Week Ending 6/28: Check In

MrsRando Posts: 155 Member
I know that we are all in different places on our path to losing weight. For me I just started but I know others are in the middle and some lay already be at pp weight and just need to tone.

I thought it might be a good idea to a "check-in" of sorts. Just to see where our heads are at with all of this. Give us the opportunity to vent, praise, or plan the next week.


  • MrsRando
    MrsRando Posts: 155 Member
    When I started this last year pp I set my calorie goal to 1800. I think this was because the time before that I was exercising a lot more. Well, I reset my goals and now I get about 1570 calories a day.

    I've consistently been over my calorie goal every day. Much of my calories are coming from my morning coffee. Instead of using sugar I am going to start using Splenda again. I also have to stop using the flavored creamers.

    I need to try harder to get regular exercise into my weekly routine. We've still not settled into a routine at hone since the baby. I'm hoping that will happen(ish) in the next few weeks. My ODD's are out of school for the summer so it's still not going to be our regular routine.

    Nevertheless, I have stuck to my two goals this week. No soda (only water, unsweet tea, and coffee) and log all my food. So, all-in-all a pretty successful week.
  • mommyofjandj
    I am still unsure of what my ideal calories should be. I am EBF so if I am hungry, I eat. One thing I really like about this though is learning how many calories certain things have....my eyes have really been opened. I have about 15 pounds to drop and would like to do it primarily through exercise although I haven't really lost weight for two weeks now, so I my need to pay close attention to calories soon.
  • bombshell_in_progress
    bombshell_in_progress Posts: 21 Member
    I stayed within my calorie range, ate healthier, and drank water this past week. Also tried to get in some form of exercise everyday. This week i want to try to continue these goals but up my exercise.
  • KGraham785
    I keep going under my calorie goal. Not intentionally but my kid doesn't want me to eat it seems. An added goal this week is to actually buy my own scale. I've been cheap and just use the one that is ALWAYS already opened at WalMart. Obviously someone else is also too cheap to buy a scale. Lol. I'm worried I'm about to plateau with my weight loss so I'm going to up the calories I've been getting and start trying to work more cardio in. Hopefully I'll lose some inches and some non-maternity jeans will start fitting better.