Where are you now with challenge?

Hi! I'm on level one. Took one day off to rest knees and started it up all over again! So, round two, day three. How about you? Where are you at? How's it going? Sometimes I do all three circuits twice.


  • meesh109
    meesh109 Posts: 189 Member

    I did Level 1 Day 9 today. I'm off on holiday next week, and probably won't manage to do it that much. I think I'm just going to carry on with Level 1 this week and next, then start Level 2 on Monday 1st July.

    Keep up the good work all x
  • jakesgirl05
    Good job! I got to level two and it hurt my knees so as I said before I took a day off and decided to start level one all over lol!
    I'm done with day four! I did it once today instead of twice. Sometimes I over do it! Hope your holiday is awesome!!
  • getsuyoubi
    getsuyoubi Posts: 55 Member
    I did level one with cardio interchanged and last week only cardio, so yesterday I started level 2 and I was dripping wet everywhere.

    I love her style.
  • MrsMason101212
    MrsMason101212 Posts: 15 Member
    I am hoping I can go find a copy of Ripped tonight!
  • jakesgirl05
    Okay, starting over...Again! I have had so many battles with myself with this thing. I finally just got to the point where I can't justify any reason I have to not do this thing and way healthy. The bottom line is that I don't feel good when I give up and eat junk and sit around. It feels lousy and that's not what I want. Heck, if other pei
  • jakesgirl05
    Oops! If other people can do it so can I!!
  • meesh109
    meesh109 Posts: 189 Member
    Hey all

    Hope you're getting on great with the 30 DS. I did about 11 days of Level 1, then was on holiday. Ready to start back up tomorrow. I've found another group on here that are starting from scratch tomorrow and doing it Mon - Fri. I've joined there, but will also keep updating on here!

    Keep up the good work all