Welcome! Now what?
We've helped each other through so much over the last months. Swollen feet, aching backs, hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, ultrasounds, picking names, the ever dreaded mucus plugs, contractions, and "should I be worried?"s. Now that our LO's are here the question is; Now what? I know that I need to lose this weight. I…
Anyone else having trouble?
I'm not doing too great watching what I eat. Some days are good others aren't. Anyone else in the same boat?
Whats everybody doing for exercise?
Prior to getting pregnant I was big into pilates, yoga and running but baby girl is 9 weeks and I have't exercised once =( I'm trying to eat healthier and I wanna get back into yoga but I do walk a lot with Lo in the stroller at the mall since it's too hot outside. But we have a nice gym at our apartments club house but…
Week Ending 7/5: Check In
Check In!
I don't understand how anyone is exercising :cry: I can't go to sleep any earlier and can't get up any earlier. I know I could take a walk with LO and I do, but it's been raining here the last couple of days. I see lots of you moms posting great burns and I'm jealous. I wish I could post those kind of burns but it just…
please spread some motivation my way!
Ok so.. how many lbs have you LOST so far? has it all been eating healthy or is exercise included in your daily schedule? i need inspiration ! i've been eating healthy and working out with no weight loss :( i think my Depo shot has something to do with it
Week Ending 6/28: Check In
I know that we are all in different places on our path to losing weight. For me I just started but I know others are in the middle and some lay already be at pp weight and just need to tone. I thought it might be a good idea to a "check-in" of sorts. Just to see where our heads are at with all of this. Give us the…
First off, yayy! I found the group! Thank you for creating it! I think now that I know other people that are in the same situation as I am (post baby, wanting to work out again) I'm even more motivated to start up again!! Ekk! :) I decided to splurge on myself the past few weeks, I've bought workout dvds, new weights, yoga…
New to the group
Hey ladies I'm BBC april 2013 birth club i sent everyone friend request just wanted ro say hello and good luck to everyone =)
Tips and Tricks
While losing weight we've all found tips and tricks that help us through the process. What things help you to get (or stay) motivated or to keep snacking to a minimum? When I was successful here are some things I did; If I have a lot of calories left at the end of the day I'd have a glass of milk as a snack. Planning my…
30 day Crunch Challenge: Anyone want to join me???
Starting July 1, 2013 I am starting a 30 day Crunch Challenge. If anyone would like to join me please feel free. July 1: 20 crunches 2 sets July 2: 25 crunches 2 sets July 3: 30 crunches 2 sets July 4: 35 crunches 2 sets July 5: 40 crunches 2 sets July 6: REST July 7: 45 crunches 3 sets July 8: 50 crunches 3 sets July 9:…