New to group-need some support to hang on!

pedsnure Posts: 22 Member
Just stumbled on this group today. You are just what I am looking for. The past week I have not been in control at all and am terribly upset about losing all the hard work I have put in the past 6 months. I'm trying to hold on and feel that control I had for so long but I keep slipping....

Just reading through some of the post for 5 mins have made me cry, but inspired me. I hope this it what I need to get back up there and finish to my goal and being kind to myself and proud of myself!

You guys are amazing!


  • MistyJourney
    MistyJourney Posts: 5 Member
    I am new to this group as well, but I think we are in the right place for support. I have been slipping to and I wonder how can I reverse this behavior and start loosing weight again?
  • Me too! This group is definitely a relief, the last two weeks have been so difficult, I've gained some, I need to get back to maintenance but just keep binging, mostly from boredom or weigh in disappointment. I have such a hard time being patient with weight loss, I literally just don't trust myself, everyday is a very slow battle. Last binge was the day before yesterday and I've made a promise to myself that I will stay on track at least until July 4th. Best of luck to all of you /:
  • DucksandOranges
    DucksandOranges Posts: 96 Member
    Welcome! Yes, this group is definitely great sometimes just to know you're not alone! Sometimes when I see people eating "normally" I wonder how they do it and it makes me feel like a crazy person... But I'm not! Each day can bring a new challenge AND a new opportunity:)
  • Another newbie here. I managed to keep myself under control for most of the spring, but lately my life has been getting a bit crazy, and because of all the stress I started to binge again. Gained back 7 lbs - I suppose it doesn't sound like much... yet. I hope I'll be able gain control of my eating habits again with the help of this website and this group.
  • Leaby_x
    Leaby_x Posts: 25 Member
    I gained 4lb just over the last weekend! Don't know why I do it but glad I have found this group.... Might help me stop!