Weekly check in and progress reports 23 June - 29th June

a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
We're another week stronger!


And physically.

With each and every workout we are one step closer to being that person we aspire to be.


  • sleafers
    sleafers Posts: 90 Member
    I just started today!

    It was tough but I feel very motivated with the schedule telling me what I have to do and when.

    I can't wait to check in on week 2, 3, 4... etc. :)
  • karint74
    karint74 Posts: 131 Member
    I finished my first round of JMBR on June 8. Now I'm doing a 3-week super express round (one day per workout, one week per phase) so I'll finish just before I leave town for 15 days in July. (I won't be able to bring DVDs/weights with me.) Workouts 1-4 last week were surprisingly challenging with 12-15- pound dumbbells and adding plyo whenever I could. I had a bit of mild muscle soreness the day after each workout. It's nice to know I'll never outgrow the program--it's the best system I've ever done.

    Workout 5 was today. I don't think that third circuit will *ever* get any easier! Since I'm underemployed during the summer, I have plenty of time to add 15-20-mile bike rides on top of JMBR almost every day. I've noticed my burns for JMBR are *much* lower than they were the first time around--the only downside to being more fit. Only 140-180 calories each.
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Good work ladies! Keep those workouts coming!
  • JessicaBR13
    JessicaBR13 Posts: 294 Member
    Hi! I will be doing my second round starting on 6/27. If anyone else is starting around this time,please feel free to add me. I believe having support is key to finishing this program! :)
  • kymkan
    kymkan Posts: 444 Member
    findingmyway - I finished up JMBR on May 4 and I totally agree with you! The support of ppl doing the same program at the same time was the key to my success. It was so great to be able to check in daily and whine about what hurt where and how hard things were, but we all pushed thru! It was great!
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    I am on week 3. OUCH!! having issues walking today!! Workout 3 was HARD for me!! I had to stop alot!! Workout 4 seemed easier. Tonight is cardio.. PHEWW!! At least I am used to that one!!! Just not sure if my muscles will co operate with me.. they are soooo sore!!! I haven't lost any weight yet. I have upped my calories to see if anything will move. I found workout 1 and 2 easy.. I was doing couch to 5k last week. On wk 8 for that program. I did do it Monday before workout 3... I think it was TOO much!! Maybe that is why it was so hard??!!!
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    I finished my first round of JMBR on June 8. Now I'm doing a 3-week super express round (one day per workout, one week per phase) so I'll finish just before I leave town for 15 days in July. (I won't be able to bring DVDs/weights with me.) Workouts 1-4 last week were surprisingly challenging with 12-15- pound dumbbells and adding plyo whenever I could. I had a bit of mild muscle soreness the day after each workout. It's nice to know I'll never outgrow the program--it's the best system I've ever done.

    @karin- I totally agree with you. I am happy to say that I have not outgrown this program as well. I also increased my weights for this round (8-15 range depending on exercise) and do the plyo moves whenever it's suggested. I also have mild soreness each day so I know it's working!

    I've lost a pound after a pretty long plateau and a physical change that I have noticed already is the line in my lower back seems to be cutting in deeper. I have no clue what those muscles are called or if anyone can picture what I am describing, but I am almost certain that it's a result of doing those deadlifts with 15's!
  • shellyb17
    shellyb17 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm on Day 2 of Week 2, love it so far!
  • yaybazinga
    yaybazinga Posts: 54
    this week I started with workouts 11 and 12 and I love them! even though some exercises are really tough and I have to modify, they're a lot of fun! after doing workout 12 my butt has been sore which hasn't happened in a long time :laugh: (I always feel it more in my upper body)
  • JessicaBR13
    JessicaBR13 Posts: 294 Member
    Bump- Hi! I will be doing my second round starting on 6/27. If anyone else is starting around this time,please feel free to add me. I believe having support is key to finishing this program! :)
  • noellerocks
    I just finished on June 16. I decided to start over, and was amazed at my progression. I could definitely get through moves easily that I found difficult before, and was capable of doing almost all of the advanced modifications, as well as increasing my weights where possible. In doing so, I agree with everyone else that it's nearly impossible to outgrow this program. I am trying to decided what to do next. I am currently pushing through the dvds at a rapid rate - First week: disc 1, disc 2, cardio, disc 3, disc 4, cardio, rest. Week two: disc 4, disc 5, cardio, disc 6, disc 7, cardio, rest....you get it, I'm sure lol. I have nearly all of her other dvds and have been trying them out casually over the last 90 days but nothing has grabbed me like Body Rev - love it!!