


  • CourtneyHollinger
    CourtneyHollinger Posts: 57 Member
    I have had 2 c sections myself. Friend me if you like. Sounds like we could be good support for each other. I have a 3 and a half year old and a 8.5 week old... Both are girls.
  • Stewart_21
    Stewart_21 Posts: 7 Member
    I am Betty I have 2 children ages 2 yrs and 16 yrs I work full time and my significant other works out of town all week and comes home on the weekends. I have been on MFP for just over 2 months I have approximately 140 lbs to lose and I am going to lose 100 lbs by the end of 2013. I have a very supportive family at home and they help drive me to reach my goals. I came to this group looking to meet moms in a similar situation and look forward to chatting with everyone!
  • amandasue888
    amandasue888 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! Im new on here - just joined today. My sister told me about it and asked me to join with her. Im always looking for some motivation : ) I have 7 kids 7 yrs and under. My youngest in 6 months old. 4 girls and 3 boys. Basically Ive been pregnant or nursing for the last 8 yrs. Weight loss is practically impossible. Im determined to lose before I get pregnant again. (yes I do want more! I know u all think Im crazy but kids are the greatest thing in the world!) I have 30 lbs to lose to be at my pre-pregnancy (s) weight. Seems like a long ways off
  • lyndzipage
    lyndzipage Posts: 26 Member
    HI i am Lindsay i am 27 yrs old (soon to be 28 on the 13th.) I have been married for almost 4 years and we have a 8 1/2 month old baby girl. She is our first child. I have always been a bit over weight since my preteen years. I did weight watchers when i was 19 and lost 50lbs and kept it off for almost 4 yrs. Then college happened followed my marriage and a few stressful bad times came our way and gained it all back but a bit more

    I gained about 71lbs during my pregnany no matter what I did. It was so discouraging how i felt about my body after the baby. 1 because I had an unplanned c section and 2, since none of our friends have children i didn't know what to expect. I have lost about 41lbs in the first 3 months after the birth..... Then the scale would not budge for about 5 months!.
    I have only been on MFP for 15 days! I have lost 4lbs so far in the two weeks. I was beyond motivated to see SOMETHING.I am currently 205lbs 5.3" and trying to get to about 160 (so 45lbs to go) I will see where I am at when I get there but I think that is a healthy weight for me!!

    I am looking for some motivation to keep going. I am a pilots wife so my hubby is gone everyother week for work and when he is home he only gets 3days of the 7 off. I find it hard trying to find time for myself and it seem MFP has been helping along with meeting new ppl here.
    Thanks for hearing a bit about me and I look forward to meeting some new moms!!!
    We can do it ladies!!!!
  • mssowhatever
    mssowhatever Posts: 4 Member
    Married with 3 Kids. 16, 4 and 10 months old. Looking for motivation. I signed up for MFP but never used it until a few months ago was told to back off because I was nursing and dieting at the same time which affected the babies milk supply. I have been very inconsistent over the past year but hope to do better. My cousin told me about MFP when I was doing Weight Watchers. She has lost over 20 lbs so far. I recently bought a fitbit Flex and between it and this site I pretty much can stay on track. Now just need some friends to lose weight with. :-)

    <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com/weight-loss-ticker"><img border="0" src="http://tickers.myfitnesspal.com/ticker/show/2998/4509/29984509.png&quot; /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com">Nutrition Facts</a> For Foods</small></p>
  • My name is Priscilla. I have one active 3 year old son. I joined MFP a long time ago, but never used MFP until now (June 10th). I want to lose weight to be active, live a healthier lifestyle, and keep up with my three year old. I was motivated by middle sister losing weight (30 pounds so far). I want to eventually run a marathon for charity one day. I love that there's a group for mom's n I can't wait to be healthier momma with all the other momma's out there.
  • lola0322
    lola0322 Posts: 3
    Hi everyone
    my name is LaRhonda and I am 25 years old .I have a daughter that will be turning 5 months on Sunday and I joined MFP last year but just became an active user again.

    I currently weigh 129 lbs and on a challenge to lose my last 11 lbs to get me back to my prepregnanct weight

    I am currently doing jillian michaels 90 day body revolution

    My main goal is to lose my last 11 lbs and then I would like to begin toning up
  • Hello!
    I'm 27 years old with a 4 month old daughter (born 2/25/13) and I really want to lose my baby weight and get back in shape to look and feel healthy again.

    I joined MFP when I quick smoking cigarettes last year and stopped shortly after getting pregnant. I want to get back into the swing of tracking my progress. My husband has joined me in this effort to lose weight together, eat right and stay healthy. He is my accountability couch.

    My goals are to get this baby weight off and train for a 5k. I plan to incorporate the Couch to 5k app on my phone to keep track of my exercise.

    Here is to Day 1 - Wish me luck!
  • DanniK421
    DanniK421 Posts: 6
    I have tried all the diets out there and so far this is the best way to lose weight. Starting my second week and I am down 7lbs. I want to be healthy and a good role model for my kids (7 & 5). I'm tired of being over weight!!!
  • RunionX4
    RunionX4 Posts: 190 Member
    Hello. I'm 34 yrs old. I have one child. He is 11 yrs old. He's a very smart and wonderful boy. I am a very blessed woman to have 2 wonderful men in my life. My husband is very good to me and our son, and my son is so very sweet and caring. I love them both very much. I don't know what I would do without them. I have been on MFP since November 2012. So far I have lost 12 lbs. I have about 38 lbs to lose. My family is very supportive. My son says he's my coach and he does a pretty good job. My biggest problem is my will power. If it's here or within reach I have a very hard time saying no. I do pretty good when someone is watching like at work or something but when I'm alone I will eat the sweets or whatever.
  • Hello, I am 26 years old. I have 3 children. A 6 year old boy, Joshua, whom passed from SIDS at 9 weeks, 1 year old, Journey, whom we lost as a miscarriage at 9 weeks, and a 5 month old named Bryant.. I was trying to get healthy and lose weight when I got pregnant with Bryant. And then I gained 45 lbs with my pregnancy. So now i have 90 lbs to lose. I am a SAHM. My SO is a full time 7 day a week working dad. So needless to say my son is my life.
    Really needing lots of support to stay on track.
  • mindyp12
    mindyp12 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! My name is Mindy-i have a 2 year old named Ella. I've been on MFP on and off for a few years and I just love it! I feel like it helps me keep on track!

    My goal is to get down to 145-150, I got up to 205 the day I delivered my daughter and I vowed that wouldn't happen again. Since I've gotten down to 162 and I'm just hovering. So I've changed up my goals and I'm doing cardio 3 x per week and weight training 2 x per week in hopes that I can shake off these last few pounds before I'm 30 in Dec.

    I would love to have some friends on here to keep me on track and I would love to do the same! Please feel free to add me!

  • Hi Mamas!!! I'm 25 years old and the mother to a 20-month-old daughter and 2-week-old son! I've been using MFP since January 2012 (though I took a break during my last pregnancy) but I'm back and ready to get fit!! I was 151lbs at labor and today I'm 137.1, my goal is to reach 115 by the end of January!

    I just recently deleted a lot of friends on here because sadly some of them haven't logged in in over 6 months! So feel free to add me, I love having friends. Motivated on my newsfeed always makes me smile!!

  • vlsay4what
    vlsay4what Posts: 10 Member
    27 years old with a 7 year old and a baby born just 2 days ago. My goal is to lose 52 lbs to get back to my regular size. I know I probably wont reach my goal by January but I'm going to try!
  • TheJamLady
    TheJamLady Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 34 and home on maternity leave until May. My daughter is 5 months. I have 2 boys ages 8 & 5. I was on MFP pre pregnancy, but started back this past June after baby was born. I like how it keeps me mindful of what I'm consuming and how active my lifestyle is each day. I'm plugging away at the last 10-15 lbs to my goal, but it's been slow going as I often find it hard to keep making time for myself in this busy house. Feel free to add me. The more support we can build as a community, the better.
  • mrsieve
    mrsieve Posts: 36 Member
    My name is Meghan. I am 24 and I have a 7 month old daughter as well as 2 stepsons, ages 4 and 5. Before I met my fiance, I had gotten myself down to 125 without trying because when I lived with my ex, I had way better habits (i.e. seldomly ate out, snacked on fruit, ate lots of protein during the day, walked a lot, worked in a factory). However, with my fiance, I was up to 140. Working night shift at a nursing home and not eating good things at all at night made me gain another 20 lbs in 2 months. I didn't gain any weight with my daughter until my last trimester, when I finally put on 21 lbs. I lost all but 5 lbs relatively quickly, but not long ago, I stepped on the scales only to see that I had gone up to 170. I really want to finish losing my baby weight and am really hoping to get back down to 125 lbs. I don't want to see anything past 140 again. Any help/tips from other 3rd shift mamas on here would be greatly appreciated. :)
  • mamiarellano
    mamiarellano Posts: 19 Member
    I am Julie, a mom of four children, ages 11, 10, 7, and 4. I've been on MFP for 306 days with the goals to lose weight and learn about healthier eating...to live longer for my kids. I enjoy photography, family, television and movies. I am an emotional eater, boredom being the strongest emotion that sends me to the fridge. I am aiming to lose 70+ lbs. I've lost 45 lbs so far and now I'm at the "abs are made in the kitchen" stage where I need to work on what I eat to help me out of a long plateau. Would love to make friends that could help keep me accountable.
  • mpallen06
    mpallen06 Posts: 6 Member
    I am Michelle. I'm about to turn 35 and I have two gorgous boys ages 3.5 and 18 months. I started MFP last summer when I got really serious about running and losing the weight from my second born. I did really well for awhile and even got my jusband to join hoping he would help motivate me. I got stuck at 160 lbs. and gave up but now I"m back and hoping that this group will help me find the motivation i need to start again. I'm very frusterated!
  • mpallen06
    mpallen06 Posts: 6 Member
    45 lbs....that's awesome...i need to lose 35 and it seems impossible
  • green867
    green867 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm Missy. I just turned 29 and had my son about 8 months ago. Prior to getting pregnant I had successfully lost 50lbs through Weight Watchers, biking, and doing taiko drumming. I was feeling great and in the best shape of my life, and them WHAMMO- I gained it all back through the course of my pregnancy. I've been nervous about trying to lose the rest of the weight in earnest since it seems daunting to juggle being a new mom AND finding the time to eat right and work-out. My goal is to get to my pre-pregnancy weight of 138lbs- that means 53lbs to lose! I'm looking for tips and tricks on making weight loss and healthy living work into my new life of motherhood.