Pregnant Runners Thread!



  • mltdown
    mltdown Posts: 311 Member
    I have been running with a support band I'm almost at 15 weeks and I found out yesterday I pulled my "butt muscle" something like lateral gluteal muscle and it hurts! I thought my hip was sore from being fat and prego trying to stay fit but it turns out my body isn't cut out for being sexy and prego lol
  • AngelineTheBaker
    AngelineTheBaker Posts: 155 Member
    My husband and I are trying for baby #2. I love running, though I seem to have the only doctor on the planet that says no running. He says that with the elastin or whatever in your body, you are more likely to injure your joints.

    That said, I ran through the second trimester with my first baby, then just walked. I walked four miles the day I gave birth, then was back to running three weeks later, pushing the little man.

    I plan on running this (hopefully) pregnancy as long as the heat allows. I'm more concerned with getting overheated rather than injury.
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    That's how I feel. I ran a couple of times this week when it was about 80 (I haven't run in that temp since last summer when I was not pregnant), and it was MUCH tougher. I just accept the fact that I will always need to carry water and take walk breaks as needed.

    That being said, now that I'm feeling more energetic, I have been running lots more. I feel SO much better about myself after my runs, even if they are only 3 miles during the week.

    Send good thoughts my way for my 11 miler this weekend!
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    Yay! We got our double BOB revolution this week! Our single BOB has been extremely well loved and used to the point I wonder if it has any resale value left, LOL. The double looks so pretty and new in comparison - and we actually found it on craigslist! I am thankful that most of our runs my husband does the stroller pushing because that double is a BEAST! Just a little while longer before baby #2 is here and mom can get back in shape! Yay!
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    oooh, @heathermora11, is the BOB stroller worth the money? And, stupid question (maybe), as I am a first time mom, but when will the baby be old enough to go into that stroller?

    I love my outside runs, and the thought of being able to do them with baby makes me happy!
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    oooh, @heathermora11, is the BOB stroller worth the money? And, stupid question (maybe), as I am a first time mom, but when will the baby be old enough to go into that stroller?

    I love my outside runs, and the thought of being able to do them with baby makes me happy!

    @ajzmann: worth every penny!! there is no way I could have gotten back into shape without it. I trained for two 1/2 marathons with the single and plan to keep it up with the double. you can even get an infant carseat attachment so that the baby can go in right away. the "recommendation" is that you wait until baby has head control (4 months?) but if you are not being silly reckless, I think they can go in much sooner than that, with a few blankets tucked around their head for support. Get the Revolution (swivel wheel) for sure!
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    and also - running outside makes mommy AND baby happy! it is the perfect way to get through that hard part of the afternoon after naps but before dinner! my daughter LOVES going for runs :)
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Well, I ran and finished my half yesterday! I had hoped for a little bit better time (I know I shouldn't worry about it, but I think it's a runner thing)...but I still am pleased. I finished in under 3 hours! It gives me hope for my post-pregnancy runs. The baby was quite cooperative. It was so hot, I didn't have to stop to pee once!

    Now to cut back a bit on my runs. No more 10 milers...which makes me happy (lazy part of me), but also sad (the part that only wants to run races!)

    How're all my other pregnant runners doing?
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Congratulations, was thinking of you! The weather was absolutely brutal, I definitely have to say the North Shore half even with the hills was a lot nicer for running because of the running - good job finishing despite the evil weather!

    I haven't run since my half, we hit growth spurts and I have been so so sore in my abs. My doctor says I will likely be able to pick running back up when growth slows down a little but I may not be, so I've just been walking a ton.
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Thank you! Yes, the weather was not really cooperative, which lead me to take it even easier, but I had so much fun! I had a running buddy that stuck with me. I couldn't have done it without her, plus it was so much more fun to have company!

    I have taken the last couple of days off. I was really, really sore after the race, medium sore yesterday, and lightly sore today. I'm going to start back up with an easier running routine (maybe 2 times a week with a longer run on the weekend) and then incorporate some less strenuous activities like elliptical and walking.

    I don't want to completely quit running so long as my body tolerates it, and my husband is training for his half, so he will be going to the lakefront to run his long runs. It's our Sunday morning ritual now (followed by a donut!), so I'd like to keep that up.
  • sseratt
    sseratt Posts: 20 Member
    I miss running! I stopped around the time I found out I was pregnant. The morning sickness left me not wanting to do much of anything for most of the first trimester! I haven't started running again, because my doctor told me not to get my heart rate over 140. I'm at 16 weeks now, and so far I've had a healthy pregnancy. The clinic I go to simply believes that if you are pregnant, your heart rate should not go above 140. I asked my doctor about working out, and she mailed me several papers on different studies supporting this low heart rate pregnant life. I walk and lift weights (though lifting weights is frustrating too because my doctor told me not to go over 8 pounds). It's my first pregnancy, so, even though I want to jog, I'm afraid to go against my doctors advice. Has anyone else been given this advice?

    My heart rate usually goes to 150s/160s and I try not to go over 170 because I think that is too much. I am almost 31 weeks along and have not changed much on my weight routine. Biceps-15 lbs, down from 20. Triceps 10-15lbs. I still lift sitting chest press is around 40-50lbs, down from 65. Some of my back exercises are around 60lbs, down from 90 lbs. I haven't had any issues at all and I was told that I would know when I had met my limit. But like the other poster said, I wouldn't go against my doctor, but I am not sure I totally agree with them either. My Dr said that if I was doing it before, then I would be fine still doing my normal routine. I did stop doing some of my crossfit type workouts since they tend to make me dizzy. I have been running and lifting consistently for 7 years.
  • jagger27
    jagger27 Posts: 79
    Man I wish I had found this board weeks ago :( Hi all!!! My name is Mandy...I am a mom to 3.5 kiddos (5, 4, and 2) :) (20 weeks pregnant with #4) - I actually finished my first half the day before I found out I was pregnant :o Talk about a shocker. My recovery from my half was rough, it was a different sort of hurt than any of my past long runs during my training, it was the first thing that I thought of that Sunday as I laid in misery "I wonder if I'm knocked up???" And I was. Anyways. I continued running up until the 7-8th week, then the extreme fatigue and morning sickness set in...for a few weeks I attempted to run some, but more I did walks around our property with my kiddos. The last few weeks I've started jogging/walking more. I live in Texas so the heat is brutal right now, so I go outside to do it, it has turned into more of walking. I have been spending time on the treadmill too, so I might just have to start doing that more. I'm due to have this little one in November...I plan to train for another half for Feb. 2014. So, that's me...

    I'm so excited to find some ladies that are going through some of the things I am...I miss running so much. Last year, I was just enthralled about getting my body back. Unfortunately, with this being my 4th my body has been put through the ringer (especially with my last pregnancy). I am prone to kidney stones and I also have awful varicose veins on my inner thighs that grow the bigger I get. Even at 20 weeks I feel VERY pregnant. I have noticed though, that since I've now introduced a regular walk/jog every day to every other day that I've been feeling less pressure "down there" - maybe getting back to just what I needed.

    So, that is me...I just wanted to say Hi and see what other ladies in my boat are doing...I'm off to read about you ladies!!!
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    @ajzmann: congrats!!! So happy you were able to complete your 1/2! The last 1/2 I did this cute preggo gal was in front of me and I kept her in sight telling myself "come on, you can beat the preggo!". It was totally my dream to be that pregnant racer this pregnancy, alas it didn't happen. But that's okay, I am still power walking like a champ (some days!) and just decided to enter my favorite 5K on the Fourth of July... I will be 37 weeks! LOL, my husband is concerned I will get last place but I told him, I will be proud of being the first preggo to cross the line! Hehe. I'll let you gals know how it goes. How far along were you when you did your half, ajzmann?
  • sarah2002
    sarah2002 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm hoping all you experienced ladies can help me troubleshoot my running. The last couple of times I have gone running, I wind up with some discomfort in my lower abdomen during my run. I can't figure out where it is coming from - uterus, bladder, bowel or a combo of all 3. It feels kind of like my abdominal organs are all banging against each other...not sure how else to describe it. Could it be that my uterus is squishing my bladder and that's the pressure I'm feeling? I'm only 17 weeks right now...but maybe I would benefit from a support belt? Any ideas?
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,691 Member
    I'm hoping all you experienced ladies can help me troubleshoot my running. The last couple of times I have gone running, I wind up with some discomfort in my lower abdomen during my run. I can't figure out where it is coming from - uterus, bladder, bowel or a combo of all 3. It feels kind of like my abdominal organs are all banging against each other...not sure how else to describe it. Could it be that my uterus is squishing my bladder and that's the pressure I'm feeling? I'm only 17 weeks right now...but maybe I would benefit from a support belt? Any ideas?

    Is it Braxton Hicks? I find that running brings them on.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    I'm hoping all you experienced ladies can help me troubleshoot my running. The last couple of times I have gone running, I wind up with some discomfort in my lower abdomen during my run. I can't figure out where it is coming from - uterus, bladder, bowel or a combo of all 3. It feels kind of like my abdominal organs are all banging against each other...not sure how else to describe it. Could it be that my uterus is squishing my bladder and that's the pressure I'm feeling? I'm only 17 weeks right now...but maybe I would benefit from a support belt? Any ideas?

    Is it Braxton Hicks? I find that running brings them on.

    I am noticing this, too. I do think running triggers bh contractions. I only go for short runs after I lift now that I am 25 weeks, but I HAVE to wear a support belt. Everything feels wrong when I don't. I also make sure that I pee right before I run to alleviate the bladder squishing issue. I also have low back herniations, so the support belt is a must. It isn't cute, but it gets the job done!
  • sarah2002
    sarah2002 Posts: 77 Member
    Oh, Braxton Hicks! I hadn't even thought about that. They're harmless right? I did find that leaving my pants untied helped some. Thankfully I'm big enough now that they don't fall off!
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    @ajzmann: congrats!!! So happy you were able to complete your 1/2! The last 1/2 I did this cute preggo gal was in front of me and I kept her in sight telling myself "come on, you can beat the preggo!". It was totally my dream to be that pregnant racer this pregnancy, alas it didn't happen. But that's okay, I am still power walking like a champ (some days!) and just decided to enter my favorite 5K on the Fourth of July... I will be 37 weeks! LOL, my husband is concerned I will get last place but I told him, I will be proud of being the first preggo to cross the line! Hehe. I'll let you gals know how it goes. How far along were you when you did your half, ajzmann?

    @heathermora11: How was your 5K??? That is impressive! 37 weeks? You're my role model!

    I was 18 weeks for my half, and I felt amazing. Shockingly, I didn't have to stop once to go to the bathroom. I suspect the heat had something to do with that, but it was a welcome surprise. (Esp because when I ran six miles last weekend, I had to stop THREE times!)

    I'm actually depressed about not having a race on teh horizon. I am about ready to find another one to sign up for, but I think I really need to take it easy. I hope to make a triumphant return next April with an 8K then get back on the racing circuit.

    Dumb question to those mentioning braxton hicks...what do those feel like?
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Sometimes you don't even notice BH, and other times it feels like your entire tummy tightens up. I can trigger them if I over do it or don't drink enough water, or if I bend just the right way it's like my abs freak and my uterus goes "ZOMG PROTECT ZE BABY NAO!"

    They can be irritating but I didn't even really notice them until close to the end in my first pregnancy.

    On a side note I'm now 27 weeks and for the first time in a month I woke up without sore abs. Maybe I'll be able to run again! I was starting to think my half on 6/2 may have been my farewell to running but I would LOVE to pick it back up..
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    @hbarnstein, I'm sending good running vibes your way! I'm going to attempt another 6 this weekend (that's about as far as I think I will go these days). It's supposed to be HOT though.