New to MFP

I just got a new bike today....... and am going to get serious about losing some weight. The bike is designed for seriously overweight people......which would be me.

I am going to be 60 years old in a couple of weeks...... I am 6' 5" and weigh 352 lbs. My feet, ankles and legs hurt almost all the time from carrying this weight around. It's been just the last six months that it has been painful like this and I am sure it is the weight in combination with my age. When you are young your body will handle it.....but not anymore. I just don't feel like doing anything anymore..... so I spend my nights watching TV and eating and drinking. Gee, I wonder why I am fat and out of shape.

Today is a new day...... I know that my ideal weight is 188 lbs. That is what I swam at in college. Yea, I actually used to be an athlete!!

188 lbs is 164 lbs from where I am right now. That is almost 46.5% of my current weight. That is a scarey amount. I hope to take it in......."smaller bites.". My first goal is to get under 300 lbs by sometime this fall. Come to think of it...... "Smaller Bites" may be a good motto for me.

It's good to see there are some men on this site..........

352 / 352 / 299 (starting weight / current weight / goal weight)

I hope to see that middle number go down......I'm goin' for a bike ride after work tonight!!

How often do you weigh in?


  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Welcome! And I think the bike will be good for you and your joints (that is if you ride it and don't use it as a clothes rack). Just kidding...

    I weigh in about once a week. But my work and travel schedule sometimes pushes that to once ever two weeks. I have a goal of losing about 2 lbs a week. When you have a lot to lose, you may be able to drop more per week, but realize that the faster it comes off, the more likely you are to peter out. Find a comfortable pace and keep at it.

    Enjoy and good luck!
  • KevinS62
    KevinS62 Posts: 239 Member
    352 / 352 / 299 (starting weight / current weight / goal weight)

    I hope to see that middle number go down......I'm goin' for a bike ride after work tonight!!

    How often do you weigh in?

    Welcome Phil.
    We usually have a weekly thread that you can check in (once or twice) and for the last two months we've had a monthly challenge thread. Best part I like about this group is none of us seem to be judgemental,

    If you ask me how often I weigh myself, the answer is probably going to be 2-3 times a day. But, I know weight fluctuates and I only record my weight on Friday's, usually after shower, before coffee. Then I'll post in our weekly thread. Check in every week. It helps keep me progressing.

    I'm really loving the monthly challenge thread. The challenge isn't a competition, but rather a challenge for yourself. Set your goal for the month and see if you can do it.

    Again, welcome to the group!

    SW - 247
    CW - 202
    GW - 185
  • pgmayer
    pgmayer Posts: 53
    Thanks for the welcome Kevin and ??? " you obviously Irish guy".......

    I rode my bike last night for 50 minutes. I was not pushing it too hard. I logged it as a "leisurely bike ride".

    I may have to adjust the seat and the handle bars as I did get pretty sore in the back of my upper arms from leaning down on the bar. Also, the seat is set where it's supposed to be..... it's just that at that height it is a little hard to get on and off. I'm thinking I'll leave it as is though. The fact is..... my arms hurt because I am out of shape.......and the bike is hard to get on and off of because I am just to flippin' fat! I am determined to stay with it.

    Right now, I my goal is to lose two pounds a week. That means I will hit my first goal of 299 lbs around Thanksgiving. That seems a long way off so the monthly challenges will be good for more short term goals.

    I am happy to hear that the monthly challenge is not a competitive thing. Right now my only competition is my lazy-@$$ self! I gotta beat that guy into submission. I will need friends to help me because he can be a beast!!

  • bfpower
    bfpower Posts: 92 Member
    Phil, you got this. You're an athlete; you know how to be disciplined. It's just a matter of getting momentum. Have you talked with a nutritionist or a dietitian about it? They can be of great help.

    Sent you a friend request.

    - Ben
  • kobrien65
    kobrien65 Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome Phil. You've got a great attitude which is half the battle. As Kevin says, keep checking in here and let us know how you're doing. I weigh myself when I feel I've had a good couple of days and can expect a weight drop. Right now my body is fighting me like a whiny b**** and I haven't hit one of my goals that I'm so close too, but that's another story. Point is weigh in often enough to stay motivated, but understand that weight is going to fluctuate and use it as motivation to keep going. Good job, brother!
  • pgmayer
    pgmayer Posts: 53
    Ben (my first MFP "friend")...... and Kobi......."irish guy.....and Kevin.....thanks for the words.....

    ........, I did go see a nutritionist about a year ago as I am pre-diabetic and my physician suggested it. She encouraged me to eat a lower carbohydrate diet and gave me some model meals. It was helpful, but I've gotten away from it....... time to get back to her plan.....

    I have two complete days in and am doing well. I've have my bike out for 80 minutes in two days. Feels good....... a little sore.....but a good kind of sore. I hope to get in another 30-50 minutes today.

    Question: Do you guys do weight training?

    I'm thinking of doing some body weight type stuff. It won't be anything too "Conan" it is a major effort for me to sit on the ground and then get up right now. Actually ...... that would probably be a good beginning strength training exercise for me........ sit down on the ground.... stretch.....then stand up........ sit down on the ground...... stretch.....then stand up....... 10X.... Ha! I'm pretty pathetic...... pathetic but determined. I am hoping determined wins the day.

    I am slowly but surely coming up with a plan:

    1) I've decided that I am going to weigh myself 2X per week...... once on Friday morning and once on Monday morning.......... to kind of check going into the weekend and coming out of the weekend. Seems like a good idea for me as weekends, especially in the summer with BBQ's and all, are particularly dangerous for me.

    2) No alcohol after work....... I usually come home from work and have a drink. That drink alone is to unwind at the end of the day. I have a bike now...... that will be my "unwind." I am only going to drink socially........

    3) Lower carbs....... I am going to work harder at what the nutritionist told me.... that is less breads, pastas, and deserts. More veggies, good meats, poultry, fish and whole grains ......

    4) More sleep..... that means going to bed earlier. I am a night time eater..... it's like after 10:00 PM..... the Beast comes out in me and demands to be fed. So the plan is to go to bed earlier and DO NOT FEED THE BEAST!

    5) And of course....... ride the bike....... when my weight gets down I will have more exercise options but for now....... RIDE THE BIKE!

    That is enough for now......... just gotta stay the course!

  • pgmayer
    pgmayer Posts: 53
    I had my first weigh in this morning.........down 15 lbs. Now...... I realize that was a complete fluke.....but I did weigh myself less than a week ago on the same scale. I do not expect that every week. That is a "Biggest Loser" number for weight loss.

    I am hoping that at the beginning I have some nice losses. It is inspiring. I already feel better. Oh, my feet and ankles still hurt.....but 15 less lbs is 15 less lbs.....

    Stay the course.......

  • KevinS62
    KevinS62 Posts: 239 Member
    I had my first weigh in this morning.........down 15 lbs. Now...... I realize that was a complete fluke.....but I did weigh myself less than a week ago on the same scale. I do not expect that every week. That is a "Biggest Loser" number for weight loss.

    I am hoping that at the beginning I have some nice losses. It is inspiring. I already feel better. Oh, my feet and ankles still hurt.....but 15 less lbs is 15 less lbs.....

    Awesome Phil! It's not a fluke, but you are right that you won't always get 15 pound losses. I dropped 8 pounds in the first 5 days and 19 in the first 4 weeks. My progress has slowed considerably from that, although every once in a while I'll have a -4 lb week. I love those!

  • pgmayer
    pgmayer Posts: 53
    Thanks Kevin!

    Tomorrow is the 1st of July....... I plan to weigh in and work those goals that I set..... they are simple.... and I believe if I stick with them I will have good progress. So...for July:

    1) Weigh myself 2X per week...... once on Friday morning and once on Monday morning.......... to kind of check going into the weekend and coming out of the weekend.

    2) No alcohol after work....... I usually come home from work and have a drink.

    3) Lower carbs....... more veggies, good sources of protein, whole grains.....

    4) More sleep..... that means going to bed earlier. I am a night time eater..... it's like after 10:00 PM..... the Beast comes out in me and demands to be fed. So the plan is to go to bed earlier and DO NOT FEED THE BEAST!

    5) And of course....... ride the bike....... when my weight gets down I will have more exercise options but for now....... RIDE THE BIKE!

    6) I will also resolve to look at these goals every morning as a reminder.

    That is enough for now......... just gotta stay the course.

    Kevin....... enjoy the day. It is a beautiful Sunday afternoon here in Minnesota.....I'm going for a bike ride!!

  • KevinS62
    KevinS62 Posts: 239 Member
    1) Weigh myself 2X per week...... once on Friday morning and once on Monday morning.......... to kind of check going into the weekend and coming out of the weekend.

    I do that too. Friday's weight is the one that I record. Monday's weight is my weekend's damage assessment. I take my Monday weight with a grain of salt though. I can easily take on 3-4 lbs during the weekend. Then, I work my tail off for the next Friday.
    Kevin....... enjoy the day. It is a beautiful Sunday afternoon here in Minnesota.....I'm going for a bike ride!!

    Of course, I'm talking about a different kind of bike, but it's nice here in Louisiana, I might just give mine a quick wash and take it for a ride. :happy:
  • dad040859
    dad040859 Posts: 66
    Phil - as everyone else has said, welcome! Remember, we're all at different points in our lives, different lifestyles, habits, metabolisms, everything. What works for one may not necessarily work for another; the trick is to find out what works for you. Kind of like a 12-step program, as Kevin said we don't judge or offer advice, we just tell our stories and offer support. Take what you want and leave the rest!

    For example, you were asking about the weigh-in schedule. For me, it got too discouraging to not see results every day, so I only weigh in once every few weeks. My belt and my clothes tell me how I'm doing; no one asks me my number, and I don't share it with anyone (outside of MFP), so who cares? I just keep to the program as best I can, keep it fresh, mix up the exercises as I go along. I'm 54, came here for the same reasons as most of us. Good luck!
  • pgmayer
    pgmayer Posts: 53
    Thanks for the encouragement.

    My brother and sister are seriously into Harley's. They love their bikes. I've never ridden one. I got my own kind of bike now.....old school.

    Weighed in at 331 this morning. This is my starting point for July.

    I would like to end July under 320 lbs.

    Stay the course....

    Phil 352/331/299
  • bfpower
    bfpower Posts: 92 Member
    I do light weight training as part of my running routine. Monday is a recovery day (long run on Sunday) so I stretch and do strength that day, then I do a full strength routine on Thursday. I focus on light weights, good form, and high reps.

    Also, I've been seeing your cardio routines showing up in my news feed - looks awesome!
  • pgmayer
    pgmayer Posts: 53
    I have been doing good with light cardio......leisurely bike rides and walks........ that is what I have to start with.

    I haven't done any resistance training at all yet. I do have some old dumbbells in the basement. Maybe I should chase the spiders of them and dust 'em down real good and put them to use! I mean, I think that was what I bought them for...... :happy:

  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I have been doing good with light cardio......leisurely bike rides and walks........ that is what I have to start with.

    I haven't done any resistance training at all yet. I do have some old dumbbells in the basement. Maybe I should chase the spiders of them and dust 'em down real good and put them to use! I mean, I think that was what I bought them for...... :happy:


    Like anything else, ease into additions to your workouts. You don't want to burn yourself out or overtrain.

    That said, you very much should look to add resistance training into your program. My only real concern is your focus on the scale. It is possible to lose fat and not lose weight, especially when you're lifting weights. However, when you do add muscle, you'll be burning more calories every day and that will make a huge difference over time.
  • remeltz
    remeltz Posts: 1
    Just hit my Danger Zone weight. Starting over again. I need to get back on track NOW, TODAY. I am comitting to document all my food, and I will check in regularly. Never too old to Rock and Roll!
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
  • KevinS62
    KevinS62 Posts: 239 Member
    Just hit my Danger Zone weight. Starting over again. I need to get back on track NOW, TODAY. I am comitting to document all my food, and I will check in regularly. Never too old to Rock and Roll!

    Your "Danger Zone Weight" must be similar to my "Oh-Hell-No" moment. :laugh: Welcome the group!
  • pgmayer
    pgmayer Posts: 53
    I was gone on vacation all last week. I was able to log my food on the phone app but unable to access the Community Discussions. Well, I am back. I did pretty well eating and exercising. I thought I would be down a couple of pounds but instead I gained a pound. That was a disappointment.

    It is really hot and muggy here in MN today. But I will get out and get some exercise. Gotta get back on my bike !

  • pgmayer
    pgmayer Posts: 53
    july 15..... walked a little more than 2 was a hot muggy walk but I am glad I did felt so good to take off my shoes and let my feet breath!

    Life's little pleasures.....
