight. Your cats sound adorable. What will you do with them while you are away?

    I woke up with an awful headache this morning after a really disrupted night's sleep so couldn't face exercising then. I went to Welsh class, did the shopping for our cookery evening class and then came home and got out into the garden. I worked quite hard preparing a bed for planting up and then getting the plants in. I'm really pleased with the results and definitely burned up some calories!

    Having started out on my mission yesterday I couldn't fail to get my exercise done on the second day, so despite the fact that I really don't like exercising later on in the day, I had a session with Rosemary and salsasized. I'm glad I made the effort but I wouldn't have done if I hadn't thought about all of you on this mission with me. I didn't want to let you down. There was just time for a quick shower after that before heading off to cookery. I made a Mediterranean vegetable cobbler tonight and I must say it was delicious. The course finishes next week but I think I'll sign on again next year as I've tried some fantastic new recipes and it's a lovely bunch of people, most of whom want to carry on next year.

    Weigh in was the expected terrible news - 4 lbs on. Disaster, but all my own fault. I'm determined to have a loss next week.

    33 days to go......so far, so good!

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. I've just had a quick skim through this thread after posting on the Exercise one but this thread looks like Cracker Central so I'll leave a note here to thank LMV, MITM and Saffy for asking me to friend them- I just found that on my e-mail but it came in under Junk (!!) which I do not always check. The request looked to me as if it were for a Brackenh which I discovered existed when I chose my name so now I am Brackenmh. I look forward to hearing what to do next.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Oops, Bracken, I have left a message for you on the exercise thread! I am still trying to get to grips with this site, but am really enjoying it. MITM has explained to me how to "friend" now so I will try again to friend both you and Carole x x LMV your cobbler sounded lovely. I would so love to do a cooking course. It's difficult over here because I still have such trouble with the language and accents. It is on my to do list for the future though. I have enjoyed hearing the different things you and your Husband have cooked. xx
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning All,

    It's a beautiful day here in Wales and I managed to be up and out early so I could get my run done before it gets too warm. Exercise done and dusted for the day and I'm just back from my check up at the dentist which wasn't too bad. One teeny tiny filling has come out so I'll go back on Monday to have that done. I was really pleased as they told me that my "Dental hygiene" is very good - I assume that means I clean my teeth to their standards!

    I must say I am feeling very motivated today. I stumbled across The Biggest Loser Australia last night which is obviously still in its early stages. The competitors had to complete a type of assault course last night across 2km. An awful lot of the course appeared to be mud and I could only look on in admiration as this chap who was over 30 stones dragged himself around. His weight caused him to sink deeper and deeper in the mud and the effort he expended to complete that course was absolutely amazing. His team mate was so supportive in helping him, just as the Crackers are. It made me think though, if that chap can complete an assault course, then I can definitely get out of bed at 7 and go for a run. I've put a series link on the programme now so I can follow what happens to him.

    So, on my run this morning, no sheep which means we must be due a high tide, but I noticed loads of yellow Iris Sibirica which have suddenly flowered. This Iris likes wet conditions so grows around the creeks in the marsh. Masses of them have flowered and I'm sure they weren't there when I went out on Monday. I also saw a mother duck with 3 chicks swimming in one of the creeks, that was a lovely sight.

    Right, must get on, lots to do today. We're finally going to go and open up our caravan today so I'll have to give it a spring clean and there will be some gardening to do as well no doubt. The husband is off on a walk with his mates from the caravan park tomorrow which will probably end with a BBQ tomorrow evening. They usually go away walking for a few days at this time of year but for various reasons it hasn't happened this year so they are walking the length of Gower tomorrow.

    Be good Crackers, and those of us doing the July challenge, stay focused!

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Ps Bracken, great to see you as I said on the exercise thread. I love your term "Cracker Central" so I think we'll have to adopt that as the name of our chatting thread.

    You still aren't showing as a friend in my profile. You have to accept the friend request which I think you do by going to your profile page. I'm a bit confused though as I know MITM and I did send requests to Brackenh some time ago as we thought it was you and if it's come through to your email it must be you! Are you absolutely sure that sometime in the past you haven't set up an account as Brackenh? I know I set my account up ages ago when TD recommended me MFP as a means of checking the calorie content of an item they couldn't help me with.

    Anyway, whichever account you choose to go forward with, you need to accept our friend requests.

    Good luck!

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening Crackers!

    CAROLE - Well I've decided Wednesday will be my new WI day because I always seem to get my best results midweek, when I have my sneaky daily weigh ins!!

    And today I'm back to what I was last official WI so BRACKEN's 'Thin for Life' re: QOTW really works wonders for me! So back to 3.5lbs from target again, yes!

    The daughter rang at 7.20am to inform me her italian class had been cancelled and that she'd be finishing at midday. Glorious day promising to be 30°c+ so I decided we would head for the outdoor pool again. 8am got out the bikini collection - didn't get this far yesterday. Well if slinky PJ's become tight and clingy at 5.5lbs from target, the bikini bought and worn at target weight +3.5lbs - it looks as if I've now got a baby muffin top. Last years lovely number did nothing for me anymore. So I chose the next size up, which flattered me better but was slightly too big (usual story...) although I will say thanks to Jillian my legs appeared to look slimmer!

    Got to the pool, it was so hot I decided I'm going straight in rather than perch on my sunbed. I did 1 length and my bikini shorts were sagging. Did 6 lengths in total and I was fighting to keep my knickers up, so I had to give up. I should have taken my sensible swimsuit but it's just another reason to lose the last of my pounds - it could be a long hot summer ahead and I have a perfectly, lovely bikini waiting in the wardrobe to wear.

    BRACKEN - it was such a pleasure to read 2 posts from you, it made my day after my disappointment with the swimwear! So pleased that you are back with us again.
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    ....so challenge is to lose 1/2 stone by 21st July.....Im up for that!

    I apologise as I have just skimmed over all the posts this evening. I havent been running to plan this last week. Friday I gave blood, and it didnt go too well - my iron was well up, then I had leakages when they shoved in the needle(sorry if anyone is squeemish). That evening I was feeling lethargic which is normal for me so got an early night, and was still lethargic Saturday, then mother nature kicked in and I felt rotten for much of the weekend. I am hoping that this was just because my body was recovering and then the added hormonal sway threw it off balance. Anyway I am now better, and managed to fast Tuesday, but this will be the only fast day this week. We had my daughters preschool trip today, so I couldnt cope with a fast day and 15+ 3 to 4 year olds! Tomorrow we are at a wedding too, but I am not drinking to avoid the calories!

    Todays scales showed a 2lb loss, but that counteracts the 4lb gain at the beginning of the week. I am planning to fit in some more exercise to get to the 1/2 stone target!

    So I have just been online spending my reward vouchers on days out for summer rather than TD - I have managed to get a trip to Legoland, Dinosaur world, Cadburys(!), Theme park, Safari park and Prezzo vouchers for me and Daisy over summer holidays. It will just be me and her, as Hubby will be working 6/7 days a week over summer(he;s a carpenter who fits out school/laboratory furniture, so summer is our manic time), so I want to try to do a few trips to fill up the weeks and keep her entertained.

    Bracken - I too will friend request you. You should be able to accept friend requests on profile I think?

    Right going to go and get a cuppa now, will get back here over weekend to update on all that exercise! x
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Slowly getting on board. Thanks to all for the welcome back. Today was very busy with Nellie waking me up at 6:20 but it got me up for an early morning walk. I then went strawberry picking and got 6 quarts, some of which are for the freezer and the rest I used this afternoon when my sister, her husband and two children and a boyfriend of the neice were here for a mid-afternoon tea. This family is from the West and were here for the past week for the daughter's graduation from university- she is now a fully qualified optometrist. Our family had a large gathering honouring the grads in the family but I haven't mentioned this in detail yet, I think. I managed to get to the stable for a nice ride. However, I still have to finish preparing the strawberries for the freezer and after reading the exercise thread, I am determined to finish the walk distance I set for today. So must off now.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi all, just thought I would mention a site I have found courtesy of MFP. It's called weightgrapher.com. Don't know if any of you use it. It has helped me because it puts in perspective a day or two when my weight rises. It is not the usual graph, it shows your weight trend, and being a "serial weigher" I record my weight on it every day. It has already shown me a pattern to my eating so now I am NOT going to worry re a gain on Monday, rather I will look forward to seeing Friday's result! Just thought it may be worth you having a look x x
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Hi all,

    BM - I have logged onto the weightgrapher site, and been told that I have fallen behind! Was a bit gutted, but think that more measuring will even this out, and also know that my big 4lb gain threw the graph off balance!
    So tomorrow I am getting back to it again, as I have fallen a little off track lately (as i sit here with my coffee munching on chocolate digestives!). I think that by only having 1 fast day last week, and a busy social calender has sent me off track. Next week is a lot more 'normal' apart from a trip to Newmarket races on Friday with my cousin, but im driving so no calories lost to alcohol! This evening I will be menu planning and exercise routine planning, but thought I would come here first to get me in the zone!

    How was everyones weekend - mine has been a quiet one really. We went to a wedding Friday afternoon/evening which turned out to be a bit of nightmare wedding. Unfortunately, our friend had cut a lot of corners with the organisation of it all. Anyway, come the evening reception it turned into a scene from Holby city with at least 5 of guest I know of falling sick in an instant at 8pm (an ambulance needing to be called for a friend of mine). They had done their own catering, and Im pretty sure that with how the sickness struck it was food poisoning. Thankfully, we were ok, but I felt quiet sorry for the bride and groom, as its not how you want your wedding to be remebered. Then yesterday and today have just been 'pottering about' days. Daisy had her swimming lesson Saturday morning, and I am so pleased with how she is progressing - it was the first time she swam without her woggle and just a tummy float. Very proud!

    Hope you got your steps in Bracken. What are you planning to do with your strawberries? We visited our strawb farm on Saturday, we are getting quite regular there at the moment, as Strawberries dont last with Daisy around! I also got some gooseberries from there, but am undecided what to do with them? Any ideas?

    Right, off I go to menu plan - thinking Hairy bikers might get me back on track?

    Speak soon. xx
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi all, Hope you are all well and Saffy, hope you are over your food poisoning. New8 I am sure you will soon be right back on track. The Hairy Dieters have some great recipes don't they?
    I just have to share my news! For the first time I can ever remember I have weighed on a Monday morning and have actually lost a bit of weight compared to Friday! The weekend has always been my downfall, OK, the Chardonnay..... but thanks to MFP and logging in I was able to enjoy a couple of glasses of wine on Friday and Saturday. I think I have always at the back of my mind thought "I can catch up through the week". But usually I am just back to square one the Following Friday and the whole process begins again. This weekend however I stayed within my daily calories and ate sensibly leaving enough for my wine. I am also having soda water with it now to make it last longer and not have the "munchies" the next day. I know it may sound daft but this is such a breakthrough and I hope a turning point for me. Logging on seems to make every calorie count and I seem to be using them wisely. Happy Monday Crackers x x
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    BM - that is great news, keep up the good work! Perhaps there is something in the air... as I too for the first time in 5 long weeks have weighed in today and I'm 1/2lb lighter than I have been for the last 4 Mondays!!!! I don't log in on this site but I'm using BRACKEN's 'Ultimate Diet Log'. I've only got 10 weeks left and I'm determined to have reached target by the end of the book, since starting 16 weeks ago I'm down all of a pound! After a week here of 30°c + we had a huge storm last night and I woke up to discover snow on the mountain tops! So too wet to garden today.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all and good to hear so much good news all round. LMV, I really enjoyed your description of your run with its lovely scenery, and of course terrific that you are in training. MITM, despite your bikini woes (and let's recognize that if it's bikinis you are worried about fitting, you are really near your goal weight!), it's good to hear that you are persisting with Jillian (your Jillian legs) and logging in the journal. I'm glad that has proven useful. I am logging in mine and despite a lot of family gatherings recently am doing quite well. I don't think I ever have a really good day at this point if I have not logged at all, although somedays if I have eaten away a lot I don't attempt to do the calorie counts. BM, great to hear that things are going well and that you feel very positive about how you have been managing. Seeing a weight loss is really reinforcing but I think it is also important how you have reflected on what created your successs.I have seen pictures of the smoke you mentioned recently- can't imagine trying to walk with that in the air. New82, good to hear that you avoided that food poisoning but so unfortunate for all concerned. The Newmarket races would really appeal to me as that venue seems to be a place I've heard mentioned in many books and movies. I do not actually go to the races much here as I am more of a showjumping fan. As for strawberries, I basically freeze them, plain with no added sugar. I also usually do a few jars of freezer jam as it can be made with much less sugar. I haven't made any yet but have frozen quite a lot of berries. One of our local farms stopped pick your own this year (where I usually picked)because of "too much littering and too much theft." It is such a shame as more and more people want to pick local food and there are fewer places. I must get out to the patch again as the season will soon be over with the high 30's temps we are having. I have not yet mentioned here my new forey into vegetable gardening. I have grown no vegs because my garden is very shady. However, this year I now have a 4' by 5.5' raised vegetable planter garden. It was a project done at my brother's school- I supplied the lumber and students built it. It is about four feet high, a wooden box on wheels; the gardening tray is about 8'' deep and the remainder of the box is hollow. There are some painted vines on it and my brother put on a wooden plaque with these lines from Wordsworth: "Nature never did betray the heart that loves her." I love those lines (though am capable of seeing their irony if one thinks of Mallory on Everest or Shackleton in the Antarctic!) I have planted 4 tomato plants, some spinach, red chard, red lettuce, a few miniature carrots and a few beans, one zucchini plant and a couple of nasturtiums on the edge. I also put some herbs on the surrounding ledge. I had my first 'harvest' last night when I cut some romaine and red lettuce and spinach for the basis of a salad. It was delicious. My little garden is parked in the sunny driveway and in winter can be rolled into the garage. I should leave now and do some weeding before it is impossibly hot. Also I want to post on the exercise thread. Regards.
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Hi all,

    Really quick call in for me today, as about to get little one ready for pre-school.
    Just wanted to report that the scales have moved down again.....cant wait for my WI on Friday now before any of it goes back on!
    BM - weightgrapher has finally reported that I am on track and losing! Phew!
    Bracken lovely to hear about your raised bed, im sure you will get some great produce from it!

    Also just wanted to share....Hairy Bikers/dieters have a new book out in the Autumn(available on pre-order on Amazon), cant wait for that one either!!!

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening Crackers!

    BRACKEN - Thank you for putting my bikini woes back into perspective!!! Not that I will be needing to wear one again any time soon - it's freezing here. Your vegetable planter sounds ideal, my husband has one for growing his herbs on his terrace at work. In our vegetable garden we make long 'mountains' to grow our vegetables on, which makes weeding and picking alot easier.

    BM/NEW8 - Well according to the 'weightgrapher' my current trend estimates I'll lose my 4lbs and be at target on the 14th September!!! In 10 days they've got me sussed!

    SAFFY - Hope the training is back on track for this weekend and that you are fit and ready.

    LMV - Are you still training?!!!! My mother has been unable to find my magazine yet but promises to keep looking!

    Well today I've done very little except sit with my head in tinfoil and wait for all my many grey hairs to magically turn blond.... And watch the tennis - so not alot of calories burnt today. Will have to do better tomorrow.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    P.S. BRACKEN - is your brother also a teacher? How many of your siblings are/were teachers?
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Hi all,

    5lb weight loss.....am amazed and keep checking I havent read the scales wrong! Very happy girl, and am thinking that the fasting is finally starting to pay off and working as it should as to be honest my 5 feast days this weekI havent been watching what Im eating as I was, and have the packet with 3 chocolate digestives left to prove it!

    MITM - weightgrapher give me to 21st September to meet my first target which is 11lb away! Seem such a long time away, and I am wondering if I will make it! Im sure you can get 4lb off before me!

    Today im off to the seaside with my Dad and Daisy and am so looking forward to fish and chips! I was having a job managing my fast days this week, as normally it would have been Tues and Thurs, but I wanted my fish and chips, so I chose to do consecutive fast days, which I hadnt done before. It sounds a lot worse than what it was and after feeling exhausted last night, and getting an early night, this morning I am feeling great.

    Got to dash.....Daisy calling.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all. A big congrats to you, New82 on that 5 lb. loss. What a boost that is and again instructive of the power of persistence. After the recent difficult period I have had, I have not been weighing in again because I knew that my weight had shot up and I find it demoralizing at the moment. However, the good news is that after the past ten days of being back on track. I can definitely feel the difference in some clothes and today I am wearing a nice pair of quite bright green capris which had been too snug. My plan is to see what I weigh on the upcoming birthday, July 9. Despite the recent heat and humidity, I have managed to walk two miles in the morning all week. Nellie does 1 1/2 which seems enough at a time at the moment. I have also added some treadmill in the late afternoon, about a mile. We had a very light rain this morning, almost a misting, but we walked anyway and it was very pleasant. Now the humidity has somewhat abated so I hope to ride my horse later. The family members who were here for the graduation have left and most of my other siblings are going to a cottage that two family members co-own. It is a 5 hour drive north. I was invited but declined for the moment as there will be so many people this weekend that it won't be at all restful; I am an indifferent sleeper at the best of times but being there would really be hard for sleeping (not to mention that if I don't sleep well, eating behaviour is impacted) and at the moment I really want to have some consistency in eating, sleeping and exercising. I also do not want to miss the supervised jumping instruction on Sunday. MITM, you asked if my brother is a teacher- yes, and I am very proud of him. He did not become a teacher until recently. For over 20 years he was a machinist at a large automotive parts plant which was a very good job financially but he really enjoys working with young people and had done a lot of volunteer sports coaching. He left his job and went back to university to qualify and graduated when he was 50! Teaching jobs are very hard to get at the moment here but last year he was able to take a part-time position and he told me last night that he was offered a half-time position for next year which he will supplement with substitute teaching on an occasional basis. It is so difficult here at the moment that it is seen as an achievement just to get on the list of substitute teachers. My brother took summer courses after graduation to qualify in horticulture which he had a lot of experience with. Well, the sun is out and I must leave this noon-time break for the moment.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening Crackers!

    NEW8 - well done that's an impressive amount of pounds loss!!

    BRACKEN - Great to hear that you're in a good place at the moment. Don't give up, keep going and just take it one day at a time until the next big weigh in!

    Well I too have a spring in my step - amazing what a good haircut and highlights can do for the spirits! My hair gave me the confidence this morning to try on again a pair of 'summer' very smart, cropped trousers (navy of course!) I had hanging unworn in my wardrobe. I didn't intend to keep them as I thought they were too tight when I first tried them on. But with my hair suddenly making me feel quite glamorous I decided to put them on once more. It's surprising when you look good from the head down, I also had make-up on (as I was heading out to meet the 'english' ladies in town) the difference it makes. Yes the trousers are still very tight, not quite as tight due to Jillian, but this time round it dawned on me, they're meant to be tight, sleek and sexy! And with my little jacket on I looked 'hot'. However before I get totally carried away, as the trousers sit below the natural waist, when I sat down to join my friends, I was all too aware of the baby muffin top concealed beneath my jacket! So those 4 remaining pounds have still got to be shifted because next time, it might be too hot to wear a jacket!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    Just a quick check in.

    New8 - A-MAZ-ING!! You must be so proud of yourself. Well done.

    MITM - great to hear that you were feeling and looking "Hot". Unfortunately I am going the other way.........no Jillan and missing quite a lot of my Pilates classes means I am losing tone and getting more flabby again so things are tighter even though my weight hasn't changed that much. I might have to bite the bullet and do more Jillian - yuk!

    Bracken, well done on keeping up he exercise and getting yourself back on track. What do you plan to do for your birthday apart from weigh in?

    Saffy - the BIG day is nearly here. I hope you have recovered and are feeling confident. I know you will do fantastically well but good luck anyway. Will be thinking of you on Sunday morning. I know you will enjoy it.

    BM - from your exercise and food reports it looks as if you have the bit between your teeth again. Really well done especially in the difficult conditions you have to contend with. Do you have any special plans for your UK visit this year? Any weddings?

    Carole - not sure when you are back. If it is this week-end, I hope you had a really good time in Ireland.

    Andy is back from her holiday to Dubai. She's up to her eyes with work and a potential house move so I'm not sure she'll be on here for a while.

    Right I'm off to bed as I need to be in the shops by 8 tomorrow morning
